Chapter 4

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Kyle! Where are you? Chelsey yells at me through mindlink Stop yelling Chelsey. I already have a headache trying to find your brother, I don’t need you making it worse. I’m in the war room. Sorry. I’m coming over with Kenzi. Don’t move from there. Sure enough, 15 minutes later, Kenzi and Chelsey barge into the war room and bombard me with questions about Alex. I don’t have much to tell them, as I don’t know much about what happened myself. I did reassure them that Marie would’ve felt it if anything happened to Jackson, as they were marked and mated. If Jackson was still alive, then chances are Alex, Fred and Julien are as well. I also reassured them that I would keep them updated if any new information came to light. I feel bad for Kenzi. She’s a pregnant human who just found out about werewolves. To top it off, she’s mated to one, though she doesn’t wear Alex’s mark yet. It hasn’t been long since those two actually started dating, and now Alex goes missing. She doesn’t deserve that. She’s a sweet girl. She’s been helping out at the clinic, patching up our injured warriors. I wonder what she must think of all this. It took a good twenty minutes to calm them down enough for both of them to leave me to my work. This week was a rough one, I think to myself as I stare at the map in front of me. It’s marked with areas the warriors have checked. Our warriors and trackers were making progress. They had it narrowed down to three possible places, signified by the three circles on my map. Those areas will get checked out later today. I hope for everyone’s sakes that they are in one of those three locations. Marie came by daily for updates. She seemed to be doing a little better than when I first saw her at the hospital. She was still pale and I doubt she was getting much sleep, but at least she was out and about, keeping busy probably to avoid thinking about Jackson too much. She plans on being here when my warriors call me later on today. I don’t want to think about her reaction if they don’t find him today. Marie and I are waiting by the phone in the war room. Any minute now, our warriors should be calling with an update. As if they could sense me thinking about them, the phone rings. I put it on speakerphone as soon as I pick up. “You’re on speakerphone. Luna Marie<s with me. What did you find boys?” “Hum, hello Luna Marie and Beta Kyle.” The warrior seemed nervous on the other side of the line “We were able to track them to what we think is a hunters lab” I hear Marie gasp. “Have you seen them. Are they ok?” She asks them. “We haven’t seen them but the hunter we caught and questioned confirms they captured four men a little over a week ago and they have been held here since. He says they are alive...for now. It appears the lab is underground with only one point of entrance. We can’t approach more without getting caught. We have the placed surrounded and are keeping an eye out for any unusual activity.” “Do you have an estimated number of hunters at this location?” I ask “From what we have gathered, only 4 or so hunters inside. There are another 50 or so spread out around the shed. Most are using tents” “The shed?” I ask, not quite understand what he means by it. “The shed is the hidden entrance to the underground lab.” “Ok. We need to overpower them. They will probably use their tranq guns against us. I can send about 75 men. I can probably get Silver Lake to send us another 50 men. We attack tomorrow” “No! We need to send the men now!” Marie cry's out. “If we go now without Silver Lake, the Hunters have a chance against us. Jackson can hold on for one more night. He’s tough Marie, you know that. With Silver Lake’s help we are guaranteed the win. If we let them overpower us, Jackson will die. We can’t take that chance. Hang in there, he will be home tomorrow.” Marie nods her head at me, letting me know she is letting me do it my way. “I’ll send a first team your way as soon as I hang up. They can help patrol the area with you and let you rest before the fight tomorrow. The rest of us should make it by noon. Wait for my arrival before attacking.” I let them know. “Yes sir.” He replies We hang up and I message the warriors that will be heading out tonight. Marie goes to the kitchen to help the Omega’s prep some to go bags with food and drinks. I then make the call to the Alpha of Silver Lake. They have been a close ally of ours for years now, and as expected, he agrees to send us 50 of his warriors to help us get our men back. They will also leave at first light to meet us there at noon at the given coordinates. I spent the night making sure everything and everyone was ready for the big day tomorrow. I drew up battle plans and looked at satellite coverage and maps of the area to give me a good idea of what to expect. The coordinates showed an area about a four hour drive away. We could probably make it in about 2 to 3 hours in wolf form, cutting through the forest instead of using the roads. Only one dirt road could be found close to the coordinates. My guess, it’s the road the hunters use to get in and out of the place. I’ll make sure to have some wolves guarding the road in case any of them try to escape. The coordinates lead to a very wooded area which should provide us cover if they shoot at us with their tranq darts. Marie meets up with me first thing in the morning in the war room. She is awfully quiet this morning. We were about to leave when Kenzi and Chelsey barge into the room and run towards Marie. I hear Kenzi ask when she and Marie were leaving. I had to intervene. “You're not going anywhere” I tell her in a stern voice as I approach her “Alex is there and Marie just said he might be severely injured. You need me to patch them up so we can bring them home.” “You’re pregnant Kenzi! There’s no way Alex would want you in harm's way. You can help him when we get him to the clinic” She turns her attention to Marie. And gives her the big puppy eyes. “They are hours away. What if they’re not stable enough for the trip to the clinic.” When Marie doesn’t respond, she turns her eyes back towards me. How a human can do puppy eyes like that is beyond me. “I could go with you but stay far enough away from the fighting, with Marie and anyone else of your choosing. As soon as it's safe enough for us to approach, you could mindlink Marie and we could make our way over. That way I could treat our men so they are stable enough to come home with us.” Marie seems to have found her voice and chimes in “She does have a good point. They will need medical attention after a week with the hunters.” “Fine, however both of you will stay at a safe distance along with two warriors until I tell you it's safe to come closer. Is that clear?” I can’t believe I let Marie and Kenzi rope me into bringing them along on a rescue mission. A bloody fvcking rescue mission! Jackson and Alex are going to kill me for this, even if all I did was listen to my Luna’s orders. Urgg!!! They better listen to the guards I’m assigning them and stay in the truck until I say so! Kenzi surprises me by jumping into my arms and giving me a big hug. I give her a quick hug back and then deposit her on the ground. Little does she know, I had already planned for two of my warriors to leave with a truck in case our men weren't in any shape to shift and head home in wolf form. I link them quickly, letting them know to wait for Kenzi and Marie before departing. By now Kenzi had already run out of the room so I turn my attention to Marie, letting her know the warriors I assigned to them would be waiting for her in the parking lot with one of the larger pickup trucks. I then grab my bag and head out to meet the warriors that will be leaving with me. One was already in wolf form getting a specially made backpack installed on his back. It kind of looks like one of those dog harnesses with the pockets on the side, just much bigger. I go ahead and drop off my cellphone in one of the pockets, to use in case I need to contact anyone from Silver Lake or members of our pack to far away from me for mindlink. Water bottles and a few energy bars were also found in the bags on his back. “Attention everyone. Stick together and watch each other's back. Now let's go free our Alpha!” I yell to the crowd, getting cheers in response before the warriors in front of me all strip down and shift into their wolf. Off we go!
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