Chapter 7: Back to school and start of changes

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  My life returns to normal after days of being locked inside that cold and haunting mansion. It’s a mystery as to why Livi hasn’t yet come looking for me, surely he must have found out that I have escaped. So, why has he not sent someone to come after me, or why he had not shown up yet? BUT as much as I am wondering why, I am more than glad that he is not showing himself to me.   ‘I just hope he won’t show up. I will surely escape once again.’ I said with a heavy sigh.   That was a relief for me but I fear the time where he will suddenly appear to take me again. For 2 days I reported to my part-time jobs and to my classes telling everyone who is worried and misses me for my disappearance the reason why I suddenly disappeared. All that I said as a reason is that I finally went back to our town and make peace with my family. Hence for the sudden change, I said that my aunt and uncles who are delighted that I am finally back take me to be treated with a makeover to compensate for the previous misunderstandings. Luckily for me, they believed it and seem to be glad for the news. That past of mine has haunted me so much and made a certain impact on my life so I was not what they call a happy youngster. I don’t socialize and I am always aloof to people so my friends and everyone I know are so worried. They must be thinking that now that I am on good terms with my family I will change a little and start opening to others.   “Can you imagine that I even believe that Crista is dating that Gasven guy? She is even so proud of it without knowing that Gasven is already set to marry someone else. Now she is like a beaten cat as she cries and shrinks on the side as that Gasven jerk enjoys his usual life.” Rhea said as we tell stories from what is happening in the University.   “That is why I don’t trust men so much. If I am here I will only believe men when I see them work as hard to show me how much they love me.” I said as I sigh and raise the tray to wipe the table.   After a few moments, I suddenly heard Zeandra clears her throat as I just continue wiping the table and returning the chairs into their proper places.   “So Tamara how was that man? You know, the one they were about to let you marry. What happened to him after you left and now that you have returned?” my friend Zeandra Lopez said as we wipe the tables of the restaurant where we are doing our part-time job, it is a fast-food restaurant with foreigners as its usual customers.   I froze for I didn’t expect that. Suddenly I remember Leo Martines and I feel like cold water had been thrown all over me. What shall I tell them, I need to get past this somehow but what lie will I tell them this time?   “Yeah, I was wondering about that person too. SO… what happened? He must have been so mad and humiliated right after you left. He must think that you have stepped into his pride. I hope he didn’t do anything shady while you are there?” Rhea Borguza also our friend said, we three and Miles Hilmeon are best of friends for we all understand one another’s pain and struggles.    Zeandra Lopez, Rhea Borguza, and Miles Hilmeon are my best friends at the University. They helped me a lot especially financially and emotionally. We all know each other very well so the three know my tattered past with my family. I can’t tell them the truth about what really happened, that I died and become… that I become someone’s pet and now a blood-sucking vampire… though I pray that I won’t have to take someone’s blood. They might get in trouble and I don’t want to remember or even deal with that again. With the kind of man Livi is and once the existence of vampires is revealed there will be chaos or worst Livi might murder my friends for their silence though I pray that he is not that kind of man who will murder someone innocent to keep his existence a secret. But there is this ere feeling inside of me that I really want to run back to the mansion, to Livi. I shake my head to clear my mind. I am thinking trash again.   “Well- Well, he- he got really mad but… the truth is…… Rhea, Zeandra can I tell you a secret?” I said as I stop wiping the table and face my friends who were also cleaning behind me.   The two look at each other with questioning expressions on their faces. They both look at me then nodded.   “We are your friends, aren’t we? You can tell us anything and we will help you no matter what. So- so what is it? Don’t worry we will keep it to ourselves, that’s a promise.” Zeandra said as they look at me worriedly.   I take a deep breath then look at my hands holding the washcloth I am using to clean the tables.   “I- I and my family argued again. They- They want me to marry someone else again and this time they said since I have my issues with an unreliable man they found a much better match with my taste, so they say. They were planning on a meet-up they scheduled for yesterday but I run away again. I- I just can’t possibly marry someone I don’t love just for fame…… not now. I- I’m sorry I lied, I lied that we are now fine and happy. I- I just don’t know…… marriage scares me. The huge responsibility and the great dedication it requires…… I don’t qualify yet.” I said trying to be as convincing even if I don’t want to lie to them, I can see pure disbelief and anger in my friends’ eyes, I feel really bad as I am weaving lies after lies.   