Book 1 Betrayal

1902 Words
Ian's POV I woke up on my birthday with a very excited and eager wolf. I turn eighteen today, and today I would finally find my mate. The Luna that would rule by my side and be min till eternity. The party was still in the evening so I had time to get fully prepared. I went to the room that I will soon share with my mate and started making sure that everything was perfect for when she comes. A half empty walk in closet for her clothes, a flower vase on the small corner table just in case she likes flowers, a vanity ready with whatever she would need from body lotions to makeup kits, accessories and whatever other thing a girl would need. My parents complained that I was getting overboard but I wanted everything perfect for my mate. I would pamper her to no end and make her the queen. I made sure that the room was cleaned to perfection and smelled good before grinning widely to myself and then leaving it. Checking the room was the first thing I did when I opened my eyes so I still had to go take a shower and then go downstairs for breakfast. I remained in the shower longer than necessary as I thought about my mate the whole time, making time pass by without realizing. I dried myself with a towel then proceeded putting on my clothes. I wore a navy blue v-neck and khaki shorts. Slipping into my slippers, I left my towel dried hair without brushing it and left to the kitchen. As always, everyone was already gathered in the big kitchen that we have in the pack house, starting from my parents, the current alpha and Luna, my sister, Sally, my baby brother, Tom, my father's beta, Robert, his mate, Emily, their daughter, Diana, my father's third and his mate, Chase and Christine and finally the few families that we have living with us at the pack house. There was a lot of people but thankfully, the pack house was big enough to contain us all. It was a five story house with about six large rooms on the first four floor. There was also a library, a bathroom on each floor and a private bathroom in each room. The fifth floor however, I asked to have it built for only me and my mate. Our room was the largest in the whole house and there were other two smaller room for when we have kids. The thought of forming a family with my mate had me grinning like a fool as I took my place at the table, which earned me weird looks from everyone. "Are you that happy that you'll find your mate today?" Zac, my best friend asked from beside me. He was to become my beta when I finally take over the alpha position. His parents were killed three years ago by rogues and ever since then, he's been living with us at the pack house. I nodded my head happily. Zac shook his head but I saw the faint smile that graced his lips. He too, is eager to find his mate but he has to wait for a couple more months before turning eighteen. "Is everything ready for the ceremony today mom?" I asked which made my mom snap her head towards me and cut the conversation she was having with my father. My mother smiled widely at me. "Morning Ian. Yes, don't worry. Everything will be ready on time." With a slight nod, I reached for some toast and butter and started eating my breakfast. The day seemed to be passing by extra slow today and each time I look at the clock, the hands don't seem to be moving. "Mom, I think this clock isn't working." I complained for the nth time today about the nth clock that I find in the house. "Ian please! You're not a kid anymore. Let me finish what I'm doing in peace and go to your room. Sleep to pass the time." My mother scolded me with furrowed eyebrows. I sighed and made my way to my room with slump shoulders. But can you blame me though? I was too eager and excited to finally be with my mate. I tried to listen to my mom's advice and sleep to pass the time but that didn't work since every time I closed my eyes I would imagine my mate with me and I would squeal like a girl in excitement. I ended up watching some of my favorite crime shows like the mentalist and CSI, the played some video games and when it was finally time, I immediately jumped from my place and started getting ready. I decided to take another shower so that I would smell good when I meet my mate. I wore a black button down shirt, leaving the upper three buttons undone. I slipped on dark denim jeans, and my black converse. I brushed my jet black hair and tamed down the strands. Making sure that I looked presentable, I finally left my room. People have already started arriving and filling both the pack house and the adjacent garden. My eyes scanned through the whole crowd in hopes to see my mate. I was too excited for my own good. My eyes kept on searching the faces of everyone present but nada. This made me start worrying that I won't be able to find my mate today. My hopes were slowly starting to come crushing down when I smelled the most amazing, intoxicating scent. My wolf itched to come out but I kept him