Chapter 4: You no longer have a life outside

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I am crying there all alone when I feel this cold presence of someone coming towards me making me so alerted. I immediately straighten and look at the hallway to the shadow coming towards me. I look around to look for something to defend myself if that cold man had followed me here, I have to be ready and at least give him a fight even if I know that he will still overthrow me with his strength, speed, and his cold-heartedness. I sigh in relief upon seeing it is just Charles with his usual emotionless face, still ready for a fight or flight responds as I look at him while he stops in front of me looking emotionless as usual. I don’t know but so far the two people I met in this scary mansion are these two cold men that I can now say are not humans. He bows at me then looks into my teary eyes before turning and looking towards the window beside us and I can see how he sigh. I then realize that he has his hands on his back that are wearing these white cotton gloves which I didn’t notice because of the drama I am feeling right now but come to think of it if I cry about this that man will laugh in content… I will not let him play with me. Why all the persons I had met in this mansion so far are so cold and emotionless. I feel like being inside a huge freezer alone. I really hate this, I don’t like to be lock and be said what to do. That is why I left home in the first place.   “I can see you are still confused, might as well be angry and scared towards Prince Livious. It’s only natural, your previous life is now just a fragment. But then milady, once you died and were brought back to life by the Prince you can never run away from him. I’ve been there so I understand, but I’m in a way different. You on the other hand are special. Why would His Highness grant you immortality with his blood?” Charles said making me gasps in disbelief.   “What do you mean?”   “The prince created me when I am dying he grants me immortality by biting me. He created you by giving you his blood. You are now his object of desire. You died and he brought you back to life. I am different than you for we are created differently. Those who are bitten will become a vampire but not immortal. They can die once their heads are cut or heart is taken out while like you who are made through the prince’s blood have half immortality. You only have days to live like a human, eat, sleep, breathe and even walk in the sun BUT… you CAN die once not take the prince’s blood. Before that, you will crave blood that you will bite all humans you see around you then you will turn into ashes. Without taking his blood you will die.” Charles said making me look at him wide-eyed for I am alerted to what he said.   ‘So is he saying that I don’t owe my life anymore? That IF I want to live, I have to stay by that monster’s side, forever? No freaking way!’ I scream in my mind.   Is he serious? Does that mean he was once a human too but turned into like that by Livious? Wait, will I also turn like them if I will stay here for so long? Cold, heartless, emotionless, and barely dead…… I can’t let that happen not when I am already graduating from college and now ready to face my parents again. I sigh before looking at the window to see this bright moon outside, like the other windows in that mansion this one is firmly shut from the outside.   “I still don’t believe any of this. I run away from home to find meaning in my life but then I suddenly wake up to find out I already don’t have any life at all. Am I really destined to become someone’s dog for life? I don’t want that.” I said talking to my weak self but Charles seems to have heard it.   I am looking into the moon self-pitying when I heard for the first time Charles softly laughs. I confusedly look at him to be stunned seeing him brighten when he is bemusedly laughing for whatever reason. Weird but for the first time when I meet him, this is the only time I feel that I am in the presence of someone.   “What- What’s so funny?” I ask still baffled to Charles’ warm laugh.   “For- Forgive my sudden outburst milady, it’s just that when you said someone’s dog it sounded like the prince is treating you badly. I assure you milady, His Highness is a good person despite his coldness and dark attitudes. To be precise HE is the most humane one of our kind. Saying that you need to be very careful now that the prince's blood is flowing inside of you, there are those rotten vampires who are thirsty for more power and immortality. Don’t wander off alone or even think of running away milady. It’s for your own good. Once they catch you… you are as good as dead and will endanger the prince as well.” Charles said returning to his usual emotionless face.   Is he out of his mind, in here I am already not safe? What will be the difference outside where I already endured much of it? How ironic it is right? I watch him walk away from me towards the direction I had run to from a while ago. I look at the moon outside with a determined look on my face. Then I hear someone walking towards me still thinking Charles must have returned I didn’t turn.   “Oh, I thought you are going to see that asshole master of yours, sorry for being blunt but HE doesn’t appear to be the man you said he is. I’m more in danger near him than away from him.” I said still looking at the night sky.   “I see, so you think I’m dangerous that way huh. Then you should fear me or I’ll rip your throat out.” A dark cold voice said from behind me making me froze and shiver in fright.   On instinct, I subconsciously cover my neck using my hand then turn and step back away from him trying to show that I am not slightly scared of this monster.   “OH YES! Mr. Your Highness, a monster like you can never understand how it feels like to struggle to live with your own capabilities. Monsters like YOU only prey on weak people by taking their lives for you to live all because you can do anything with that supernatural strength of yours!” I said in pure anger as I look at him with a cold glare as I can see how my words made him angry.   Why does this guy really piss me off? He reminds me so much of Leo and my father that is why I hate the sight of him. I am suddenly raised from the ground and in an instant; he is holding me by my throat as I fight his hold.   “Go on ahead and just kill me. I have been in hell before; I won’t let you make my life hell again. I rather die than become your dog.” I utter as I look at him determined.   I look at his ice-cold reddish eyes showing him that I am not swayed or afraid to die. His expression suddenly softens upon seeing my face. The determination and strengths I showed him must have gotten to him.   “Dog? What a profane definition you have. I’ll warn you once again, don’t think of leaving this place or I’ll eventually take your life back. You already lost your life and I’ve given you another. At least serve me as gratitude, wench.” He said in anger as he throws me on the cold floor.   “I don’t give a damn if you give me another life. I never asked you to bring me back to life. I rather chose death than to leave in a hell of a world.” I said as I glare up at him with anger.   Holding my own throat as I take deep breathes. I look up at him still mad, as I clench my fists as bite her lower lip.   “I’ll make it very clear Tamara; you no longer have a life you call your own. The moment I give you my blood is where you never can run from your fate as my immortal servant. And don’t go and throw me your shits about living hard. You don’t know what it is like to lose everything and everyone you love. You have no idea what hell I've been through as I hide from the people who have taken what’s mine. So don’t go around directing your anger at me. As far as I know, I'm not the one who took your life rather… I give you another. Giving you time to do what you wanted to do the one thing you regretted while you lay there dying.”  He said hitting me to reality but even though he has a point I still feel violated and I can’t trust this man any longer just by thinking about what he had done to me.   “But you have no right to treat me like your servant, your dog rather. You take my blood in your own harsh way as if it’s so natural…… well, it’s not!” I said as I stand and look at his head-on.   “You are one hell of a fighter Tamara Lington. Hear me and bear in mind, you no longer have any life outside. You will be good as a rag doll once the Cathedra gets their hands on you. DON’T EVER LEAVE THIS PLACE WITHOUT MY CONSENT. Don’t try my patience, Tamara. YOU BEG me to help you live that night, you look at me with begging eyes. So DON’T get angry at me for giving you a chance to see those people you dear so much again even just in a distance.” He said as he turns around and in a swift moment, he vanishes leaving me slowly dropping to the ground feeling like a block of ice that had been placed to the fire.   He was right and it hits me. I am not angry at him… I am angry with myself for I am so sacred to the thought of being abused, mistreated, and bullied again. I sit there for a few more minutes until I gathered my own strength and slowly stand. I look at the window towards the beautiful night sky, full of determination and anger as I look into the trees outside.   “Even so; I own my life. It’s in me to use it in my own accord before God takes it back from me. I WILL ESCAPE this place, soon.” I said as I watch the trees outside and the shining of the bright stars.   I just hope everyone at home is safe and is doing well without me. I don’t know but I hope those men who had cornered and that man who killed me will be in jail by now. I hope the police had taken my message and picture seriously. I just wish I could escape here sooner, to see for myself if what Livious and Charles told me is the truth for I am that person who believes in the saying to see is to believe.          
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