Chapter 2

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I woke up in a dungeon not much different from this in one. I shudder thinking back about that time in my life. I never felt more scared than the first time those men lay their hands on me. I quickly understood that I was being held by hunters. I had heard about hunters and what those slimy humans did to werewolves but even that didn’t prepare me for what I was about to live through next. How long has it been? Months, maybe years? The first place I was in held a lab where they injected me with all types of things before taking their turns with me in the hopes of getting a human/werewolf hybrid offspring to experiment on. When they realized that their experiments weren’t going anywhere, I was transferred to this current location. Here they seem more interested in our healing capacity, or maybe they just loved inflicting pain. I’ve lost count how many times I was poked and prodded. My body bears the marks of numerous cuts and injection sites. I haven’t felt my wolf in a very long time so my wounds have scarred as they would with humans. Sure, I still heal faster than a human would, but not nearly as fast as I would if my wolf helped me. I wonder if they know our healing is fueled by our wolves? Maybe they are just too scared to have us in our wolf form. It would make it easier for us to fight back. I’m brought back to present day by the sound of the door opening and 2 guards heading my way. Oh no, not again! Part of me wishes there were other people in the cells with me. Maybe I wouldn’t be called on so often. I feel bad even thinking about it. No one deserves to be caged up and experimented on like I am. I should see it as a good thing that the other cells are empty. I don’t even bother cowering to the back corner of my cell. I know it won’t make a difference. I just hang my head in defeat and wait for the guards to unlock the door to my cell. “Wakey, wakey b!tch!” the first one sneers as the other one grabs my arm and pulls me towards the door, purposely pushing me against the silver bars. I bite my lip to prevent myself from crying out in pain, elicited from the contact of silver on my skin. They drag me to the door that separates the two rows of cells, each row against the outdoor wall. The door is hardly visible in this faint light but I know it’s there. I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to go through that door on numerous occasions. My feet drag against the floor as we go down the dim hallway to the white room I know is held on the other side. The walk is too short and soon enough a second door is opened to reveal the lab or as I refer to it, the white room. It’s the only area in this shithole that has white walls and fluorescent lights that temporarily blind me every time I’m lead in. Today was no exception. I squint as my eyes adjust to the bright lights. I’m led to the exam table where I lie down quietly as the men tie me down and connect me to the monitor. The contentions dig into my wrists and ankles but I know better than to complain about it, they would only tighten them even more out of spite. A white lady with platinum blond hair in a tight bun above her hair approaches. She is wearing a white lab coat with the name Dr. Baskin stitched on the breast pocket. I’m not sure she is a real MD. Don’t they take an oath not to commit harm? If she took the Hippocratic Oath, she sure doesn’t abide by it. She doesn’t bother saying anything to me before injecting me in the arm with some sort of liquid that made my skin crawl. It felt like thousands of fire ants were biting me everywhere. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t stop myself from squirming on the table, a small moan escaping my lips. The doctor just stood there with her notepad, taking down notes, barely glancing my way. She did however look at my vitals, jotting them down. I don’t know how long I lay there, with the doctor taking notes and the two guards at attention by the door. Eventually, the pain was too much and I passed out. I woke up in my cell, the burning and crawling feeling on my skin having subsided. To my surprise, 4 more cells were occupied. By the size of them, I’m assuming they are men. That’s new. The days that followed allowed me some reprieve from the hunters, the new arrivals taking up all of their attention. They seem to spend a lot time on the two in the cells opposite to mine. The guards didn’t seem to trust them enough to enter their cells without darting them first. Only once they were asleep would they be dragged out of the cell and brought to the white room. They would only show back up many hours later. Those men were tough. The only time I heard them speak was when one of them woke up and asked his friend where they were. Since then, it was radio silence. It’s like they knew you didn’t want to attract the hunter's attention, not that it mattered much for them anyways. There was almost always one of those two in the white room. The downside to the hunters being obsessed with the new arrivals was the lack of food. It felt like even longer between meals than it used to be, which was already barely enough to keep me alive. I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. My energy reserves are depleting quickly. “Hey you still good in there?” the guy in the cell next to mine whispers, startling me. I look around me in case he is whispering to someone else, but it doesn’t appear so. “Sorry lady. I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you okay?” he whispers again I quickly look toward the door by the stairs only to realize there were no guards on duty. How weird. “Guess Alex is giving them a hard time. The guard just left that door to go through the other one. What's through that door anyways?” “You don’t want to find out” my voice comes out raspy from not having been used in so long. “So, who are you? I’m Fred by the way. I’m a warrior for the Golden Moon pack” “I’ve never heard of them” I answer back “ where are you from? Have you been here long?” “I don’t know how long I’ve been here” I answer, choosing to ignore the second question. I don;t know him and I don't trust him. What has become of my pack since I left? I feel my heart constrict in pain thinking of my beloved pack, and how they lost so many members that day, including their Alpha. “Don’t worry, my people will find us.” He says, still full of hope. “I highly doubt that. Mine never found me” I whimper slightly “My pack wouldn’t abandon their Alpha” He sounds so sure of himself. If only he knew... I stayed quiet after that, lost in my own thoughts about my pack and my family. It has been so long since I have last spoken, my throat still raw from speaking those few words. I quickly learned, being here, that talking, screaming or even showing any emotions just fueled their desire to torture me. It was always safer to stay quiet and void of emotion. I became so numb to my surroundings and what was being done to my body. My mind would just literally shut down. Talking with Fred just now made me miss my wolf Maya so much more. It wouldn’t be so lonely here with her by my side. Something's in the air today, even our usual guard is nowhere to be seen. Muffled sounds of people yelling can be heard though I can’t decipher what is being said. What’s happening? I’m trying so hard to stay conscious. If the opportunity presents itself, I need to be able to escape. Goddess, please let me survive this! Suddenly the door to the dungeon I was being held in burst open, revealing two very large men. The dim light makes it hard to see so I try to focus on their scent. Try as I might, everything is being tainted by the smell of sewage around here, and without my wolf around, I can’t smell what they are. Were they hunters I had never met before? They didn’t look like hunters. Their shape made me recall the warriors from my pack. Flashbacks of that day where our warriors valiantly tried to save us, comes flashing in my mind. Everything starts spinning as I fall into a pit of darkness.
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