Chapter 3

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Kyle: As Beta, it is my duty to handle pack business while my Alpha and Luna are away. So, as expected, when Jackson, my Alpha and best friend, and his mate and my Luna, Marie, left for Green Mountain pack for a peace treaty, I was left behind to handle the pack. Nothing out of the ordinary. Not even 12 hours after the departure of the Alpha couple, our lead warrior Alex and 6 of his top warriors, chaos exploded around me. It started with a mindlink from one of our men on patrol. Beta Kyle, Luna Marie is entering the border with 4 warriors!!! WTF??? They weren’t supposed to be back for another few days. As I am about to exit the packhouse I receive another mindlink, this time from one of the warriors that had left with them. Beta Kyle, meet us at the clinic. It’s urgent The link is broken before I can reply. What is going on? I shift without giving a damn about my clothes and dash to the clinic. As I enter, I get intercepted by Isabelle, the receptionist and doctor Sam’s mate. “Put these on before heading over to see the Luna. I’m sure the Alpha would appreciate it.” She says as she hands me a pair of shorts and a plain T-shirt. I quickly put them on and head to the door being guarded by two wolves. As I open the door, I hear Kenzi ask where her mate Alex is. “I would like to know that too” I say as I enter the room, closing the door behind me. I’m a little pissed to be kept in the dark so long. The warriors should’ve warned me about the situation as soon as they entered the territory. I look around the room to notice the two female warriors, Vanessa and Kylie, standing by the Luna, all three of them in hospital gowns. Luna Marie is lying in bed whimpering. “We got ambushed by a shooter with a tranq gun. Jackson got hit. Alex, Fred and Julien stayed behind to bring him home while we got ordered to head straight here as fast as possible with the Luna.” Vanessa answers looking at both me and Kenzi. “Was Alex injured?” Kenzi asks. I’m curious to know too. I’ve trained with the guy, he’s a beast, and also a close friend. “No, he was fine when we left him” Vanessa answers. Good. I know Alex will have Jackson’s back. It’s only a matter of time before they show up too. “Beta Kyle, please send a team to help them. We were being pursued. Alpha was unconscious. They might need some extra help.” Kylie adds. “I will. You can go rest. Your Luna is in good hands now.” I let the female warriors know. They bow their heads to me and exit the room. Your Alpha is under attack. I need you to head towards Green Mountain pack now. Stay vigilant and stay as a team. There are enemies with guns on that route. Find our men and bring them home! I mindlink a team of 12 warriors,including some of our best trackers. Yes sir! I hear them answer back. I then link Mike, one of our warriors that I trust implicitely. The Luna is at the clinic. I need guards at her door at all times. Please come relieve Ashton. I will send someone to relieve you in the morning Yes Beta he answers back. I exit the room and look at Damien and Ashton, standing guard. I open a link to both of them. Damien, go home to your family. Ashton, as soon as Mike gets here you are free to go home and rest as well. You three will be her guards for the duration of her stay at the clinic. I want someone guarding her around the clock. Figure out the schedule among yourselves. Yes sir They answer in sync I leave the clinic and head to the packhouse. This is going to be a long night. I start by making a call to the Alpha of Green Mountain Pack. “Hello, Alpha Oliver Wilson speaking” “Hello Alpha. My name is Beta Kyle Martin from the Golden Moon Pack. I was wondering if you have heard from my Alpha this evening?” “No, I can’t say I have. My staff is expecting their arrival anytime now. Should I ask him to call you when he arrives?” “I’m actually hoping he shows up at our own pack tonight rather than yours. You see, they were ambushed on the way to your pack. Our Luna made it back safe and sound, however, she relayed he was held back temporarily. I was just checking to see if he hadn't changed his mind and headed your way after all.” “I’m afraid he hasn’t shown up here.” “Do any of your pack members have a grudge against our pack, Alpha? Only my warriors and I knew of our Alpha’s leave. How many members in your pack knew about our arrival?” “I don’t have any traitors in my pack! We were, and still are, looking forwards to a peace treaty with your pack Beta Kyle!” He roars at me through the phone. “I didn’t mean to make any insinuations, Alpha. I'm only trying to figure out how my pack got ambushed so it doesn’t happen again”. I say, working hard to keep my voice civil. “Humph” Is the only sound that comes out of his mouth. Clearly, he doesn’t quite believe me. I need to tread lightly. I don’t want to start a war with this Alpha, especially if he has nothing to do with this. “As an act of good faith, I’ll send a few of my men just past my borders to check if your Alpha might be close by. When your Alpha does show up, ask him to give me a call. We need to talk.” He says before hanging up the phone. A few hours later, I get a call from the team I sent out to look for Jackson. If Alex was bringing Jackson home, he would’ve been here by now. I’m already prepared to hear the worst. “Beta, we found an area where their scent is still strong. There are signs of a struggle. We found darts on the ground. Smells like a mix of wolfsbane and another substance I can’t quite recognize. We also found some tire tracks. What would you like us to do sir?” The warrior says over the phone. “Are there any bodies?” I ask, worried about the answer I might get. “No bodies. No blood either, unless you count the drops on the darts.” “They must’ve been tranqued. I want you and the rest of the team to track down your Alpha. I want daily updates of your progress. Do not engage with the enemy if you find them. Call for backup. If you run low on supplies, let me know and I will send someone to drop it off for you. Understood?” “Yes Sir. We’ll talk tomorrow. Goodnight.” He says before hanging up. I run my hands through my hair. Tonight just got worst. I decide to reach out to Alex’s dad first, Phil. I know it’s the type of news that would be better announced in person but I have too much on my plate right now to go around to everyone’s house and give them the news in person. Phil, being a retired warrior, would understand me doing this over mindlink. K: Phil. I have some bad news for you. Alex is gone missing, along with Jackson, Fred and Julien. Rest assured that I will do everything in my power to bring him back home in one piece. P: Do you know what happened? K: From what we have figured out so far, the enemy used tranquilizer darts to sedate them and capture them. P: What can I do to help? K: I need you to go get the news out to Fred and Julien’s family, as well as let your own family know. I already have a team trying to track them down. We won’t rest until they are found. I promise. P: You were always a good friend to Alex. I don’t doubt you will do what it takes. I will let the families know. What about Jackson’s parents? K: They are out of town but I will give them a call P: Alright. Keep me updated. K: Will do Sir. As soon as I’m done talking with Phil, I call Jackson’s parents, our previous Alpha and Luna. They were stoic over the phone, keeping a calm demeanor even if I knew inside they must be worried sick for their son. They agreed to cut their trip short and head home as soon as possible to help oversee the pack in Jackson’s absence and help in the efforts to find their son. I really hope we can find him soon and I can put this mess behind us.
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