I need to connect chains so that I can get out of confusion.  Plus, I know that they will soon ask me to meet my family and I just can’t do it since I lied about returning home. I do not like to lie and tell fake stories just to get my friends' sympathy especially to these people who have become my family throughout the years but… a vampire really? A vampire will surely arouse more questionable thoughts from them and I don’t like that to happen. They might just think that I am going insane or worst they might even leave me. I do not want to be alone, not this time and not especially when Livi turned me into this monster making me feel so lonely and scared.   “WHAT?? Sorry I mean, we thought everything settles but, how can they do this to you. After 4 years they still think of marrying you off to a mere stranger. What kind of parents are they? Don’t worry once they show their faces here and try to get you to do as they please we will not let them. They have to pass to us to get to you. Argg!” Rhea said in a puff of frustration, I really feel so bad but I can’t take back and regret what I just said.   “Oh…… Tam comes here, group hug. By the end of the day, we will always be with you okay. Never forget that.” Zeandra said as the two of them pull me into a tight hug.   “Thank you… so much.” I said almost in a whisper.   I sigh feeling so bad but I try so hard to be stronger. They don’t have to know that I once died and now I am a vampire’s pawn or Livi’s so-called immortal servant. I sniff my nose trying to act as if I am in tears when a certain scent came into my nose. I froze as I feel my throat ache and my canine teeth start to elongate again as I felt before. I look at my friends who are hugging me tightly and I might be becoming insane or my eyesight might be distorted but I swear that I can see red lines indicating the flowing of blood into the veins in the necks of my friends. My mouth starts to salivate and when I look into the mirror wall in front of me I can see my eyes brightly red being reflected by the mirror. I again sniff and that sweet scent made me go crazy and I think I am already brushing my lips into the soft milky skin of the neck of Zeandra.   “U-Umnnn Tam, are you okay? What- What are you doing?” I suddenly stop what I am doing as if I just got awakened when I heard Zeandra’s confused whisper while Rhea rubs my back as if consoling me.   I then realized that I was about to bite Zeandra on her neck. I look into my reflection and see how I nearly bury my fangs into my friend’s neck just millimeters away. I froze for I realize that I am nearly becoming what Livi warned me to be, a heartless monster. Is this what they had told me about… why I must not escape?   “I- I’m fine…… so- sorry I need to run to the CR!” I utter as I run away from them covering my face on my way.   “Wait- wait Tam?” I heard my friends calling me in confusion but I had already run towards the waitress’ private CR inside our changing room.   I immediately lock the door as I walk towards the mirror. My eyes are still bright red and my fangs are as sharp as those hungry wolves of the forests. I immediately wash my face with the cold water as if I need to wake up and all these hideous changes I see on me will disappear. When I look up my eyes are still the same and my fangs are still visible. The worst part is that my throat hurts like hell. I slowly drop to the cold tiled floor as I hold into my neck as the pain creeps into my body.   “Blood- Blood, I need blood.” I heard myself says and I feel this certain coldness coming into my whole body…… something is changing in my body and it sends fear all over me.   “What- What the hell am I saying? I AM NOT A MONSTER! I- I need to…… I need to control myself. Tamara, you can do this. YOU are NOT a MONSTER!” I said talking to myself as I slowly clench my hands as if ready to punch someone.   I blame this all on Livi, how dare him for turning me into like this. This is not the type of life I dream of. I want to live a normal life, a happy fulfilled life. But, with this sudden changes and sudden urges… so ME, being normal is next to ZERO. BUT truth is told I know who is truly to blame, MYSELF, this for being hardheaded. I was warned, but I disregarded it. If anything happens to my friends… it is on me. I can still feel the surging pain as if a sharp steak is being purged into my chest. Hating and blaming Livi then myself I raise my hand and just bite my wrist. I feel the crushing pain upon the purging of my fangs into my skin but when it reaches the blood, the pain changes into cravings and thirst. As if I am a thirsty person running in the Sahara Desert and just have found an oasis, I start to suck my blood hoping for the best. The insane part is that I liked the taste of it. It tastes like vanilla and strawberry. I sigh and then lean on the wall as I gasp as I feel that blood coming back into my body which is too weird.   “Can I keep this up for more days? What if I won’t be able to control myself? I don’t want to just pound on someone else just to take blood. I won’t.” I said as I sigh and look at my wrist as I take deep breaths.   Will I be able to survive days without blood or will I lose my control and bite everyone to quench my thirst? What shall I do?      
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