Chapter 7

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When I got back to the room, my mate was already there. Dr. Cassandra and Lexi were also there, plugging my mate to some machine. “What’s going on? Is she ok?” I ask in a panic, entering the room. “I need you to take a seat. As soon as I’m done setting up the dialysis machine, I will explain everything.” Dr. Cassandra says without even looking at me. The chair that was once beside her bed was pushed over to the corner of the room. I walk over to it and plop down, my energy levels draining. Today was a long day. Heck this whole week was a long week and I haven't slept in so long. I wait patiently for Dr. Cassandra to finish and as promised, she started explaining to me what was going on with my mate. “It’s not good Kyle. Blood test show severe anemia, which I’m not surprised considering her condition. What did surprise me however is the levels of poisons in her blood. We found high levels of Wolfsbane, Silver, Lead and Nightshade in her system. It’s enough to kill someone. We need to remove those substances from her bloodstream as fast as possible. This machine will circulate her blood and clean it for her, removing the poisons from it and hopefully give her a fighting chance. The scans weren’t much better. We could see the lead poisoning accumulating on her bones suggesting she has been exposed to it for quite a while. She has too many reconciled fractures to count. The only fresh ones are her ribs, which will take a few weeks to heal fully. We were able to confirm that she is in fact a werewolf. I assume the poisons in her system are keeping her wolf at bay. Depending on how long she has been a captive, she might not have shifted yet, and might never be able to. But I can’t say for certain. We will have to wait and see.” My throat was dry, my heart was tight, and my mind was shutting down after all that information. I barely manage to nod at the doctor before looking past her at my mate. She nods back and makes her exit. I just sit there, unable to move. My poor mate suffered so much. Will she ever wake up? I just stare at my mate until my exhaustion takes over and I fall asleep, still sitting up in the chair. The week went by terribly slowly. There was too much work for Jeff to handle it all on his own so I had no choice but to do my job even if I hated leaving my mate’s side. Laura was a godsent. She would come and take my place so I could take over the training sessions, knowing I didn’t like leaving my mate alone. I would find her reading to my mate when I would get back. It was really sweet. I had a blown-up mattress installed in the room so I could sleep somewhat more comfortably than in the chair. The nurses also lent me a small table on wheels so that I could work on my computer while staying by my mate’s side. I was relieved to know that both Jackson and Alex were recovering just fine, but I was really looking forwards to my mate waking up. Dr. Cassandra did have some good news about the latest blood panel. The poisons in her system were diminished considerably, the dialysis having done its job. The doctor seemed hopeful for her to wake up in the upcoming days. Fingers crossed. Ava: My body feels so heavy. I try to move my fingers but it feels like they weigh a ton. I manage to flutter my eyes open with some difficulty. I don’t recognize the room I’m in. It’s dark in here but the light coming off the monitor allows me to see a little bit. Maybe they transferred me to a new lab? This room has some similarities with the white room, but it’s also different. My wrists and ankles aren’t bound and they don’t burn. The bed is actually comfortable and plush, compared to the hard exam table they used to tie me to. Looking around me, I notice a window as well as an open door that seems to be leading to a bathroom. Oh, how I wish I could soak in a bathtub right now. That’s when I notice that it actually smells good in here. I sniff myself and realize I feel and smell clean for the first time in a very long time. There’s also another smell in the air. Eucalyptus maybe. Looking around I notice the shadow of a very large man sleeping on the floor. Who is he? If he’s a guard, he will be in deep trouble for sleeping on shift. I try to adjust my position to get a better view of him when he suddenly sits up straight. I wasn’t able to hold back my scream, startled to see the man move. “I won’t hurt you” His voice comes out hoarse from having just woken up. He takes a step back just to flood the room with light, making me wince and shut my eyes closed. Seeing my reaction, he turns the lights off again. “Sorry, I just thought you might want some light to feel more at ease, I didn’t think it would hurt you.” He then decides to turn on the flashlight on his phone and puts it down on a little table, allowing the room to be dimly lit up. “My name is Kyle Martin. I’m the Beta for the Golden Moon Pack, which is where you are right now.” “He was right” I say barely over a whisper. I couldn't believe it. The guy in the cell, he wasn’t lying. The man in the room gave me a curious glance. “Who was right?” he asks “The warrior. He said his pack would come save him and his Alpha. I didn’t believe him.” My throat was dry and I had a hard time getting the words out. The man approaches me, handing me a glass of water with a straw in it. I take a few sips. It feels like heaven as the cool water slides down my parched throat. “You're talking about Fred. We couldn’t leave our men in the hands of hunters.” “They left me...” I didn’t mean to say it out loud but the look of pain that crossed the man’s face clearly told me I had. “Who’s they? What pack are you from? Do you have any family you would like us to reach out to?” I just shook my head. “Can you at least give me your name?” “Ava” I answer. I don’t know why I trusted this man, but everything in me felt safe around him. It was so weird. I haven’t felt safe in so long but in this moment, I knew I would be ok. “Ava, beautiful name for a beautiful lady. I should probably let you rest. We can talk more in the morning. I’ll be right over here if you need me.” The man went back to the mattress on the floor, turning off the light from his cellphone. I tried to fall back asleep but so much was going on in my head. Would I be safe here? Why have I never heard of the Golden Moon Pack? I visited many packs with my father, this one wasn’t one of them. When I finally managed to fall asleep, it was to nightmares of the white room and the men that would guard it. “Wake up baby, it’s just a dream. You're ok now. Open up your eyes for me” His voice was soothing and my body listened, opening up my eyes to see his worried ones looking down at me. “Hey, you were having a nightmare. You want to talk about it?” He asks, concerned. I shake my head no. I don’t even know this guy, I sure as hell won't start divulging my nightmares. Beta Martin gently removes a stand of hair that was stuck to my face and places it gently behind my ear. The contact of his hand against my skin produces tingles. I look at him startled, making him quickly remove his hand. “The tingles?” I look at him confused “You feel them too?” he asks, hopeful. I nod my head yes. “Beta Martin, are you my mate?” I ask, not having my wolf to confirm it for me. “Please call me Kyle, and yes, we are mates. You are safe here with me. I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.” I have always wanted a mate. That’s why I would follow my dad to all his Alpha meetings. The girl I used to be would be thrilled to be mated to a Beta, but I’m not that girl anymore. The hunters, they broke me. I don’t think I can be the mate Kyle deserves. Tears fall down my eyes. “Baby, don’t cry. What’s wrong?” “I don’t know if I can be your mate” I say sadly “Just give me a chance. I promise we can take this slow. I won’t hurt you, I swear” He says, pain evident from his strained voice. The look of distress in his eyes makes my heart clench. How can this specimen of a man actually want me? “Are you sure? I don't know if I can be a good Beta female anymore.” I'm scared of his response. Part of me wants him to love me so bad, but another part is scared of what it would mean to be mated to a Beta. Beta females are supposed to be strong and fierce, and I feel far from that right now. “Baby, just give us a chance.” He pleaded with me. “Okay” I whisper back, scared about what that would entail but also hopeful for my future for the first time in a very long time.
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