Chapter 5: Tamara’s resolve is surprising

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For almost 3 days I am locked into this prison-like and cold-like a haunted mansion while Charles and 2 other serious cold-looking maids serve me but being the free-spirited person I am I easily got bored in this grand room with no entertainment, I so missed my cellphone. At least I can play music or games or call my friends; my cellphone is so special to me for I bought it using my hard-earned money. Come to think of it, what had happened to it after that night? I am sure those men didn’t take it after the commotion so I am sure it is on that same street.   “Remembering what had happened is really giving me a hard time, after all, that is when I died. I have to escape so I can see my friends and Mrs. Bonnec.” I said with a heavy sigh as I look up at the ceiling for I am laying on that princess bed.   So far I got no clue as to how I can escape; the only thing helpful is that I finally memorized my way through the mansion’s hallways and rooms. This helps me avoid Livious but I know that he can find me if he puts his energy into it. To be clear I am not angry at him… I am just scared. So far, and thank God he has left me alone since then. I feel an unusual feeling of wanting to see him and being near him but I fight my crazy urges. Charles keeps on convincing me to loosen a little towards Livious but when I remember how he suddenly bites my neck and sucks my blood without my consent or any warning, fear and doubts keep rushing inside of me. How can I trust him when he already showed me that he won’t treat me nicely? But I know the reason why he is treating me that way is my entire fault… I am mean to him for an unknown reason. Also, I am still unwilling to believe that vampires exist. Never in my life that I believed but now, just by the thought of it, I really want and think I need to escape this place and be away from these cold people.   “I need to get out of here really fast or I’ll lose my mind doing nothing. I hope everyone is doing fine.” I said with deep sigh thinking about my friends at the university and Mrs. Bonnec, I look out of the window of the room with this sadness and longing.   One thing, I noticed is that during the daytime the mansions activity becomes dull and quiet. Nighttime is where I constantly come across some of the mansion’s busy servants. So far I had met 7 persons or shall I say vampires that live in this mansion with Livious. There is Charles the very first human turned by Livious, the two maids who manage the mansion, two more vampire soldiers as Charles calls them. Then I also encountered this old man named Helvero who claims to be Livious’ uncle and adviser… he said he is older than any vampires out there and he looks in his 50’s but vampires lived decades so I doubt that every one of them is young, and lastly a lady named Vanline claiming to be the wife of Livious deceased older brother. I don’t associate with any of them as I hide and lock myself in this room; I guess I am the one to blame for this all. They are trying to talk to me but I won't loosen at them. Knowing that I won’t be meeting anyone during the daytime I made it my routine to go exploring and try to find a way out during the daytime where I only see one or two of them from time to time.   “Tsk they are like worms that work at night time and go out but then hide at day time. Well, I guess even with how dominant being they are they still has these weaknesses. The sun is one of them, according to Charles it makes the Royal’s weak but those minor vampires into ashes. Sounds like any fiction stories and movies I watched.” I sigh as I look at my hand.   Everything inside the mansion is silent during the day but with those seals on every window and door, I don’t know where I could escape to. Those windows are being opened but only when someone is looking after them so I won’t escape. I don’t know but I feel different now so I went exploring while everyone is silent on the underground where they all are heading every day time. So now, I am looking into this large door that the residences there rarely go to.   “I wonder what is inside this room. I seldom see the maids come here and I think I saw Charles coming from here regularly. Perhaps an exit is hidden here.” I said being optimistic though I am slowly losing hope.   I slowly walk in as I slowly look for the light switch. When the light came on I gasp to see those piles of books inside the room.   “A- a library, a wide and… library full of books. I- I never thought there was such a place like this in this mansion. It’s like I entered the city’s public library.” I utter in awe as I look around, I have this certain happiness as I look around.   I love books; books are like my only sole sanctuary. And for the first time since I was brought to this place, I smile with sincerity. I look into the shelves of books casually picking books that appear likable to me. It is exciting to see such a library because unlike those public libraries and school library all books here are stories acquired on a different timeline. There are books from the 18th century and others. Textbooks or learning books are set aside in different areas. Do you remember the library where Beast brought Belle in the Disney movie Beauty in the Beast? This library is just like that. I also see wide paintings on the walls of this library, one is of a woman who looks so pretty and young with a reddish hair. The words written on the edge say Victoria Roshzon Woultre Ankost year 1996.   “I wonder how everyone is doing without me back at school. I hope Mrs. Bonnec is not having a hard time worrying about what has happened to me?” I said as I sit on a working desk with a lamp that I open to brighten the table.   “I- I really need to get out of here to find out.” I said as I slowly open the book I am holding at.   I am drawn to the story I am reading when I suddenly feel this sudden gush of cold wind run past me. I immediately look around alerted for staying here made me aware of everything even that not-so-human-speed people here have; just as I stand I gasp when I am suddenly pinned into the cold floor. I am in shock and pissed seeing Livious pinning me on top of me as I feel the cold floor on my back. His eyes are so scary crimson and he seems to be colder than usual. What’s up with this guy? He seems different and out of himself.   “O- kay so what’s your problem?” I said without a fear seen in my eyes rather I am purely pissed but at the same time thrilled to see him which is odd.   I tried pushing him but he won’t budge. When I look into his face I suddenly froze seeing that pure darkness painted on his face as he licks his lips showing me his sharp fangs. Oh boy! This seems to indicate danger.   “What- what the hell is your problem? Are you hungry? Go on… just make sure you kill me or I will kill me. Let me go you bastard!” I said beginning to push him off of me as I feel that angry rising all over my body as I feel his weight pinning me.   “Why- Why, why does it pain me rather than you? I- It must be your blood.” He said touching my neck making me shiver in his cold touch.   It is as if a cube of ice is being rubbed into my skin and it makes me feel chills all over my body. I look at him and see his scary crimson eyes making me angry and frustrated. Not again, I won’t let him treat me this way.   “My what? I warned you, DON’T TOUCH…… ahhhhhhh.”   I didn’t finish what I am about to say since for a brief moment he suddenly buried his fangs into my neck making me gasps as I breath heavily feeling that pain. My eyes widen as I feel the pain and the coldness of his lips on my skin. This time, the pain is more intense than the first time he did it but there is this weird sensation I can feel as he sucks on my blood. It is as if my body is starting to heat up and I feel slightly aroused but I bite into my lower lip to prevent myself from moaning.   ‘Darn it! What is going on with me? I never felt this way before to any man. My first boyfriend never did arouse me like this even if we kiss… thus why we break up after 2 months of dating. It is all because I have this wall all over me that he can’t breakthrough. Why this?’ I utter in my mind as I hold into Livi’s arm that suddenly wraps over my waist as his movements became gentler.   I need to get away from him; he is turning me into someone I am not. I tightly shut my legs when I feel the heat making my body throb, I feel myself sweat while he now slowly sucks on my blood. His other hand grabs my left breast and starts to play it while he sucks my blood making me gasp. I don’t know how long and how much of my blood he sucks but now I am feeling really weak and nauseous. My eyes are starting to blur and darkens.   “Li- Livi please stop, I- I can’t anymore.” I utter softly as I lost my consciousness.   Livi calmed hearing Tamara’s soft begging. He looks up to see her unconscious and really pale. There is also this look on her sweaty face as if she is…… she looks pretty that way. He smiles as he inhales wondering to himself why HE is the one in pain when it should be Tamara since she is his immortal servant. He smirks; well perhaps her resolve is greater than what he thinks. She can manage to fight the calling of blood. She must be a strong young lady despite her weak state.   Royal Vampires’ blood grants immortal life to a dead person who he believes they will call their immortal servant who will serve them for eternity until the master said otherwise but they need to constantly be taking the blood of their master to have their strength. But some have ideas about a Royal vampire giving blood to someone to change them… Livi do not know what is it yet but they said it is not to make that given immortality with blood as their servant but something else. It is a wonder why it is that HE the proud prince of Astra is the one in pain and in need of his immortal servant’s blood. It made him insane when she keeps on avoiding him. He tried getting away from her way until the time for her to settle will come like his uncle and their Royal elder Helvero advised him but…… the pain is too much for him to bear.   “What is that?” he said when he smells something tempting.   He looks at Tamara’s pants to see it wet…… down there. The sweet scent he smells is coming from her, right down there. What a sweet surprise for him. He smiles as he carried her bridal style and a swift moment they are in the room she occupies. He slowly laid her on the bed as he touches her cheek then downwards. His hand stops right on her rich legs.   “Tamara Lington, you are something else. You are too brave to even treat the cold crown prince of Astra this way. One of these days……… you will make me go insane.” He said before pulling the blanket and covering her body.   Seeing how pale she looks that only proves that he has taken too much of her blood for being unable to control himself. Without his blood, she will weaken and slowly dies. He bites his wrist and sucks some of his blood. He then leans over and kisses Tamara giving her his blood. He then wipes his lips off of his blood after he straightens to see Tamara’s color returning back to normal.   “See you around, Tamara.” He said before turning and disappearing.            
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