Book 1 Pack of three

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Hazel's POV I've been running through the woods for what seemed like hours until I finally reached the city. I was very tired and my body complained with every move I made. Looking around, I saw a small run down motel across the street. The though of a mattress against my skin made me moan in pleasure. If someone heard me right now, they would think I'm some psycho. I have already shifted back to my human form before I left the wood's threshold so as not to draw any unwanted attention. The city was filled with humans and us werewolves can't simply make it known that we exist. I picked up speed as I marched down the street and towards my own haven which I called a bed and a warm shower. The motel looked homey with its brown tiles and matching light brown furniture. There was a flower vase standing tall in one corner and some magazines were scattered across the table in the makeshift lobby. It was more of a small waiting area but still looked warm nonetheless. I went up to the guy standing behind the desk. He had blonde hair and fair skin. He was slim and was concentrating in whatever he was doing on his phone. I cleared my throat which made him look up startled. His scent hit my nose and I looked at him in confusion. A werewolf? He seemed to have recognised my scent too since he had the same confused expression like the one I had. "You're a werewolf." He stated more than asked. His green eyes twinkled under the light. "So are you." I replied back which made him grin at me. His expression was soon changed to that of confusion once more. "But you are..." He trailed off, not know how to tell me that I was fat. "Fat." I finished for him. A blush crept onto his cheeks and he lowered his gaze as he scratched the back of his neck. "Er...I wasn't really going to-" "It's fine. I know that I'm fat." I cut him off. "But, how? I mean, shifting alone burns a lot of calories, plus the training and running with the pack." The guy seemed to have been trying so hard to make sense of everything. "I wasn't allowed to shift and train." I sighed. He was about to open his mouth to ask me why but I wasn't ready to tell anyone, yet. "It's a long story that I don't want to talk about right now." I said before he asked. He nodded in understanding and left the subject. "So, why aren't you with your pack?" I asked. The boy offered me a small smile. "I was exiled a couple of years back." He admitted sadly. I couldn't help but gasp and widen my eyes in shock. "W-why?" I asked with a horrid expression. Getting exiled was probably the worst thing a werewolf can come across. The boy, which I still need to know the name of, raised an eyebrow at me. I looked at him in confusion but then realisation crossed my face. "I get it. I didn't tell you so you don't have to tell me." I sighed. It was only fair that he won't reveal his secrets to a stranger that won't reveal hers. His eyebrow went back down and a wide smile spread across his face. "Well, unlike you, I don't mind talking about it." He admitted sheepishly. I looked at him in amusement and a small smile grazed my lips. "Well..." I trailed off, waiting for him to explain. He sighed deeply. "I killed a human by accident. He attacked me with a knife and I acted without thinking. The knife wasn't going to kill me but for whatever reason I lost all common sense that time and killed him." His eyes were filled with regret and saddeness as he told me his story. I felt pitiful towards him and his sad expression was copied into me. "I won't tell you I'm sorry because you're probably sick and tired of hearing it already, but I just want you to know that it wasn't your fault. You were just defending yourself and that was an instinctual thing you couldn't control." He looked up at me with smiling eyes. "I'm know. But my pack had no choice but to exile me." He said with a shrug and I started to get the feeling that he already moved on. I grinned back at him. "Good to see that you're doing fine." I said. He grinned back. "Well, now you know my story and I don't even know your name." "'s Hazel." I replied. "Hazel." He repeated as to see its weight on his tongue. "Yeah, just Hazel." I whispered mostly to myself but I knew he heard me. "Nice to meet you just Hazel, I'm Matt." The boy, Matt, extended his arm which I quickly shook. "Say Matt," "Hmm?" "Wanna form a pack?" Matt raised both eyebrows at my offer and the shock was evident on his features. "A pack?" He asked, making sure that he heard correctly. I nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, a pack. You and me. No alpha, no beta, no other pack members, only me and you." "Can you make that three?" My head was snapped towards the source of the new voice. Beside me, stood a girl with brown ringlets the reached her shoulders and chocolate brown eyes. She was very pretty with her fit body and toned olive skin. I couldn't help but feel jealous. The girl strode over to Matt as he snaked his arm around her waist and pecked her lips softly. "Hazel, that's my mate, Lucy." Matt introduced. "Lucy, this is just Hazel." Lucy smiled warmly at me. "You're a werewolf too?" She asked. I nodded at her, my own smile on my face. Lucy left Matt's side and walked towards me. I was about to take a step back, not trusting what she might do to me only to tense when she engulfed me in a tight hug. Her action surprised me and I stood there like a fool with wide eyes. "Well, it's nice meeting you Hazel. I hope we become great friends." She said happily and I couldn't help but feel happy myself. I was never given such affection from an outsider. Lucy pulled back and looked at me with hopeful eyes. "So, about that pack...can I join?" She asked. I grinned widely at her. "Of course you can!" Lucy squealed happily and hugged me again but this time tighter before a chuckling Matt came and pulled her away. "I'll think about a name and tell you guys. This will be awesome!" Lucy all but yelled and I felt happy just seeing her cheerfulness. "That would be great. Uhmm..Matt,I'm really tired, can you give me a room." I asked him hesitantly. "What? No way!" Lucy cut in before Matt had the chance to answer. I looked at her in