Chapter 6

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As soon as the car slows down, my heart feels torn. I don’t think I can physically leave my mate’s side right now, but I also have a duty to my Alpha as his second in command. A wave of relief hits me when Kenzi starts ordering the warriors and hospital staff, getting everyone organized and making sure the doctors where up to date with our current situation. I gently lay my mate beside me before hoping off the truck. I lift her back into my arms and head inside the clinic. I notice Kenzi looking my way. I nod at her as a sign of thanks. Normally, I would mindlink but she’s human and therefore isn’t capable of mindlink. Isabelle rushes towards me as soon as she sees me enter. “Oh My God, who do we have here? Has she been out for a while?” “This is my mate. We don’t know her identity yet. She has been unconscious since we found her. The only thing we know so far, from a conversation she had with Fred during their incarceration, is that she came from a pack, so probably werewolf.” “Alrighty then. Follow me upstairs. Looking at her, I’d say she will be here a while. We can set her up in one of the rooms in the long care unit. I’ll have a nurse come right on up to clean her up and get her into a gown. As soon as one of the doctors are available, I will send them to you.” “Thank you, Isabelle.” “You're welcome, now come along” She leads me upstairs and turns right, leading me to the furthest room down the hall. I give Isabelle a confused look. There are multiple rooms in this hall. Why would she give me the furthest one. Wouldn’t it be better for my mate if she had the closest one? What if something happens and she needs medical help quickly? I think Isabelle understood my confusion. “I have no idea what this poor girl went through but given her current condition, I’d say, nothing good. She will benefit from a calmer environment. It will be far from calm in the first part of the hall with the Alpha and our lead warrior in the first two rooms.” I guess that makes sense. We enter the room that would be my mate’s for the foreseeable future. I gently lay her down on the hospital bed, not quite sure what to do next. “Lexie will be in shortly to clean her up. Congrats on finding your mate Kyle.” Isabelle says before taking her leave. I sit down in the chair that’s positioned beside the bed, holding my mate's hand in my own. Minutes later, Lexia comes in, carrying a few things in her hands. She drops them off at the end of the bed before addressing me. “Beta Kyle, I was asked to clean this patient. If you could please give me the room for five minutes. I got you a change of clothes. There’s a shower in the adjoined bathroom. Maybe you could take this time to also get cleaned up” I look at her hesitantly. I’m grimy from the fight earlier and I’m sore all over from ridding in the back of the pickup truck. A shower sounds nice right about now but I also don’t want to leave my mate's side. What if she wakes up while I'm gone? “Beta Kyle, I will take good care of your mate and you will be right on the other side of that door so you will be the first to know if anything changes in her condition. Plus, it’s only five minutes and you don’t want your mate waking up to that” she says, pointing at my dirty naked body. “You will probably scare her even more. Please go wash up while I try to clean your mate up as best I can.” I sigh in defeat. I know she’s right. I grab the pair of joggers and the t-shirt she left on the bed and head into the adjoining bathroom to have a quick shower. My mind was on my mate as I let the warm water cascade down my body, removing the evidence of the fight with it and soothing my sore muscle. I don’t exit until I’m sure all the dirt and blood have gone down the drain. I then go back to the room to find my mate clothed in a hospital gown. Lexie is still in the room, brushing my mate’s hair, trying to get the knots out. My chest feels tight, Blaze howling in my head in pain at the sight of our mate looking almost dead in the bed. Her skin is so pale it’s almost translucent now that it’s been cleaned. Her cheeks are sunken in from malnutrition. My eyes leave my mate’s broken body as I see Lexie move from the corner of my eye. “I’ve done all that I can for now. Dr. Cassandra should be in soon to check up on her” she says before exiting the room. I sit back down on the chair by the bed and take a hold of my mate's hand once again, feeling the light sparks flying at the contact of her skin on mine. I notice the bag of saline is plugged in again with the I.V in her arm and she is now on a monitor showing her heart rate and oxygen levels. The look Dr. Cassandra gave me when she saw my mate for the first time was not a good one. She seemed worried. While looking over my mate’s body she found some puncture wounds. I could also see some yellowing bruises all over and some fresher bruises on her ribs that were still purple in color. Her wrists and ankles were raw and red, showing signs she was tied and bound recently. She seemed even skinnier now that she was clean, if that was even possible. I could count every single rib and even her spine was jutting out. I had to fight with Blaze to stay in control. It hurt both my wolf and I to see her this way. Too bad the M0therfvcker who did this to her is already dead otherwise I’d be pulling out his limbs one by one for doing this to my mate. Dr. Cassandra didn’t say much. She ordered some blood tests as well as a CT scan saying she wanted more information about what we were dealing with before giving a prognosis and a treatment plan. She did warn me she would get the nurse to install a feeding tube so they could get some nutrients in her as soon as possible. I wasn’t allowed to follow my mate into the radiology wing, something about radiation or whatever. I put up a fight but they wouldn’t budge so I decided to start my report of tonight’s events. Jackson will be wanting it as soon as he comes to. Jeff, any way you can get my laptop to the clinic? I ask our Gamma through mindlink. I’m already at the clinic getting Fred and Julien’s statements. I can come see you afterwards for yours and then handle the paperwork. I heard you found your mate. Is she alright? I don’t know yet. They are running tests on her. Where are the boys at? I can come meet you. In the exam rooms. They will get released shortly. They’re in bad shape but nothing their wolves can’t heal once the wolfsbane is out of their system. Seems like Jackson and Alex got the brunt of the torture. And my mate... I thought to myself as I headed down the stairs. I found them easily enough. Fred was recounting his version of events when I entered the room they were occupying. I waited patiently for him to finish and then it was my turn to explain how the rescue mission went. Jeff took down notes while I talked, making sure he wouldn’t forget any details later when he would write the report for Jackson. The report will also be filed in our archives and a copy would be sent to the council. They needed to be notified about the rescue mission, especially since it involved humans. It was within our rights to rescue our men and defend ourselves against the hunters, but human police might come sniffing around when they find out those men are missing. It would be up to the council to handle it if it comes to that. “Laura is on her way with your laptop as well as some toiletries and clothes. She figured you would probably be staying here for the night.” “Thanks. I’m going to head back up and see if my mate is done with her exams. You think you can send Laura up when she gets here? Last door to the left.” “Sure thing, man. Are you alright?” “Yeah, don’t worry about me. Any news about Jackson and Alex?” “Last I checked they were unconscious but stable” “Ok. Thanks for taking care of the paperwork. My mind’s elsewhere tonight.” “Understandable. I would be going crazy if Laura was injured. I’ll send her up as soon as she gets here. I’ll check up on you tomorrow” I left Jeff and headed back upstairs, needing to be close to my mate.
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