Chapter 11

1468 Words
Ava: I was sitting in bed reading a book Laura lent me when Kyle comes into the room with a huge grin on his face. “I have a surprise for you” Kyle says showing me the picnic basket, bringing it up in front of his chest so I can see it better. It’s a little early to eat but who am I to tell him that when he looks so happy with himself. “You got us a picnic basket. How sweet. Thank you Kyle! It’s such a beautiful day out. It’s too bad I’m not allowed out of this room yet. Maybe we could bring the table by the window and eat there?” I offer “I have a better idea” Kyle says, his smile getting even bigger “I breaking you out of here for the next few hours. I want to show you around Golden Mood pack lands.” “That sounds wonderful, but won't the doctors get mad at us?” I've been wanting to get out of this room but I wouldn't want anyone to be worried about my whereabouts or for the staff to get mad at me. They have been so nice to me so far. “Don't worry. I got Dr. Cassandra to sign off on it." Kyle reassures me I look down at what I’m wearing, some black leggings and a loose-fitting baby blue t-shirt. I don’t really have any other options though. The rest of the clothes Chelsey brought over have already been worn and have yet to be washed. “When did you want to head out?” I ask “You know what they say, there’s no time like the present.” He answers I was getting really excited. After two years, I was finally going to be able to breath in the fresh air as the wind plays with my hair and the sun warms my skin. I hop out of bed and race to the bag Chelsey left me, which was lying by the bathroom door. I remember seeing a pair of sneakers in there, though I haven't had the opportunity to try them on yet. No point when I spend my days lying in bed. Once I’m ready, Kyle takes my hand in his and walks me out of the clinic. As soon as we are out the front doors, I close my eyes and take a big breath in. The sun feels even better than what I had imagined. I just soak it in for a few instants before reopening my eyes, only to find Kyle staring intensely at me. I couldn't quite decipher exactly what was going on behind those eyes. “Ok, where to?” I ask, hoping to get Kyle out of where ever his mind had drifted of too while he was staring at me. Kyle’s smile comes back as he leads me towards a red Jeep in the parking lot. “Hop in baby girl” he says as he opens the door for me. I let go of his hand and hop in before Kyle closes the door and enters on the other side. “So where are we off to?” I ask “It’s a surprise” he answers back with a wink. I really enjoy the ride. I’ve never been in a jeep before. As an Alpha's daughter, I always had to ride in the backseat of the SUV driven by a designated warrior. It felt so freeing having the wind whipping my hair around. It made me think of the days when I ran around in wolf form through the forest back home. I look out the window and notice that the town is cute and seems to be well kept. Clearly this pack takes care of their own. Soon, the houses start getting sparser and were replaced by fields, who were then replaced by thick woods. I felt Kyle’s eyes on me throughout our car ride but I was too immersed with the scenery outside of the car to pay much attention to him. We turn around a bend and I notice what has to be their packhouse. It’s beautiful and massive with four stories of rock wall and wood beams framing the entranceway. Kyle parks and always the gentleman, goes around the jeep to open my door. To my surprise however, instead of heading towards the packhouse, he leads me in the other direction, back towards the woods. I look at him inquisitively. “I will show you the packhouse later, but first, I want to bring you out for a proper picnic. Think of it as our first date night.” I smile wide. I had forgotten about the picnic. I’m so excited. I’ve never been on a date before. It isn’t far to get to the edge of the woods. Once there, Kyle puts the picnic basket down, holds both my hands and looks me in the eyes. “Ava, I know you miss your wolf and I have no doubt that you will be reunited with her in the near future, but until then, Blaze and I thought maybe you would enjoy riding us for a stroll around the woods?” He must’ve noticed the questioning look on my face, because he gives me a reassuring smile before continuing. “One of my best friends has a human mate. You might have met her at the clinic. Her name is Kenzi. Anyways, Alex says he took Kenzi on a date and she rode on Chase’s back through the forest. Blaze would love it if you would do the same with us. I know we can’t mindlink yet but if at any point you need me to stop or slow down or whatever you can let me know. We want to bring you somewhere special for our picnic.” He wants me to ride his wolf? I’ve never heard of such a thing being done but then again, he said his friend did it with his mate so it must be safe right? And I’ve been craving a good run through the woods. I get all excited thinking about it. Bubbling with excitement, I jump onto Kyle, wrapping my arms around his neck as my legs go around his waist. “Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!” I say giddily before giving him a kiss on the cheek “Anything for you baby girl” he says with the biggest smile yet, his arms wrapping me in a tight hug once the shock wore off. He lets me back down after a minute and then takes a step back and starts to strip...right in front of me!!! I saw a glimpse of his amazing six pack before I hide my eyes with my hands. I am not ready to see what he is packing down there!!! I hear Kyle laugh at my expense as he sees me cover my eyes. It sounds melodious to my ears. Seconds later, I feel Blaze licking at my hands. Lowering them, I’m once again amazed at how gorgeous he is. His piercing green eyes seem to see straight to my soul. I pass my hand through his fluffy brown coat before he lays down at my feet, signaling he wants me to climb on his back. I guess this is really happening. I take a big breath in before climbing onto Blaze’s back. He trots over to the basket, grabbing the handle in his jaw before dashing into the woods. I hold on tightly to his fur. Don’t let me fall. Don’t let me fall. Don’t let me fall. I repeat to myself for the first few minutes, afraid I would make a fool of myself. Once the initial shock of riding my mate’s back wore off, I was finally able to enjoy the ride. I looked all around, mesmerized by the blur of trees going by. The smell of the damp moss and pine needles invaded my nostrils, invigorating my senses. Blaze’s paws barely made a sound as they avoided fallen sticks, just light thumping could be heard as his paws connected with the dirt below them. Birds could be heard chirping overhead as well as the sound of smaller mammals scurrying around the forest floor, trying to hide from the predator fast approaching. Images of Maya and I running through the woods back home comes to mind. It gives me renewed faith that one day, it will be her and I again darting left and right through the trees, our mate hot on our tail. The thought fills me with so much warmth and joy, that by the time Blaze slows down near a meadow, I feel at peace with myself and my future.
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