Chapter 8

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It wasn’t long before a nurse showed up and Kyle had to leave for work, promising he would be back in a few hours. The nurse was kind and after having the go ahead from the doctors, was allowed to remove all the tubing coming out of my body. I‘m happy my mate isn’t here to see this part. She then had me do a few exercises to get the blood flow going in all my limbs. Being in bed for a week certainly has its downfalls. I felt so stiff everywhere, but I’m not complaining. I’ll take this over my cell any day. “Oh my god, you’re finally awake!!! Kyle didn’t tell me!!!” A pretty lady practically yells as she comes rushing into the room. I don’t recognize her but she seems nice. She has long brown hair tied up in a ponytail, big brown eyes that sparkle with happiness and the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. She was dressed in a pink sundress with white sandals and carried a book in her hands. “Where are my manners. My name’s Laura. I’m the Gamma female. I’ve been reading to you while Kyle is off to training.” She says, signaling the book in her hands. “Hi. I’m Ava” I answer, unsure what else I should say. “It’s a pleasure to officially meet you, Ava. I won’t be needing this now. I have so many questions for you!” She says excitedly, putting the book back in her bag and taking a seat on the chair beside the bed. “I can’t believe Kyle found you while saving Jackson and the boys from those awful hunters. Jackson and Alex just got out of the clinic and they were only prisoners for a week! I don’t know how you managed to survive. How long were you in there for anyways?” Laura was speaking a mile a minute, unable to contain her excitement. “What day are we?” I ask, unsure how to answer her question. “Monday, June 28th. Why?” “June 28th of what year?” I ask. Laura looks at me confused but answers anyways. “June 28th, 2022” “Two years” I whisper to myself. “What!?!” Laura exclaims “I was with the hunters for more than 2 years” I repeat, this time slightly louder. “OH MY GOD AVA! How are you still alive! Your family must be worried sick about you!” I shrug my shoulders at that. “Do you have a family, Ava?” “Yes, but it doesn’t look like they came looking for me so I doubt they miss me.” “You don’t know that. Maybe they couldn’t find you or maybe their Alpha wouldn’t let them?” “My dad is the Alpha, or at least he was.” I say as I hung my head low, trying to keep the tears from falling. “Ok, tell me the one thing you want more than anything else right now and I will try to make it happen for you.” Laura says cheerfully, clearly trying to make me think of happier things. “I would love to have a bath” I answer shyly. She must think I’m a weirdo. “I can work with that!” Laura says excitedly, rushing into the adjoining bathroom and checking it out. “It's not the most luxurious bath in there but it was made for werewolves and since you are tiny, you should fit perfectly. I have a friend coming over with some bubble bath and some cloths for you to get changed into once you're done” “Really?” I can’t quite believe someone I barely know would do that for me. “Yup, she should be here in a minute. She basically lives next door. I just need to grab a few things in the closet across the hall. I’ll be right back” Laura dashes out of the room to come back in a few moments later with a towel, a washcloth and a bar of soap. Shortly after, a knock was heard and a tall blond girl comes in carrying a duffle bag. “Hi, I’m Chelsey. I got you a few things Laura thought you might need.” She says as she enters. She’s about to hand the bag over to me when Laura steals it from her hands. “I’ll be right back” Laura says before disappearing into the bathroom once again. A smile appears on my face as I hear the water running. “So, you’re Kyle’s mate, eh?” “Looks like it” I answer “Can you tell me what the hunters did to you? I know they tortured my brother but he won’t talk about it” “Nothing good happened there” Is all I was willing to answer. By then Laura was walking back out of the bathroom. “You ready?” She asks “Yes” I answer back, some excitement being shown on my face “Alright, let's get you out of bed. Chelsey, you grab her right side, I’ll grab the left.” I was glad to have them on either side of me as I don’t think my legs would’ve permitted me to walk to the bathroom on my own. What I saw when we entered the bathroom took my breath away. The sweet fragrance of lavender soothed my soul as I noticed the bubble bath with lit up candles. On the vanity was a hairbrush, a new toothbrush and toothpaste with a set of cloths neatly folded beside it. On the edge of the tub were all the necessities for the bath: shampoo, conditioner, soap and washcloth. A lone tear makes it way down my cheek. “Thank you” “You’re welcome. Let us help you get into the tub and when you are done, just scream out for me, ok?” Laura says I nod as I untie the gown and let it fall to the grown. Nudity has never been an issue for me. I grew up around werewolves. The gasp that came out of Laura and Chelsey when the gown fell made me regret getting naked in front of them. They gave each other a look but were nice enough not to say anything. Once I was settled in the warm water, the girls exited the room leaving me to my thoughts. The warmth of the water and the soothing scent of lavender had me drifting off, thinking of my life before the hunters, that is until I heard a very worried Beta on the other side of the door. I take my time to wash my hair twice and condition it before reluctantly getting out of the lukewarm water. Kyle: I hated leaving Ava alone but I had already promised to take over Alex’s training session on top of my regular schedule and the next one was in 20 minutes. Duty calls. What helped was the knowledge that Ava was willing to give us a shot. As soon as training was over, I rushed out of there like a bat out of hell. I did a quick pitstop to grab some stuff from home and then rushed back to the hospital. My heart constricts when I get into her room to find the bed empty. I notice Laura in the corner reading her book. “Laura. What happened? Where’s Ava? Is she ok? Why didn’t you link me?” I say worriedly “Whoa cowboy, your mate is just enjoying a relaxing bath. After two years in hell, I think she deserves it.” “So, she’s okay?” I question “Yes, she’s fine.” She reassures me “Two years? Did you get her talking?” It can;t be two years. I must've heard wrong. “Yeah, over 2 years. I have no idea how she got out of there alive, maybe it’s her Alpha blood?” Did I hear this right? Alpha blood. Two years with the hunters. What else does she know that I don't? “She’s the daughter of an Alpha? Did she tell you which one? Shouldn't we have heard about it if a neighboring Alpha lost his daughter?” “I don’t know Kyle. Don’t go stirring the pot. Let her talk to you about it when she’s ready.” “Yeah, you’re right. Anything else I should know about my mate?” “I didn’t get the time to talk to her more than that. Maybe she will feel better after her bath and be willing to talk to you.” "Hopefully. Thanks Laura." “No problem. Let me just check in with her before I leave you two alone.” Laura knocks softly on the bathroom door before asking Ava if she needs any help. “I’ll be out in a minute if you could help me get back to my bed after?” comes my mate’s sweet voice coming through the door. I’m at the door the moment it opens, offering my arm like a gentleman, ready to help her. She giggles and takes a hold of my arm, making my heart melt. I want to hear that sound every day. My mate looked rejuvenated after her bath. A smile even made its way on her beautiful face. She didn’t look as skinny dressed in a pair of loose-fitting cotton shorts and V-neck t-shirt, though I remember clearly what she looked like underneath. It would take a while getting her back to a healthy weight. As soon as Ava is settled, Laura leaves, promising to be back the next day for girl time. I look in her direction and thank her for being there for Ava through mindlink. “So, if I’m going to be your mate, I want to know all about you.” Says my sweet mate, patting the space next to her on the bed. I happily oblige. “Where should I start?”
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