Chapter 6: Escaping and returning to normal

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I open my eyes and see that I am back in the room I occupy; I suddenly remember what had happened so I immediately grab my neck and look into my hand. As if a scene in a horror movie I thought I saw my hand full of blood. I froze while my eyes widen, I shake my head and look at my hand again just to see that the blood I thought I saw is gone. Suddenly I cry painfully while hugging my knees. I know it by now; I WILL lose my sanity if I will stay here a little more. I NEED TO LEAVE THE SOONER THE BETTER.   “But- But what was that? The feelings I feel while he…… NO! I need to focus on leaving this place.” I said debating with my mind constantly shaking my head to get that crazy thought out of my mind.   I spend my time avoiding everyone while I look for a way to escape without anyone suspecting me. I heard visitors coming into the mansion from time to time; I swear I had heard people talking into one of the f*******n rooms Charles specifically instructed me never to enter so I just keep my best to avoiding them. Not until Charles mentioned that Livi is hosting a night gathering in the mansion right in the living room so I am f*******n to leave my room that night.   “This must be a good chance for me. Once they are all resting in the morning I can find my way out of this sickening place. I have to at least try.” I said as I look at my reflection in the mirror.   I am currently taking my evening bath so that I can sleep on that night then wake up by morning when everyone is gone and into their rest. I will need all my energy for the morning, hopefully, every one of the vampires inside the mansion is in their resting room. And I pray that Livi or Charles will also be resting that time, I cross my fingers for luck.   “I changed, too much. With my appearance now many of those who know me will be in doubt and get so confused. I have to think of something to tell them in case I will escape here. My friends and Mrs. Bonnec will surely ask questions once they see me like this. I hope I can be able to see them again.” I said as I wrap my body with a towel.   My changes are so uncanny and sudden so it will surely give suspicion to everyone I know… I know they will surely ask questions and think of many things. My once nerdy look now changes into this hot sexy look, girls in our college's usual get-ups with their red lips and drop-dead gorgeous figure. My curly long hair that I usually intentionally let down to curtain my face is now longer until my butt and is now healthy and shiny. My eyes are now changing regarding my emotions like when I am mad, scared, and other emotions that trigger anger it will turn red but brown when I am normal. I sigh as I look at my whole foreign reflection. I can hear loud chattering, I swear I heard some shoes clinking every now and then indicating that vampires are walking back and forth in the hallways. I tried so hard to fall asleep so I can have some energy escaping the next daylight.   ‘I must escape whatever it takes. I will not become a prisoner in this cold mansion. I won’t just let that cold man make me as his bag of blood.’ I utter as I take a deep breath and sigh.   I open my eyes to see the bright light from the window. I sigh as I slide down the bed and stretch my arms. I turn silent and listen just to be faced with dead cold silence. I smile as I slowly open the door and peek into the hallway to see emptiness.   “What a beautiful day to find freedom.” I utter to myself before walking towards the bathroom and washing my face, brushing my teeth, and fixing myself just to be ready to escape just in case.   I wear the most normal-looking clothes I had seen in that wide closet placed in my room with so many expensive staff. I feel like I entered a princess’ royal closet seeing the content of this closet before. Clothes, dresses, shoes, jewelry, necklaces and many high-class items are there making me feel so out of the world. With a sigh, I wear this simple yet fancy brown off-shoulder blouse, a skinny pair of jeans I match with the only normal hiking shoes I had seen in the piles of shoes on the shelves, and a black blazer I use to cover the off-shoulder blouse. Tying my long black hair into a ponytail, I immediately walk towards the door making sure that no one is out there.   “Okay, this is it. Wish me luck.” I said after a deep breath as I open the door and peeking into the hallway.   I slowly turn the knob then peek outside to see if the hallway is clear. Seeing it so quiet and lonely boring like any usual day in that miserable mansion, I slowly step out and slowly closes the door. With caution and careful movements, I manage to look around the whole place for an exit but so far nothing is available. With this ninja moving that I am doing and slightly slowing of my breathing, I feel easily tired and giving up. I mean come on; I need to be wary of those vampires with heightened senses and doubled strength. One wrong move and I am a goner.   “What now, windows and exit doors are tightly locked. I’m stuck in here forever and I’m so tired, I need a drink.” I said losing my last string of hope.   I weakly head towards the kitchen on the first floor, oh one more thing there is an underground room below the mansion where Livi and the others who are like him that are cold and scary vampires usually stay to rest. Creepy and also intriguing to see what it looks like down there but with Livi’s threats and all, I am strictly f*******n to even step into its stairs so I never step into his personal space. Like what the…… why would I when I want to avoid him at any cost.   “Ah, where is that freaking refrigerator?” I utter in frustration as I look into the kitchen when something caught my eyes.   I immediately walk towards the window in front of the sink. I swear that I just saw the curtains being blown by the wind outside. I shove the curtains and my face suddenly brightens at what I see.   “It- It’s open, oh my gosh! It really IS OPEN! They might have forgotten to lock it again. Thank God!” I utter in joy as I cover my mouth to prevent myself from creating a loud cheer.   I immediately climb up the sink and push open the window with a size of a child but by the size and the floor I am in; I can manage to squeeze my way out, hopefully. I nearly fall when I heard some voices coming towards the kitchen and coming close but at a slow pace. I debated if I will hide or continue. Not wanting to lose my only opportunity of escaping this place and most especially the cold arrogant monster Livi, I immediately and carefully squeeze my way out from the window. When I am already outside I heard some of the maids coming into the kitchen so I slowly walk behind a bush and hides. I see the window I widely opened pulled by a hand from inside and I see it locked by the maids. I exhale in relief, now my only problem is how I will find my way home when I don’t have any money for a jeep or a taxi. I decided to walk and take constant shortcuts until I came into the main road that I am so familiar with. With a happy and relieved face, I run to the street and hope that some kind passerby will be kind enough to give me a ride back to the center of Tawner. I waited for a few minutes and a kind couple let me ride in their truck as they look at me as if I seem to be suspicious.   “So what had happened to you dear? You are in a secluded place and you look as if you had been running for quite a while.” the woman asks as they casually look at me before they silently look into the road.   “I was kidnapped but then they left me on that road. I don’t know what they look like because they take me last night then they said I was not the one they are after so they push me out of the car and they left.” I said.   I mix a little acting with my lie with some tears; I learned how to become a believable liar before because I have to lie to my father as to why I keep on going home late. I didn’t want them to know that I am working part-time works in a bar as a waitress to continue my high school. As much as I don’t want to lie I have to so I could survive. I can’t possibly tell this couple who are kind enough to let me into their truck what had happened to me or they will be in danger or worst… they might think I am crazy. Vampires are believed to be just a fragment of someone’s imaginations like Dracula and all those movies. Unaware that we do live with vampires, THAT I found out after meeting Livi and the others.   “I see, it is a good thing that you are safe. They didn’t do anything to you or harmed you when they pushed you?” the man asks as I sigh and shake my head as my tears are dropping on my lap.   “No- no they pushed me on the side of the road with grasses so I am fine. I am planning on reporting this but I have to go home and see my friends and family or they will be so worried. I am so thankful you came by.” I said in a dramatic sobbing making the woman wrap her arm over my shoulder and tap my back.   “That is okay. As long as you are safe.” the woman said.   I wave at them as they drop me right on the town’s market. I walk my way towards my apartment hoping everything will be alright now and that monster Livi will not come after me which I know is inevitable.   “Tamara dear, you really scared me to death. You were gone for almost 2 whole weeks; I tried calling the police but the only things they found is your scattered books on the alley near our block and your bag a few meters beside some bloodstains. They reported that you might be dead but I couldn’t believe it. My dear sweet child, here you must be hungry and tired. Eat more, and then you can rest later. We can talk things through when you already settle and rested.” Mrs. Bonnec said worriedly as she guides me inside after I told her about what had happened that is obviously a lie.   “I’m so sorry mamo and thank you for this.” I weakly said as I eat the warm food prepared by my kind landlady and is my so-called mother.   When I arrive in my apartment it was already 3 in the evening since I walk my way until here right after I was dropped in the market by that kind couple. The kind woman nearly fainted upon opening the door and seeing me. I see the shock, worry, and then confusion in Mrs. Bonnec’s face as the kind lady looks at my whole appearance. I know that the Mamo must be lost in words seeing my change in appearance, who would not be confused and surprise after an introvert nerd is now looking like THIS. Who would not, I barely resemble my old nerdy, simple, weak, and normal self. I only hope I can give them a more satisfying and reasonable story behind my disappearance and sudden change. I am crossing my fingers for that. I just wonder, what will Livi do once he finds out that I escaped? Somehow a part of me wants to know.      
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