You are mine

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Jimin POV : "Sir....  I couldn't find what they are talking. It's just he looked really pissed and he never stopped glaring at me all the time. So I left as soon as I took their orders. " sarah said. "What do you mean by you couldn't?  I didn't pay you, to hear this. f*****g find out. " I yelled at her in a silent tone, not wanting to gain any attention in the cafe. I am sitting at the corner, far away from y/n and that bastard Tae. I am really holding myself from barging over there and kick that fucker in the balls. He bloody smiling at her, and y/n.... She seemed so into whatever he's saying. How dare she?  She tried to go behind my back to meet taehyung. Is this why she asked to give her privacy, so that she can hang around with him!!? I mean it's only fair to think like that., she didn't even informed me or said a thing about meeting Tae here....., far away from my sight. What I am going to do with you y/n....? What if they together planned to stay in Hudson?  Does that mean they both are in a affair until now? f**k!!!  No!!  Don't loose it jimin. You don't know it yet. If don't believe Tae... Believe y/n. She will never do that to you. Have faith in her. Y/n POV : "What!!?  No!! " "Are you going to stay there and eavesdrop our conversation? " I questioned the waitress, the one who served us. She stood behind Tae in a safe distance and it looked like she's trying to hear us. Taehyung glared at her. She instantly denied my question and left. I felt strange. But right now I want to concentrate in whatever discussion we both are having. " And back to the point, I want to be honest with him. I assume you already know our relationship status. I can't do this to him. I was this much close to give you my virginity yesterday. And he never once did any thing wrong to deserve that. He's precious taehyung. I don't want to find him out in other ways. It will ruin our lives. " I told him. He seemed pretty displeased. "Okay... Do as you like. But please give me some time before you do that, can you? " he asked me. "Why ?" "Because I need to sort out things.. And do you really have to tell him? It will ruin our friendship, it will cause disturbance in your relationship, and there's a huge chance we never gonna see each other again. Our bond will be in danger. Us. " he held my hand and slightly squeezed it. And I never really thought of all these possibilities. I always thought it's about honesty and loyalty, but they can happen. Jimin is kind, warm, lovely but he's also a human. And he have feelings. And they may get hurt. Our lives can never be as clean as before. What should I do? "Seems like you didn't thought about all of these." "I...  I- yes. " I answered him honestly. "How about you postpone this whole thing for a while?  Hmm? " he asked. "I really want to be honest with him about whatever happened between us. But it can cost us our lives and happiness. I got it." I looked up to his face and was really triggered by that waitress behind him trying to eavesdrop us. God sake!! "Do you have any manners.... Mrs.. Sarah? " I asked her in a quite irritating tone after looking up her name on her tag. "Sorry? " Tae crunched his eyebrows in confusion  and turned back. "What is your problem?  No seriously, what's your problem? You have been eavesdropping us from like our beginning. What do you want?  Why are you so interested in our convo?" I raised my voice gaining all the attention but it doesn't scare me instead encouraged me to rage at her and I don't know why. "I...  I just-" "You know what I need ur manager here in five. Now!! " I demanded her. Hearing this mess an old man appeared from the front desk. " Is there any problem here mam? " he asked me politely. I told him everything and accused her for invading our privacy. He flat out dismissed her in front of all after giving her a loud hearing. I felt bad for her, I meant to get her some scoldings and all., but not this. She cried and barged out of the restaurant. My eyes followed her, as she straight away went to man in his black and black outfit, all covered. He seemed similar. He directed her into a black car which looks exactly like jimin's. What!!? I just shrugged it off. Not all black cars are jimin's. I turned my attention to tae hyung. He seemed pretty amazed. "I am definitely not used to this side of you y/n." tae said with a proud look. "Being with you people, changed me. " "And are you regretting it?" " That we will see. " I left the cafeteria after a huge fight with taehyung, convincing him not to tag along with me. Man!!  He is persistent. . . I finally reached to my destination. It's make me feel really calm and cool that I actually don't have to deal with any of the s**t happening with my life right now. I can have a moment for myself, I feel free. Not that jimin's controlling my life or something, but I somehow feel free. He never said no to me, he always respected my choice. Simply, my choices matters when I am with him., where no-one ever gave a damn about them including taehyung. Now I have to calm my nerves and focus on my life. Jimin POV : I took Sarah to my house after consoling her for losing her job because of me. She just didn't stopped crying and here am loosing my mind to find out what happened with y/n and Tae. "Sarah...  Stop crying. " "I..  I just- I don't know what to do sir. I lost my only job. How I am going to live now? " she sobbed. "Hey it's just a stupid waitress job at a small cafe. Why are you overreacting? " I asked her. "No sir,  you don't get it. I get really high pay there., more likely tips. But now I got nothing." "If it's about money, I will pay you. I will pay you whatever money you need. Basically I am the reason for your loss, so now stop crying." I tried to sound as calm as I can. "okay..... " she stopped crying after hearing me. "Now tell me what you heard there. " "It's just I couldn't make it all thorough. They always spotted me, and I never got to listen there full convo. But I did heard something worthy. That guy said he loves her and said even she's feeling something else about him, she didn't deny it. And before she said anything that guy snapped at me to leave. I left." she shrugged while I am struggling to withhold myself from strangling taehyung's throught. That fucker!!! "What happened the next time you went there? " I asked with Red eyes. She panicked seeing me like that. "I... I went there..  