Book 1 Debt

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Hazel's POV Cam came later that night and I have already made up my mind to tell them my story. We were currently gathered in the living room, Matt and Lucy on one side of the couch and me on the other. With a deep breath I started, "I used to live in the Blue Lack pack. As you can see, I'm not fit like any normal wolf, and that's because my mother never allowed me to train or run with the pack." "Why weren't you allowed?" Lucy asked, cutting my story. "She used to always tell me that it was for my own good and that I would be in danger if I went. I was small and stupid so I believed her. That idea grew with me so I never bothered going. Everyone in the pack would make fun of me and bully me whenever I go out so I stopped leaving the house all together. Yesterday, was the alpha's son's birthday. It was the day were he finally turns eighteen and find his mate." Lucy sucked in a deep breath, obviously, suspecting what would happen next. "Yeah, you guessed right." I confirmed with a sigh. "Then why are you- no, no don't tell me." Lucy's voice was raised a notch at the end and her eyes widened. "Yeah, I was rejected." I nodded. "Oh Haze." Lucy reached closer and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry." She murmured. I let out a humor-less chuckle. "Wait till you hear the rest of it." This made her pull back. "There's still more?" Matt asked in confusion to which I nodded. "When I ran home after the rejection, my mother followed me and revealed the secret she's been keeping ever since I was born. Turns out, I'm not my father's daughter." Lucy gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. Matt looked at me wide eyed and he too, had his mouth opened in shock. I proceeded to tell them everything my mother told me, not leaving a single word. "And that's when I came to the motel and met you guys." I finished. The was pity in their eyes and I hated it to no end. I didn't want anyone's pity. I ran away to start afresh, to shift freely and train more. I wanted to change for the better before I go back to my pack. "So, will you guys help me find my father?" I asked after a couple of minutes of silence. They seemed to have come back to their senses. "Of course we'll help you." Matt nodded his head and smiled at me. "Yup, yup. Ask us anything and we're ready." Lucy joined. "Okay, first, I need to find a job." I told them with profound determination. Matt and Lucy scrunched up their faces in confusion. "I wanna fend for myself too you know." I explained with raised eyebrows. "You don't need to do that." Matt said. "But I want to. All my life I've done nothing to myself and finding a job is something that I want to do." I replied. They nodded in understanding. "Looks like we need to head to bed early today." Lucy sighed. "Yeah. I'll have to wake up early to go job hunting." I said with a smile. _ _ _ _ The next morning, I woke up earlier than I usually do. After a warm shower and a clean outfit put on, I left the house and started job hunting. Matt and Lucy begged to come with me but I wanted to do this on my own. I want to take care of myself and be more responsible. I looked around the whole city for whatever job that I found vacant but each time I would come out empty handed. No one wanted a fat, inexperienced girl like me. They thought that I wouldn't be very compatible to the job. It was now night and the dark curtain was draped over the sky. I was dead tired already and my legs were sore so I decided to go home for the night and resume searching tomorrow. I was walking down the dark street when I heard a gun shot coming from the alley ahead. A small gasp escaped my lips and I immediately stuck my back to the wall. 'I'm and werewolf. I can do this. I can save whoever is in danger in that alley.' I kept reminding myself. A mere gunshot won't hurt me, unless it was a silver bullet of course. I made my way towards the alley in slow, careful steps. With my hightened hearing I was able to catch on what what's happening. "So, what is it that you chose?" A man's voice asked. It was gruff and my body was instantly filled with goosebumps. "You think I'd really give in to you?" Another man replied. His voice was thick too but not as creepy as the other guy's. The other guys scoffed. "You have no other choice you leech." Taking in a deep breath from beside the alley's entrance, my eyes widened at the revelation. It wasn't only some two guys fighting, it was a vampire against a hunter. Those damn hunter bastards. "What makes you think that a mere, pathetic human like you will be able to defeat me?" The vampire asked in amusement. "Well, seeing as one gun shot from me to you would kill you, and the silver circle you're standing in limiting your abilities, I see that you're trapped." The hunter answered with smugness and I can imagine him shrugging nonchalantly. That vampire really had no choice. He was trapped inside a silver circle and from the reading I have done, I knew that those circles produced an invisible force that made the vampires lose their abilities as long as they're inside. I took in a deep, assuring breath and with all the energy I had, I ran inside the alley and slammed my body against the Hunter making the both of us fall. His gun flew from his hand towards the circle and cut the connection between the silver, freeing the vampire. "Oh god! What elephant bumped into me?!" The hunter groaned from under me. I positioned myself properly so I was sitting on top of the hunter, using him as a cushion. "Not an elephant you A-hole but a werewolf." I replied back in irritation. The hunter was struggling under me but of course, due to my two hundred pounds, all his attempt were in vain. "Please, please get off from on top of me." He begged and attempted to get free again. "Why aren't