Chapter 10

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Kyle: Ava sure threw me for a loop there by asking to meet Blaze. I know she grew up in a pack and has her own wolf, even if its dormant right now. I also know that wolves aren't the ones who hurt her, however our wolves are the more animalistic side of ourselves. They are more impulsive and aren't known to be gentle and patient. Don't get me wrong, Blaze would never purposely hurt Ava, but I am worried he might be a little too touchy feely for what Ava can handle right now. I know he wants to mark her, heck I do too, but she isn't ready for that. Blaze, I will let you have control in a minute but first you have to promise me, no biting, and that includes marking her, and no sudden movements. If she seems scared you hand the reigns back over to me. Who do you take me for? Promise me Blaze or I won't give you control. Fine, I promise, now let me shift. I want to spend time with mate too! After our quick conversation, I look at Ava and give her one last chance to back out. "You sure you're up for it?" "Yes. If you are my mate, then so is he. I want to get to know him too." I take a step away from the bed. The room isn't huge but there is enough space for a wolf to fit. I close my eyes and with a deep breath, let Blaze take over. My body hunches over and quickly transform into our wolf form. Ava stands up from the bed and hesitantly steps forward, her arm outstretched in front of her, ready to pet us once she got close enough. "Hi Blaze. You're gorgeous. You look a lot like Kyle with your fluffy brown coat and your piercing green eyes. I'm sure Maya will love you. I wish you could meet her right now. I hope she's ok. Hopefully you will get to meet her soon. She's the best wolf a girl could ask for. She always wanted a mate...we both did." Blaze goes ahead and licks Ava in the face, making her giggle. It's the sweetest sound ever. See...Blaze knows how to make mate happy He then proceeded to rub his head all over her, Leaving our scent on her. Did you have to do that! She'll know what you did. We didn't ask if she was ok having our scent on her! You said no biting, Blaze didn't bite. That damn wolf! I though Ava would be mad that we scented her without permission but instead her smile only got wider. "Does that mean you don't regret having me as a mate Blaze? Even if I can't be the perfect mate you deserve?" How could she even think that? She is perfect for us. Blaze helped confirm to Ava that we did indeed love her and that we didn't regret having her as a mate by giving her more kisses making her giggle again. "I really miss going out for a run. Maybe when Maya comes back, we could go have a run together?" Ava says to Blaze with a longing look. Blaze wants to run with mate Me too bud. Maybe we can ask the Doctor tomorrow if we could take her out for a run on your back? Alex did that with Kenzi. He said she loved it. I suggest to Blaze Yes. Mate rides Blaze Alright, let's surprise her once we get the doctor's approval. I have to admit I'm looking forwards to it too. I can't wait to feel Ava's joy when she feels even more freedom after it being withheld from her for so long. It might not be the same as running in her own wolf form but it's the next best thing. As has been our routine for the last week, I bid Ava goodbye to head to the gym. However, before heading out of the clinic, I head to Dr. Cassandra’s office. I knock twice before opening up the door. “Dr. Cassandra, could I talk with you for a moment please?” “Of course, Beta Kyle. What can I do for you.” “I wanted to surprise my mate with a little outing and I was wondering if you could give me your professional opinion. I want to take her for a run through the woods on Blaze’s back. She hasn’t been outdoors in so long, I just want to give her a little feeling of freedom. Do you think she would be ready for that? Should we wait a little longer? I don’t want to ruin all the progress she’s made since arriving here.” “That’s a wonderful idea. Fresh air is so good for the mind and soul. I was going to come talk with both of you today and discuss releasing her to an outpatient status with visits three times a week. That being said, yes, I do believe your mate is strong enough for a little outing with Blaze however I want you to make sure she doesn’t over exert herself. She’s still healing, both mentally and physically.” “Thank you, Dr. Cassandra. Do you think I could be the one to surprise her with the good news?” “Sure. I’ll get the paperwork ready for her release. You can bring her home tonight.” “Thanks Doc. I have to run. I have a lot of things to set up and a class to teach, which I might already be late for. Bye” I wave as I exit the office. With a huge grin, I dash off to the gym. To my surprise, Alex was at the gym when I got there. “Cutting it kinda close aren’t you buddy?” Alex teases me. I’m glad to see he’s back to his old self after his ordeal with the hunters. “I had to talk to Dr. Cassandra before heading over. My mate is getting released today.” “I heard you met your mate. Congrats. When do we get to meet the lucky lady?” “Sorry, I’ve been meaning to see you once you got released but I’ve been busy and I can’t seem to stay away from Ava for too long.” “I understand. Thanks for taking over my classes. Jeff brought me up to date. I’ve also been meaning to thank you for handling our rescue mission. I knew I could count on you to get us out of there.” “You know I’ll always have your back. So, if you’re here, does that mean you're going to start leading the training sessions again?” “I’m ready to ease my way back into it.” “Alright, let's get to it then” I say as I pat his shoulder and head to the group of men waiting for me. As soon as training is over, I dash over to the packhouse. First, I go see the kitchen staff and ask them to prepare me a picnic basket. I then take a quick shower before looking for Marie or Laura. “Marie? Laura? You near the packhouse? I need help.” Laura is the first to respond “Is Ava ok?” “Yes. She gets released tonight. I’m going to surprise her later but I need help preparing for her arrival.” “I can meet you at your place in 15 minutes. Would that work?” “You’re awesome Laura. Thanks” Marie answered shortly after and also offered her help. I paced in my living room waiting for the girls to arrive, wondering if I should set the guest room up as Ava’s room or have her in my room. I’ve been sleeping in the same room as her for the last two weeks, which she didn’t seem to mind. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to sleep with her in a separate room, even if it was only across the hall from mine. Maybe I could have both options set up just in case? She probably won’t be ready to share a bed but if I put my king size bed in the guest bedroom then I would have enough space in my bedroom to comfortably fit two double beds. I was relieved when I heard knocking and the girls let themselves in. “What do you think Ava would like best? Each our own bed in my room or her own bedroom? I can’t decide. Maybe I should do both?” Laura laughs at me. “As if you would let that poor girl sleep in her own bedroom. You haven’t even slept in your room since you found her. Let’s just make your room inviting for her. Maybe make it less masculine?” “You can do whatever you want in there, as long as it’s ready by tonight. I plan on surprising her with a little date night and ending it by bringing her home with me afterwards.” “Awe!!! That's so sweet! Where are you bringing her for your date?” Marie asks “I was thinking of giving her a ride on Blaze through the forest and then having a picnic by the meadow.” “She’ll love it” Laura chimes in. “So what were your thoughts for the room? We could probably fit a single bed besides yours?” Maire asks “I was thinking of taking the king bed out and putting 2 double beds instead. I could switch out the one from the guest room with my bed, but I would still need you guys to find a new bed and mattress that can be delivered today.” “That’s not a problem. I have a contact who can make that happen” Says Marie “Do you think you could also get her some toiletries, or whatever girl products you guys use, and maybe a few items of clothing. The stuff Chelsey gave her is great but Ava’s going to need more than one bag of stuff.” “Yeah! Shopping trip!!!” Laura squeals I grin at her and hand over my credit card. “Get whatever you think she'll need to get started and to make this place more welcoming for her.” “No problem. I'm sure Ava will love it.” I switch out the beds from my room and the guest room while the girls go around my place making notes on what they will need to buy. Once I’m done, I bid them goodbye, leaving them with a spare key to my place so they could get in and out without issue. I grab the basket the kitchen staff got ready for me and head back to the clinic. I can’t wait to see Ava’s face when I tell her I’m getting her out of there!
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