Chapter 9: Painful Thirst

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  I close my eyes as I try so hard to relax my body. I am really in too much pain but I do not know why and how to stop it. I can’t return to that mansion or even see that Livi again, it will just hurt my pride after saying things, avoiding him, and escaping. I hate him for doing this to me BUT… I have this unknown feeling on my chest that is so confusing.   “Why do I keep on remembering his face every time this intense pain appears?” I said and sigh.   I nearly hurt my friends then my mamo if I had not controlled myself a while ago. For turning me into this monster, I really despise Livi… no that is not the case, I just hate myself for being so weak and letting that man kill me thus making Livi make me this way. I only wish that he never had brought me back from the dead. Yes, I wanted so much to live but to be alive but not totally alive… I can’t live with that. The worst part is that I hated seeing blood before but now…… I needed to drink blood to stop the pain I am feeling. I sigh then bite my other wrist, the pain again subsides but I feel my body weakening. I look at my reflection and see my complexion becoming so pale and I look so weak and so terrible.   “I can’t, I can’t anymore. The pain is too much but…… I don’t like to return to that place nor see that monster again. I need to bear it and then control myself. I can do this. Oh gosh! The pain is so terrifying.” I said as I drop my bleeding hand on the sink then look at my now monster-like appearance like before, red eyes, sharp fangs, and b****y red lips.   I sleep that night still feeling an immeasurable pain then I had the worst nightmare I had ever have in my entire life.   “Will death come next after this? I hope so, other than craving blood and end up harming everyone I know.” I utter as I close my eyes while holding into my stomach feeling that great hunger and pain all over my body.   On the other hand, Livi is so furious after finding out that Tamara had escaped. He is somehow feeling this eerie feeling now that she is away. He knows where to find her and how to take her back but he is then convinced by Vanline, his deceased brother’s wife not to force Tamara. He knows that he had been harsh towards Tamara not to think that she just died and is now a vampire. She must still be angry and unable to accept everything that had happened. Livi knows that but… why does Tamara’s presence give him this certain annoyance and frustration every time he sees her and sees that emotionless shine from her eyes. That was not like the eyes he had seen as she slowly gasps for air before she closes them and dies.   “Livi let her be. A woman who is like her…… if you kept on chasing after her while being harsh she will just continue to run away. Let her feel the pain of being away from you and not taking your blood. Once she realizes that all we have told her is the truth and that she will now become a threat to her friends she will soon come back. We can only watch out for her, once the Cathedra found out that you give her your blood they will come after her to find you. We can’t let the Cathedra know where we are hiding or their plan will succeed. And the other’s sacrifice will be wasted, you know that right Livi? Don’t forget, you and your brother Lash are the only pure Royal blood, one that are from the line of Victoria, that are still surviving.  Once they have both of your blood they will rule the Vampire realm. ” She said as she drinks her cup of blood.   “I heard that they plan to awaken their leader Bloudes then let him drink the blood of the Royal’s to make him invincible and immortal.” His uncle Helvero said drinking his cup of blood.   Helvero was Livi’s father’s great adviser and he is the recorder of Vampire history. He is also one of the elder Royals who are the councils in the kingdom of Astra. Bloudes Ghasven Hervoro IV, leader of the resistance long ago that goes against the peace treaty between the humans and the vampires on the reign of Livi’s father. He doesn’t like how the Royal elders made the vampire law, he only thinks that it only benefits the humans. He killed the Royal elder who made him and he started the battle between vampire lower ranks to the Royals until he was defeated by the 6 great elders but eventually defeated by the living Royal elders and Livi’s father. The Cathedra wanted to bring him back to life and continue his beliefs that humans are vampires’ slaves and food while the Royals believe that vampires need to coexist with humans to retain balance.   “You are right, any news from my brother Lash and his wife?” Livi asks as Charles laid a cup of blood in front of him on the table.   “He sends no news but they seem to be doing fine. The bad news is…… the Cathedra already found Bloudes’s remains. They only need Lash’s and your blood to gift him after they awaken him.” Helvero said making him and Vanline gasps then look into each other.   