and... and she talked about something she needs to tell some guy jimin.... about what happened between those both, and he said it could cost their lives and happiness. I assume they are having... an affair sir. " she said without blinking her eyes. So this is the thing y/n is so disturbed about!! She... She's been cheating on me. Is she loving him? She left me to secretly f**k that bastard and I encouraged her with it!!? She is going to leave me for that fucker!!? No wait jimin, you know nothing sure. Don't assume things. No y/n, you can't and you won't love anyone other than me. "Sir, by any chance you are jimin, the guy they talked about? " she asked. I can see pity in her eyes. It fueled my anger even more. "Ummm... Jimin....?? " I turned my head to see Sarah. "It's you. You are jimin right?" she walked to me and took me into her embrace. She's trying to comfort me in her hug. And for a second I was relaxed. It felt  like y/n's hug. I hugged her tight, closing my eyes. And by the time I opened them, I see y/n standing in front of me. "Don't worry jimin. It's going to be alright. I will be here for you." she said while patting my shoulders. "Y/n......" "No I am Sarah." she said confusingly. I shoke my head and deepened my gaze, seeing Sarah's face instead of y/n's. It literally broke my heart, and just like that, I couldn't see anything but RED.....  I am fuming and shaking with anger. "You said you need money. How much? " I asked Sarah. "I don't know...  My overall income is like 1000 dollars per month. " she said after calculating for some time. And I know she's lying, I mean who earns 1000$ working in a cafeteria. But at this point, I don't care. I went to my desk and pulled out a 100000$ check and placed it in table. Her eyes sparkled after realizing what I offered her. This woman...... I signalled her to take the check, she popped her hand out and just about to take the check but I held her hand, smirking in a dangerous way. She looked at me questionably. I dragged her to my couch and started to undress myself, giving her time to process everything. I harshly threw my shirt at the corner and strayed unbuckling my pants, and I can see her gwaking at my body. All woman are same. But y/n.... My y/n... It boiled my blood just by a mere thought of her. Is she also a slut like Sarah?  No!!!  How can I even think about her like that!!? I must have lost my mind. Whatever it is, y/n won't leave me. She won't.  If she gonna leave me, she wouldn't had discussed about telling whatever happened between both of them to me. I will hang on it. I came into reality when I felt a hand wandering my body, hesistantly. She's afraid., which will bring me a lots of fun. I smirked. I lifted her to my range and tore her tiny pitite dress to my liking. Her body welcomed me with a two see through peices of her red lingerie. She moaned at my action. I went to my desk for a condom until she grabbed me by my hand and kissed me. I am not in a mood for a kiss but to fuck., to let my steam off. That's it. I parted from our kiss and looked her in the eye. "Hmm... Eager, aren't we? " I trailed my hands through her breasts and unclipped her bra as well as get rid of her panty. She kneeled down and opened my pant zipper, always maintaining eye contact. She took my p***s out and started stroking it, as I let out small breaths. Damn!!  She's an expert at it, I imagined it doing with y/n, and my d**k became hard instantly,  she smirked thinking it's because of her. I laughed internally for it. She gave a light squeeze to my hard and licked it from up to down. I closed my eyes only to picturize y/n doing it. Damn!!  That would be so sexy. Her plumpy lips around me...... f**k!! I reached her head and forced my d**k into her mouth. She started sucking on it. I didn't give her time to adjust as I continuously f****d her mouth rough. I couldn't stop myself from imagining y/n in Sarah's place. It is making me unexplainably exciting and hard. Tears started forming on the verge of her eyes as she choked, as she couldn't take it anymore. But I continued it for few more minutes until I am satisfied. She coughed continuously for a minute while regaining her posture and bent on her fours, not wanting to waste any time. I liked it when someone was purely under my control. "Do it. I am on pill." "Hmm.... Mmm? " "Just f**k me jimin. Please...... " she begged me. "It's sir. " I plunged my whole length into her without any warning for which she screamed her lungs out. I bend down to her ears but didn't move. " You understand? " I wishpered it. "I am sorry sir. Now please f**k me." she really is a w***e. Good for me., I don't have to feel guilty about her, not that I care. "Good girl." I started f*****g her with all the rage I have got so far. She screamed high, which satisfied me. I turned her to other side for changing the angle and went deep into her, at some point she started screaming to stop., which I didn't. Deep down we both know, she's enjoying it. I f****d her for a good amount of time until we both reach our highs. She tried to kiss me but I stopped her. "We just f**k and go. That's it. Leave. " I said while wearing my pants l,  as she wore hers. "I know what you are going through jimin. And trust me, I am really here to help you. As for s*x, I am sure, I satisfied you in the ways, y/n can't. So why can't we just be a good support to each other?" she asked my trailing her hands to my chest, as in the attempt to hug me. "Get the f**k out b***h!! You think you satisfied me!!! I f****d you this whole time imagining y/n in your place. My y/n isn't the one who w***e around with others for money. You got it? " I shouted. "Huh!!  Unlike y/n, at least am whoring while am single. Not while I am married to someone. She's going to leave you after all. Thank you for the pay and the besttttt f**k anyways." she shoved the check in her bag and left leaving me outraging. My nerves popped out of my body. Y/N.... Y/N.... Y/N... She can't. No. She is mine. No-one's going to snatch you away from me.  Not even you, yourself. You are mine.
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