successfully under control. I closed my eyes and trailed the scent. My legs walked on their own and when the scent got stronger I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was Hazel and soon my wold yelled the word I've been dying to hear for the past eighteen years. Mate. I finally found her. My mate. Hazel was my mate. She looked very beautiful in that purple dress. Her soft curls were falling down her back like a beautiful waterfall. Her hazel eyes searched through the crowd, obviously searching for me since my scant must've already hit her. I waited patiently for her eyes to capture mine and when they did, I felt the whole world disappear from around us. It was only me and her. Only me and Hazel. I smiled widely at her and was about to reach for her and hold her in my arms when my father's alpha command stopped me before I even take a step forward. 'Don't' He ordered through our mind-link. He has never used his alpha tone with me before, or anyone from our family for that matter, which made me extremely confused. Not only from his tone but from the command itself. 'What?' I asked him in confusion. 'Don't approach her.' He commanded. 'She's my mate.' I explained to him through the mind link. 'I know that but she's no good for you. She can't be the luna.' My father's words angered me to no extent. 'It's not your call to say if she is good for me or not. She's my mate and I get to decide and I have already decided that I want her.' I retorted back angrily and was about to step towards Hazel again when my father once again stopped me in my tracks. 'I swear Ian if you dare claim her as your mate I'd kill her and you know pretty well that I can do that.' I was shocked from his words. Why would he do that? 'You can't do that.' I replied with whatever confidence I had inside of me. 'I'm the alpha and I can do whatever I want.' My father spat back. 'Why are you doing this?' I asked in desperation. 'End of discussion Ian. You go reject her right now or else I promise, I'll kill her.' I felt my chest constrict and the betrayal I felt towards my father was overwhelming. My wolf was clawing at me and begging for me to not reject our mate as I took small, careful steps towards her. 'We can protect her. I promise I'll do my best to protect her.' My wolf begged. 'You know really well that we can't do that. He's still the alpha and until I officially have a luna by my side, I won't be able to take over the position.' I replied in defeat and anger at myself. I hated that I was too weak to protect my own mate. 'Please don't.' My wolf whimpered. 'I'm sorry.' I apologized mostly to Hazel more than to my wold and myself. 'I'm sorry' As soon as I rejected Hazel and saw the hurt in her eyes, a new feeling was developed inside of my towards my father. Hate. I hated him for making me do this. I hated him with everything I had in me but mostly I hated myself for being so weak. For just standing there and not be able to do anything. The best I could do was reject her and watch her live a sad but safe life. Hazel didn't wait for more words to leave my lips and all too soon ran the other way. I instantly missed her and my wolf wanted nothing more than to run after her and claim her as ours. As soon as Hazel was no longer in my sight, I turned around and growled loudly at my father. "I'm getting for this. For everything." I didn't wait for him to reply and with angry steps made my way to the pack house, directly to the room that Hazel and I were supposed to share. I blocked out whatever thoughts I had in my mind and allowed myself to fall into oblivion. -- I woke up with a intense pain in my heart. I struggled to breath properly and my whole body ached. I tried contacting my wolf to ask what was going on but he had disconnected himself completely from me ever since I rejected Hazel. I staggered outside the door and with weak steps searched for my parents. I bumped into Zac who had a panic and alarmed expression. "Can you fell that Ian?" He asked with worry. The pain in my chest intensified and by the looks of it he got his answer. "Someone left the pack." His voice was barely over a whisper but I was clearly able to hear him. His words settled in and I hoped to God that it wasn't Hazel. It can't be Hazel. I ignored whatever pain surging through my body and ran towards Hazel's house. I knocked loudly on the door, and when I started hearing crying coming from inside, I forgot whatever I was taught about manners and opened the door, running towards Hazel's room. I stood there looking into her room, not knowing what to do as the pain in my chest became unbearable. The scene in front of me proved that what I feared was right. Hazel's mom was crouched on the floor, cradled into her mate's arms as she bawled her eyes out and Ethan stood there, his body tense and his hands forming fists. There was a paper crumbled in his hands. "She left. Hazel left."
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