surprise. "Why? I'll pay I swear." I told them reassuringly and I Stert ed to panic. I didn't want to go search for some place else. I was tired and it was already getting late. "That's not what she meant." Matt said in a rush. "Oh my god. No Hazel I didn't mean it as no we give you a room, I meant it as no, you'll be coming with us home." Lucy explained and I raised my eyebrows at her. "N-no, I-I can't." I stuttered. "Why not?" Matt asked in an accusing tone. "I-I don't want to intrude." I mumbled shyly. Lucy and Matt both scoffed simultaneously. "You can't be serious?" Matt asked with a raised eyebrow. "Of course she's not." Lucy replied and linked our arms together as she pulled me out the motel's door. "I'm serious Lucy. I don't want to be a bother." I stopped her before we left the threshold. Lucy turned to look at me, her expression to that of a serious one. "Hazel, we're a pack now and pack members stick together. I knew we just met and everything but I feel this urge to protect you. I like you Haze and I want us to be friends." To me, Lucy's words were almost unbelievable. Since when did people want to protect me? Since when did they want to be my friend? "We're being sincere Hazel. We are a pack now and pack members live together." My head turned to look at Matt that stood behind me. He had a small smile gracing his lips, one similar to that of his mate's. In this moment, I felt something weird in my heart. Something I never felt before but I sure as hell loved it. I didn't notice the stray tear that rolled off my eye until Lucy wiped it away and hugged me from the side. "No one has ever treated me that way. I don't k ow how to thank you guys." My voice broke at the end and I tried my best to prevent my sobs from coming forth. "Aww sweety, you don't need to thank us. We'd do anything for each other." Lucy coed from beside me. Matt came and hugged Lucy and I. "Pack hug!" He yelled which earned him chuckles from both Lucy and me. We pulled back with grins on our faces. "Come on, let's go home." Lucy said and linked our arms once again. "I'll finish my shift here at the motel then follow you guys." Matt announced as he jogged back to the motel. Lucy nodded at him and then started leading me down the street. "Our house is about two blocks from here so we won't need a ride. Unless you're too tired to walk.." Lucy looked at me for confirmation. I shook my head slightly. "No, I'm fine." With a small smile from Lucy, we continued walking towards the house. Their house wasn't big and wasn't small either. They had two bedrooms, a bathroom, an opened kitchen adjoined to the living room and a small hall infront of the door. The house looked cozy and warm and I felt happy just by the smell of it. However, the most thing that captured my eyes was the large, floor length window behind the couch in the living room. I could see the whole city from it, the view was mesmerising and I could imagine myself spending almost all my time staring at it. "You like it?" I was snapped out of my daze by Lucy. I nodded my head without looking at her. "Yeah, it's beautiful." "I meant the house Hazel." Lucy giggled. "Oh, sorry." I turned to look at her. "Yeah, I like it." I answered her truthfully. "Come on. I'll show you to your room." Lucy ushered for me to follow her and I did. She lead me to what looked like the guest room. It had a comfortable looking bed and a small closet that would be just perfect for my clothes. There was also a small vanity by the wall and a plush carpet infront of it. "Good?" Lucy asked. "It's perfect Lucy. Thank you so much." I replied and hugged her. "Anytime. The bathroom is right next door. Go freshen up, change your clothes and then come meet me in the living room." I nodded my head. "Okay." With one last smile from Lucy, she left the room, closing the door behind her and leaving to myself. I sighed deeply and ran a hand through my hair. This whole time I was with Matt and Lucy, I didn't think about Ian and my wolf too, seemed to have forgotten temporarily about him which was good. I want to forget him and get over it as soon as possible. I got out one of my baggy shirts and pyjama pants and went towards the bathroom. I stepped under the warm shower and sighed in pleasure. The warm water sure did it's miracles on my aching muscles. I didn't take that long under the shower and quickly dried myself and put on my clothes. I brushed my hair and went out to look for Lucy. She was standing in the kitchen, rummaging through the cupboards. "What are you doing?" My voice seemed to have startled her cause she dropped the spoons she hand in her hand. "God, Haze you scared me." She said and placed a hand on her heart. "Sorry." I mumbled. She waved her hand and brush it off. "I'm getting a me ice cream, want some?" She a messed as she bent down to pick up the spoons and place them in the sink. My face immediately lit up at the word ice cream and I nodded my head vigorously. We got the ice cream and spoons and went to sit on the couch. "So...what happened to you?" I asked Lucy after we settled down and turned the tv on. "What do you mean?" She asked with confusion. "I mean your pack. What happened?" I asked again. Realisation crossed her face as her mouth formed a small 'o'. "I left." She shrugged and I raised an eyebrow. "Just like that?" I asked. "Yeah, just like that. My parents died in a rogue attack and no one wanted me since then so I just grabbed my things and left." She explained in monotonously. "Are you happy now, after you left?" I asked her. Lucy beamed at me. "The happiest I've ever been. Matt's presence along makes me on cloud nine." She admitted with a grin. I offered her a small smile since I couldn't really relate to what she was feeling. We remained quiet for some time as we digged into the ice cream. Lucy didn't ask about my story and I suspected that Matt has already mind linked her not to. I admit that I was hesitant in the begging but now, I was more confident to tell them. I atleast owe them that much after they told me about their history with their packs, accepted me as a friend and a pack member and provided a place for me to stay. Yup, I probably did owe them the truth.
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