I love you babe

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Y/n pov : We all picked our own cars to the award function and decided to leave. Me, tae n jimin. Jungkook n minnie. Bitch with her b***h self. " Where's Tae?" I asked jimin. " Just bother about yourself. Will you?"I know this voice. Taehyung. He opened my car door and gestured me to go inside. I smiled at him and mouthed a thankyou. He acted like he didn't bothered at all, but we both knew the truth. I seated in the car with jimin beside me. I held his hand and rested my head on his shoulder. "Is tae not coming with us?" " He is." jimin called him to come and heard a knock on our window. I lowered the glass assuming it's tae. Aish.. f**k this b***h. " Simmu? " jimin asked her. "My car tyre was punctured chimmy. I don't know which fucker did that, but... What to do now?" she whined. Uff! Give me a break b***h. " Oh shit.... Then how about you join us?" jimin offered which she agreed immediately, as if she planned for the whole thing to happen. She went to either side of the car to sit beside jimin. But never entered inside. " You know, there's no way am allowing a popular actress like you to share a car. Wouldn't it be a loss of face?" tae stopped her by holding her hand. My Lifesaver. " But your allowance doesn't take me to the function right? It's already getting late and I gotta leave. " she said abidely and almost struggled to free her hand from tae's. " And why is that? There's my car. I will give you a ride. Come on." tae dragged her to his car. "Oooff" I relaxed. " What happened?" jimin asked me. " N..nothing'. I responded back. " Y/n I am not buying that. Tell me you have been acting weird this whole day. Is something's bothering you? " he looked at me with suspiciously. Ok, I shouldn't keep secrets between us. I have to openup. " I am sorry, but samantha is not giving me good vibes. I don't know why, I think I don't like her." I confessed to him. Whereas he tried to control his laugh. 'What the...' " You don't have to hold yourself back. Just laugh as much as you can. I know, its childish to be jealous over my husband's ex but I just can't help it." I focused my eyes on the road to avoid any eye contact. " You are jealous?" He tried to tease me. " No, am a human being." I folded my hands and acted like nothing happened at all. " You know you are the worst at jokes, right?" he poked my cheek. " Huh! You are no good even.," " Yeah but atleast am better than you". He shrugged. Damn him and his ex. They ruined my evening. " whatever " I rolled my eyes at him. " babe, you seriously gonna give me this silent treatment. And that too because you are jeal-" " Its not only about her." I stopped him for talking further. " Then?" " You knew it, am nervous about this night. Can I really pull this off? " I asked him unsurely. " Don't worry. It's gonna be alright. I will be there with you all night. So dont be bothered." he pulled me closer to his heart and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I will try". . . . As we arrived to our destination, my heart started to beat abnormally. Sweat started to drip on my forehead, my hands and legs were trembling. By that time, Jimin already stepped out of the car, waiting for me to join him. He opened the door, and offered his hand to me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 'Come on y/n, you can do it'. I plastered a smile and accepted his hand, we both walked on that great red carpet, cameras, reporters, security, fans... I thought I could handle it but couldn't. I felt nauseous enough that my insides started to churn. Its too much to handle. But I didn't complain, not wanting ruin my husband's night too. We started giving poses to the media as he held his hand on my waist , I clutched on jimin's collar and hid my face in his chest. "Babe.. You okay?" "Yeah, am fine." "Are you sure you're alright?" he asked concernedly. I can't make a scene right now. It will lead to exclusive news, gossips, rumours etc., " Yeah am-" " Hey Chimmy!!" samantha came and hugged him. " Hey you are late." jimin hugged her back and wishpered in her ears. " Blame tae, he is a slow driver." she pouted. Huh! " Simmu and Chimmy... Simmu and Chimmy..." fans shouted, whilst samantha smirked at me and waved her hand at their fans, while holding jimin's hand with other hand. Jimin looked at me smiling tightly and waved his hand at their fans leaving my waist. It was normal in this industry, I know.. Control... Breath... Y/n. " Why don't you both pose for cameras, while I will accomplany y/n the meanwhile?" tae popped out of nowhere. Jimin looked at me as if he was asking if I am okay with it. I smiled and nodded at him letting him know am fine. "Lets go y/n". We both seated and started discussing random things. But our talks doesn't felt genuine as if we both were talking just to fill in the time. "You know you can tell me if something's bothering you." tae said. "I am good.What about you?Are you feeling fine?" "Why wouldn't I be fine?" he was confused. "I mean your boss is nominated for many awards. Don't you feel anxious or excited?" " Trust me you are very bad at diverting topics. " he said irritantingly. "Ok.... As you see, I don't like samantha. You can make fun of me but-" "I know you would." tae cut me off casually. "What?" "Yeah, she's definitely not acting as a friend or co-actress but like a possesive ex-girl friend who wants to reclaim her boyfriend. And a part of it, is true." tae eyed me seriously. "What do you mean by that?" I asked him. "As far as I observed, she wants jimin back. She really is trying hard this time." My mind shattered totally listening to his words. "Even After their breakup, she never left him alone, like she is obsessed with him. But she never let him know that. I want to you to be careful with her. Ok?" he held my hands and asked me. "I don't know what to say." "Don't worry y/n. You won't loose jimin. His eyes are only on you." he tried to cheer me. " I know" i smiled at him. We both looked at jimin whose coming at our direction. Tae stood up and turned to leave, but stopped and bent down right before my face. This is the first time we were this close. "And don't worry. I won't tease you" he wishpered in my ears and left which made my heart skipped for a second.  "Hey you both looked serious. What were you talking about?" Jimin asked, I felt like I have been interrogted. "Nothing serious. Its about awards." "Ok" he didn't seem convinced but still dropped the topic which I am grateful for. . . "So the best on-screen romantic couple award goes to.......hmmm... As always... Mr.Jimin and Ms.Samantha. Congratulations." Song joong ki, my favourite actor announced the award. Everyone clapped and cheered for the couple, yes, including me. I congratulated both of them, jimin seemed so happy as well as samantha. Jimin hugged samantha and they went to receive the award. "How are you feeling about this award Mr. Jimin?" anchor asked him. "Well, I always believe in understanding. We trusted each other and put our everything out there for a perfect scene. We have always been the bestfriends and that helped us a lot in understanding eachother which leads to good chemistry and support from each other. Thank you sam and thank you my dear fans for supporting me." Jimin sounded as professional as he can. Wow.. He looked so happy. "Yeah, even I agree with him. We always have that understanding - she looked at me - I know him well enough and he knows me better than anyone. And I am really looking forward to do more movies with you chimmy." she looked at jimin. " Me too simmu." he placed his hand on his heart as a sign of sincerity which made all of them laugh, but it burnt me from inside. Tae squeezed my hand and nodded, somehow it calmed me down. " You both seemed really understanding so that you both wore matching costumes. Impressive......" anchor tried to tease them. As they both denied it playfully and laughed with him. Control.... Y/n, control, he is yours anyways. "Jimin and Samantha.. No, Chimmy and Simmu such a cute pair you both were. We will always love you and cheer for you. Thank you." "Yeah thank you." they both left the stage. What pained me the most is, jimin didn't mentioned me once, not even a glance was spared at my direction. 'Well, what you are expecting even? He would hold that award and dedicate it to you? Then your expecting a lot y/n. Let him enjoy his evening. ' . . The evening went well, jimin received another award for popular face of the year, but missed the style icon award. Lots of performances held till now, and I am eagerly waiting for best actor award and jimin's performance. We both merely talked as we both were busy watching the show. Ok...., jimin was busy talking to everyone as they congratulated him. All this time tae accompanied me. I mentally thanked god for having someone aside me. That's when I remembered minnie and kookie. They didn't come yet, I tried calling them but noone picked. I became nervous with ridiculously possible outcomes that started popping in my head. I asked tae about them, where jimin is 'busy' talking to others. He called others, and confirmed me that everything's fine. "Finally the most awaited best actor award" it caught everyone's attention including mine. The respective nominees were announced, and anchor again called song joong ki oppa to present the award. Awee, my shitty evening is somewhat getting better whenever I saw him smiling at me, ok...., at audience. Aish, Forget it. He talked about his evening and all and finally came to the main point. "So, the best actor award goes to..., Ahh how I wish my name was here instead of Mr. Park Jimin......"He announced out of nowhere, everyone was suddenly surprised at first but eventually cheered for him. Jimin hugged me tightly and smiled, murmuring Yes, yes in my ears repeatedly whereas I patted his back telling him he deserved it. He went to receive the award and bowed to his senior who congratulated him and hugged him. ' How I wish I am in jimin's place..... b***h wake up, you got better, infact the best.' I am just staring at them with my dream eyes. " Down to earth. Will you?" tae waved his hand infront of me. I glared at him with all of my might. "I really am happy for receiving this award. I don't know what to say. Thank you so much my crew and my fans for your support. I love you all. Seriously... And...., I want to dedicate this award to my beautiful wife sitting over there." he pointed his award to me and suddenly everyone's attention, cameras turned to my direction. "I won't say I got this award solely because of her, but she definitely is one of the reasons. She supported me a lot during the shooting. Whenever am with her, I can be at peace. She's like my comfort place, my stress reliever. She helped me at lot in keeping my mental health in check,thank you babe.. I love you and thats why I want to dedicate this award to you. " he sent me a flying kiss where am I, tears starting welling up in my eyes. How can he do that? Like oh my god, can he just stop being so perfect for the f**k's sake. I somehow controlled my tears, fearing it would ruin my makeup but couldnt stop my cheeks turning deep red. Everyone, finally cheered our couple for the first time and I felt relieved. He finished his speech and directly came to me, and hugged me while kissing my forehead as he handed me his award. "I love you babe."
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