Chapter 1

1345 Words
Yet another day in this hell hole. I look around my cell to see the same scenery I have been dealing with for what feels like eternity. Through the dim lighting I can see the silver bars keeping me stuck in here as well as the dirt encrusted floors. I found out the hard way that there was no point in trying to dig my way out. Under all that dirt is a silver coated steel enforced concrete floor, stopping anyone from escaping. Trying to escape only got me more of the guards unwanted attention, which is never good in this place. I also have no way to tell whether it’s daytime or nighttime as there are no windows in this pit of doom and the only lightbulb stays on 24/7. The only thing giving me a hint as to the time passing is the changing of the guards and meal delivery. They don’t offer food very often, just enough to keep me alive but not enough to give me energy to fight back. I’m pretty sure they put wolfsbane in the food too, to make sure our wolves don’t show up. I tried to avoid eating at first as it would burn on the way down, but eventually I realized I had no other choice. It was that or dying of starvation. As shitty as this place is, I still hold on to the hope that one day I will make it out alive. With that glimmer of hope still there, I force myself to swallow down the disgusting food and pray I get to live another day. It isn’t easy surviving here. A few other wolves have come and gone. I don’t know if I should consider myself lucky to be alive after all they put me through. At first, I tried to fight them off when they would come get me from my cell. I would kick and s¢ream and I even bit one of the guards once…but it was all in vain. Eventually I just lost the will to fight and let them have what they wanted even if it gave me the chills every time they touched me inappropriately. Some of these hunters were sadists and loved to see me in pain. Now that I don't fight back, they don't seem as interested in torturing me, not that it stops them from using my body to fulfill their needs. Maybe I should introduce myself and explain how I got in this delicate situation. My name is Ava Carlisle and I am the daughter of Alpha Edward Carlisle from the Silver Claws pack. I have an older brother who by now may have taken over the pack. He is five years older than me and we got along quite well. As any good brother does, he loved to get on my nerves, but I loved him none the less. Being raised to be the future Alpha and a great warrior, he was good at hiding his emotions. Even if he didn’t verbally express himself, I knew he loved me too. I had a great childhood. Being the Alpha’s daughter had its perks. I hung out with the popular crowd and didn't have to deal with any bullying. No one was stupid enough to get on the Alpha’s bad side, and that meant being nice with his beloved daughter. There was one negative thing about being the Alpha’s treasured daughter though... boys were always too scared to ask me out so I got consistently friend zoned. I got my wolf when I was 16 like most of my friends. I was hoping to find my mate by my 18th birthday but that didn’t happen. My mom had organized a huge party and the whole pack was invited. It was probably the best night of my life. I had a blast partying it up with my friends and dancing the night away. I have to admit I was a little bummed that I didn’t meet my mate that night, not that I was that surprised. Daughters to Alpha males were often mated to future Alphas or Betas. I was trained my whole life so that I would be ready to take up the role that would most likely be required of me. Honestly, I don’t even want to be a Luna. It is so much pressure holding the pack together. I would much prefer having a supporting role. My parents were always so busy managing the pack, missing many of my athletic events. Anyhow… my dad took it upon himself to bring me on all his business trips in the hopes I would find my mate. He often met with Alpha’s from neighboring packs for business or for peace treaties. It is on one of those trips that I got kidnapped. We were heading to White Fangs pack to talk about an exchange program for the Warriors. We have been at peace with the White Fangs pack for decades and our Warriors would have a lot to gain from training with them. It would only make both our packs stronger to learn from one another and practice different fighting styles and different strategies. I remember that day quite vividly. I was in the backseat of our SUV with my dad like any other trip when all of a sudden, I hear a loud explosion and our car goes flipping in the air. It felt like everything slowed down for a moment, as my hair whipped around in the air. As the car hits the ground, my head smashes into the side window making the world around me go dark for an instant. My ears start buzzing making it hard for me to get my bearings. Looking around me, I notice I’m hanging upside down, the seatbelt being the only thing keeping me in my seat. I notice my dad on the ceiling of the car, which has now become the floor. “Ava! Are you ok?” It takes my brain a second to figure out what he is telling me “I’m fine dad, what happened?” “It’s an ambush. As soon as you have an opportunity to, I want you to run. Do you hear me?” “I can help and fight dad!” He’s the one who absolutely wanted me to train. How could he expect me to run away in the middle of an ambush. I know how to defend myself! “No! This isn't training, it’s real-life Ava. You will run. Get to White Fangs and send backup.” He tears my seatbelt to shreds making me fall ungracefully to the ground. I glare at my dad. He could’ve warned me. Next thing I know, my dad’s kicking out the shattered back window and yells “RUN!” I crawl out of the back window and notice the utter chaos surrounding me. There are men fully decked out in armor shooting at our warriors. Our warriors are putting up a good fight but they seem to be having a hard time getting to the men attacking us. I feel my dad crawl out of the car behind me. He grabs me by the shoulders and proceeds to give me a rushed hug. “I love you, Ava. NOW RUN!” He orders me in his alpha tone. I barely have time to register that my dad used his Alpha tone on me, which he has never done before. My body makes me comply as I hightail it to a small grouping of trees about a hundred yards out. It should offer me some cover while I figure out how to make it towards White Fangs. I ignore the dizziness from my probably concussed head and the pain irradiating from my body, concentrating only on the trees that lay ahead. I am only a few yards away when I fell a sting in the back of my shoulder, and then a second one on my butt. I stumble to the ground, the world going dark around me.
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