you with your pack?" My head snapped to the vampire. "I ran away." I replied with a shrug. The vampire raised his eyebrows. "And why would you do that?" He asked. "Can you have this chat after she gets up." The hunter wailed but we ignored him. "It's a very long story." I replied. "I have time." The vampire said and leaned his back against the wall. "I don't!" The hunter yelled and tried to move me again but still nada! "Plus, how can a werewolf be.." the vampire trailed off, ignoring the hunter once again. "Fat." I continued. "Fat? Hah...more like obese overload!" The hunter cut in and this time I slapped the back of his head. "Shut up." "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I promise but please, get off, I feel that my spine has already reached my ribs." The hunter groaned. "Too bad, you'll kill us if I let you go." I told him. "No I won't, believe me. I quit being a hunter already. A mistake I'll never repeat again" The hunter replied in a rush. "Let me think." "Lord have mercy." The hunter groaned. I looked up at the vampire. "What do you think?" I asked. The vampire shrugged. "You can do whatever you want." "Oh god. I've always wanted to die with honour not by being squashed to the ground! What are we, Tom and Jerry?" The hunter complained and I couldn't help the little devil in me that made me move my body as in to get more comfortable. This made the hunter cry and wail like a kid and I to grin like some fool. "You're really evil." The vampire said in amusement. I shrugged nonchantly. "Eh." "I should've told my wife that I loved her." The hunter whispered more to himself but the vampire and I heard him clearly. The word love and wife combined together did something to my heart. That wife of his was lucky that she found someone to love her like that, to think of her when he's dying. I've yearned for that my whole life and the experience of being rejected made me not want to cause this wife any pain, even if her husband was a killer, to us atleast. With a deep sigh, I got up and reached for my hand to help the hunter up. "Go tell her how much you love her." I told him and ushered for him to leave. The hunter didn't wait a second before he turned on his heels and ran towards the open. "What was that for?" The vampire asked with amusement as he left his place against the wall and made his way towards me. "It was nothing. Never mind." I replied asked and waved my hands dismissively. "Why did you help me?" He asked, changing the subject. "You wanted to die?" I asked in reply and raised an eyebrow at him. "That's not it. I mean, werewolf and vampires aren't really on quite good terms so why did you bother save me?" He explained. "Not all werewolf hate vampires, plus, I never saw anything bad coming from a vampire before so I don't really have a reason to hate you." I replied back and he just replied with an 'o'. "So, are you going to tell me about your-" the vampire's sentence was cut short as his face contorted to one of horror and shock. I, on the other hand, gasped in shock and my eyes widened at the stake coming out of the vampire's chest. I looked behind him to find the Hunter standing there with guilt and panic in his eyes. His gaze snapped to mine and it looked like his guilt intensified. "I'm sorry. I had to do it or they'll kill her." He whispered and ran away before I could comprehend anything. The vampire's body wavered and was about to fall on the ground but I was quick to catch him. My mind went blank and I didn't know what to do. Almost as fast as it left, all what I read in the book came back to me. He needs blood. He needs my blood. The vampire's body was limp against me. I held the part of the stake that was prominent from his back and with all my strength pulled it out of his body. His wound wasn't healing and I knew that it wouldn't unless he drank my blood. I placed him gently of the ground. His breaths were coming out short and his eyes were starting to lose color. I quickly searched for something sharp and thanked God when I found a piece of glass on the ground. Holding it in one hand, I brought the glass shard near the other and sliced the inside of my palm open, above the vampire's mouth. Blood poured out of my hand and directly into the vampire's mouth. As soon as the blood touched his tongue, his half closed eyes snapped open and they were lit bright red. They were glowing under the moon light. The vampire took hold of my hand and pressed it tightly against his lips. He kept on sucking blood out of me until I started feeling dizzy. With all the power I could muster, I pulled my hand away. I looked at my cut palm to find it already healing, the skin coming together, closing the wound. I felt the vampire sit up straight and his gaze on me made me look up at him. "You saved my life, again." His voice was barely a whisper as he looked at me in awe. "Looks like it." I mumbled suddenly feeling embarrassed. "How did you know that I needed werewolf blood. Not everyone is aware of that fact." He was confused and had his eyebrows furrowed. "I did my reading." I replied with a shrug. The vampire held my hand and stood up pulling me with him. "You have saved me from getting killed, and when I did, you brought me back and saved me again." He said as he looked deeply into my eyes. The next thing I know, he knelt down in front of me, his head hung low and his right hand on his chest, where his barely living heart is. "I am forever indebted to do. From now on, I'm your loyal slave. I promise to protect you and do everything you ask for. I vow upon it with my life. You saved it and it is only logical that I sacrifice it for you." I was looking at him in shock, bewilderment, amusement, surprise, I didn't really know but his words had me stunned and unable to move. What just happened?
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