Chapter 3: Scary Man and His bite

2009 Words
“Please go in Milady and don’t make the prince angry or you will be sorry. He… can’t tolerate disobedience.” Charles said almost made me snort.   “Yeah, I can see that.” I said softly before slowly walking into the dining room.   When I enter the room Charles follows behind me closing the door behind us, I see a bright wide dining room with a wide table with ten wooden chairs and there are 2 vases with red roses on the center of the table. By the edge of the table sits that Livious man or prince or whatever he is, he facing these different types of served dishes as he constantly plays a glass full of red liquid in his right hand. He didn’t even look up to glance at us. A menacing smirk appears on his lips as he slowly sips the content of his glass.   “Your Highness, the lady is here. Do you have any other command?” Charles asks as he bows towards the still not looking Livious.   “That will be all Charles. You may return to your previous task.” Livious said as the servant turn around to leave.   I am left looking at this Livious guy while I try to look brave and strong. I look around to see no other exit points other than the door we came in. All windows are firmly shut and are covered with this greenish curtains. The whole place looks so clean like that of a house of those typical rich persons in movies. I think that other than Charles, there must be few other servants here. That will be another problem for my successful escape. BUT, I look at the guy sitting before me just for me to meet his cold bluish eyes. I look away feeling this uncertain emotion as I feel like being drawn to his lovely sad eyes.   “What are you waiting for, sit and eat. You need to replenish your strength. My blood is enough to completely heal and transform your weak human body into my kind but you are still flesh and blood. You need to eat.” He said with his icy tone making me a bit frightened.   “I- I am not hungry. A just want to go home, please let me go.” I said as I firmly clench my hands on the dress I am wearing.   I feel frightened when he looks at me with this cold look, his eyes are back to the color of crimson like the first time I saw him. He leans on his knuckles as he looks at me as if he is looking into my soul. I am scared I accept that, but I won’t let him enjoy the sight of me being afraid as he toys with me. Yes, I am scared but I won’t let anyone treat me like I was treated before as Mara.   “I don’t think so, Tamara. From this day onward you are to stay in this mansion and be guarded by my people. There is more danger outside than here, now that you’ve become my immortal servant the enemy will come after you too. Once they got a scent of my blood that flows in you……… you will be good as dead BUT, more painful than that pain you felt when you first died.” He said still looking at me with his piercing stare.   I can feel that he is telling me somewhat a warning but I don’t know if I have to believe him or not. I don’t want to be locked up here and with just the thought of that, the memories of my life as Mara keep on appearing in my mind.   “Died? W-what do you mean by that? W-what did you do to me, why do I feel so different? WHAT DID YOU DO?!” I said in surprise and resentment.   There is no way I can become someone’s servant against my own will. I escaped my father to be free so there is no way I am going to stay in a hellish life once again. He suddenly laughs making me shiver in annoyance and frustration. The way he laughs doesn’t emit happiness or amusement…… rather it gives a deadly warning. I clench my fingers deeper in the gown I am wearing. I look at this man who is a stranger to me yet he seems to know me wholly. This kind of man is the type of person I repulse so much, just like Leo Martines.... or even much worst. HE is like my father who thinks he can manipulate my life to his benefit. I won’t let that happen, not this time and not to me, not Tamara Lington.   “You better sit and eat; don’t try to challenge my patience, Miss Tamara, like I said you are no longer the Tamara everyone else knew. You will be good as dead ones you step out of this place. Escaping is futile. You might even become a danger to those you love.” He said as he looks at me with his now bluish eyes.   I silently bite my lower lip to stop myself from saying something that will anger him nor embarrass me even further. I can see the dominance he had over me, I can’t fight him and I know that. After taking a deep sigh I weakly sit into the chair right in front of him. I look at the food and close my eyes before taking some of the served food into the empty plate in front of me. I heard him stand but ignored his presence as I think of a way to get myself away from him. Prince Livious as he calls himself might be a psychopath and I might end up becoming his weak victim, so I have to protect myself. He is a mere stranger to me. I am certain that there is something off about this man other than just being a coldblooded monster; I can’t just figure it out yet. One thing is for sure, I can’t trust him or anyone for that matter. YET, someone deep inside me is fighting to give him second thoughts.   “You know, this is the first time I brought a human girl into my home and bringing her back to life. You should understand one thing, Tamara. I own now your life, your now purpose of existence is to serve me for eternity. You are now my immortal servant whether you like it or not, I will need your blood as you need mine to survive. Without my blood, you will slowly weaken then turn into ashes or worst. You will and you might even suck the life out of your friends.” He said making me drop the spoon I am using to sip a warm soup.   Damn, is he serious? What the heck is wrong with this man? Yes, he is handsome like those Greek gods carved by sculptors in museums and those actors in tv’s, his body is lean and muscular, that damned six-packed abs he hides from his t-shirts, that cute and tempting lips of his, and most especially his eyes that change in accordance to his mood, once scary crimson when he is serious, scary and a total creep and then changes into bluish when he is under normal circumstances. Surprise by that, I manage to observe that with just hours. These must be the skills I had acquired by watching people around me trying to be wary of anyone who will be harmful to me.   “What- What do you mean by that?” I utter.   My eyes widen as I look at my clenched hand on the table. This can’t be, I will never allow myself to become someone’s servant. BUT…… what he said about me harming my friends made me nervous. Is he just scaring me or he is telling the truth? Is- Is he a monster, what is he anyway.   “I can see to your face you have questions. I’ll give you an answer that will help you understand. Monster? You can say that. I’m from the race you humans call vampires or the living corpse. The only difference I have from those undead merciless suckers is that I’m from the original race of the first-ever made vampires, we are called Royals. We royals have different types of special abilities but are common in only one. Our special blood can grant a dead living creature immortal life………… making them our immortal servant and will subconsciously react once we are in danger. And also one who will stay beside me at all cost.” He said and I look up at him as he stands on the corner holding his glass of red liquid.   “So- So what you mean to say by that… I am literally your blood bank…… your damn food? Is that it? You- You are so- so DESPICABLE.” I said as I stand in anger and face him head-on.   “Not so likely Tamara, don’t forget……… you drink my blood to survive and I might need your blood to regain strength. That is called give and take honey.” He said with the most cunning smile I had ever seen.   “And if I disagree, what you will do?” I said as I firmly hold the fork in my hand.   I slightly step back when he suddenly looks at me with his icy cold stare with his crimson eyes back, then in just seconds, he disappears from standing on the corner.   “Nothing, though you have no choice but to submit. Without my blood…… you WILL DIE…… painfully and slowly.” He said from the direction behind me so I spin around in fright seeing his sudden appearance behind me.   I immediately stand and step away from him as I look at him with surprise and fear. Who is he? Is he Flash in the Marvel movie or something?   “I refuse to be anyone’s damned owner. To everything I hated is telling me what I have to do is the worst. Don’t- ever- come- near me. Got it!” I said as my face burns in anger and protest.   In just a swift moment I am pinned into the hard wall as he locks me in-between his arms. He used his other hand to pull my hair to the side making me flinch in pain and my left side neck revealed to him.   “I’ll show you otherwise.” He said before I froze when a piercing pain purges my neck and I felt his icy cold lips touching my skin.   I feel like my whole world spins around when he starts to suck my blood, I feel light-headed but with my still sane mind and small strength, I start to fight him. I push him making him let my neck go and with my whole strength, I give a hard slap on his right cheek. All my life I never let anyone treated my body like that. Tears started to flow in my cheeks as I run away from the dining room holding my left neck where he bites me, it is darn painful, when I am in the hallway out of nowhere I look at the hand I use to hold my neck to see taint of blood in it. I cried as memories of my unhappy childhood came mocking me. I lean my back on the wall and slowly as tears drop to the floor I drop down to the floor and hug my knees. I start to question why God let me suffer like this. So far, this is the hardest trial God had given me ever. Why me, why this way, and why in a world I never know that exists?  
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