The reason why they needed Livi’s blood was that he is the only one with the blood of Victoria, the very first immortal vampire who walked the earth. Victoria is a vampire long ago that can walk to the sun, eat human foods, and lived a thousand decades. She was once a human but got cursed by a warlock who fell in love with her. Victoria lived with the vampire elders back in Astra and has given her blessing and blood to the vampire she chooses……… only one chosen pureblood vampire from the Royals who came into her direct line will be chosen by her. Once chosen, she or he will become an immortal vampire and the only one who can grant immortality to the dead by giving them his or her blood making them immortal servants that she or he can use. Livi was chosen when he was born and Victoria gives him her blessing and blood making him immortal, powerful, and stronger. Normal vampires unlike him will die after a few decades of being a vampire; this is why the Cathedra is draining the blood of Royal vampires and also why they badly seek Livi the most. Victoria disappeared before the Cathedra attacks Astra; this is the biggest puzzle all vampires pondered about and probably the reason why the Cathedra find their guts to attack them in Astra. Many sacrificed their lives to save him and make him escape with some purebloods and other loyal vampire underlings, many purebloods and the 6 elders died the day of the Cathedra’s attack.   “I see, it’s a matter of time before they find us. We need to prepare and be ready. How many soldiers can we gather that is still faithful to us?” Livi asks as they look at Helvero.   “To my count, let’s say more or less a thousand. The others who are hiding in other places have given us their assurance that they will aid us once we are ready to attack.” Helvero said making Livi sigh then look at the window.   “Why do I feel like Victoria is testing me all this time? We need to prepare and gather some supplies. Message the others to meet us in the secret underground hideout. Send some people to store us some blood supply for us to regain our strength.” Livi said then leans on his knuckles.   “I’ll send them the message. Vanline will lead the others to prepare supplies while I and the other leaders will train the soldiers.” His uncle said making Vanline nod then she stands.   Both of them disappear in instant leaving him alone with Charles standing on his side. When Tamara disappeared he feels a little bit weak and tired, and it is not helping at this critical time. He needs to find her…… perhaps he can feel okay once he is near her.   “No… this is not the time for that. I need to focus on leading my people. I can go see her later.” He said making Charles smile unknowing by him.   He knows that Tamara hates him and branded him as a monster. How can’t she, when he showed him immediately how monstrous he is by forcefully taking her blood without her consent. She must be frightened and in pain at this moment, seeing the changes in herself. He can’t blame her when he turned her by giving her his blood thus making her immortal; he already condemned her life and stole her freedom.   “She is one woman I can’t get to understand. She is different from those women I came upon in every century. She has darkness hiding inside of her.” he said with a heavy sigh as he looks out of the window into the night.   The only thing he didn’t regret doing is bringing her back using his blood and not by biting her as he did to Charles. If he did, Tamara won’t be able to walk the day or even eat human food like she once did. With the blood of Victoria, Livi is different than the other vampires. He can walk the light, eat human foods, and mingle with humans normally. And when he will gift a dead person or vampire with his blood they will become also immortal and like him, they can also walk with humans. Henceforth, the reason why the Cathedra needed his blood is to awaken Bloudes their leader who was put to sleep by the Royal elders and his father long ago for being a traitor and for killing his kind mercilessly.   “Charles, did you meet our spy? Are the Cathedra already aware of Tamara’s existence?” he asks as he stands there while Charles stands behind him with his head down.   “I did Your Highness; they seem to have spotted something weird on her location. I think they sent someone to check it for them. They might have been looking for Miss Lington. What do you plan to do now, Your Highness?” Charles asks making Livi swallows as hard.   “Any movement to those who are sent?” he asks as I look at the forest.   “None so far, Your Highness. They might have not yet found her… but we know that it will not be that long before they do.” Charles said making Livi takes a deep sigh.   Having his blood in her will also make Tamara a target to the Cathedra once they found out that she is HIS immortal servant and they can use her to lure him out or use her blood to locate him. He and Tamara are now connected by blood so it is really not impossible for them to locate him with the use of her.   “Charles, send someone to protect and watch Tamara during the night and report to me what is happening. The Cathedra can’t find out about her…… or they will find us sooner than we anticipated.” He said.   “Yes, Your Highness. I will see to it that those who will go to watch over her will be somewhat stronger and skilled. We can’t let them have her. I believe Your Highness that they are more to it than just making her your immortal servant. I believe she has something more special as a role in your life.” Charles said making Livi look at him as Charles bows before disappearing leaving him alone in that room.   As much as he doesn’t think of Tamara that way more Livi feels like Charles has a point after all Charles has a talent for predicting things that is why he brought him back to life after he had been killed by his enemies. Charles is a good observer when he was still a human and Livi saw that he has a gift that can be useful. Livi smirks as he looks at the hair tied on a ribbon inside a golden box. He takes a deep breath before touching the hair with his fingertip.   “You will see soon what it’s like to be in my world. You are brave and a strong-spirited woman so I know that like Charles you will also be a great servant, Tamara Lington.” Livi said before he turns and disappears.      
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