Chapter 8: Craving blood and the kind landlady

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Minutes passed but I am still drinking my blood and as time passes, I feel like my body weakens and that my thirst had still not subsided. Unable to stop and continue I look at my feet then stop. The color now is drained from my skin that is so visible since I am in my waitress uniform. I slowly drop my hand on my lap and I look into the wound I created, blood still coming out of my hand from the two puncture wounds my fangs had purge through.   “There’s no doubt now. I have turned into a monster.” I said as I look into my b****y wrist as tears drop from my eyes.   “What would I do now? I- I can’t be like this, if this keeps up what might I do next? What if- what if I hurt those people around me? I cannot take that.” I said as tears start dropping over my lap as I wipe my tears.   With a deep sigh, I take my handkerchief from my pocket and wipe my mouth. My fangs are now starting to retract and now returned to normal. I then look into the white handkerchief to see it tainted with blood. I sigh then start to tie it into my wounded wrist hoping the bleeding will stop. I wash my face from the sink’s faucet then look at my reflection, I look so pale and my whole body is weak. What is happening to me? This must be the effect Livi and Charles told me before that I will feel once I am away from Livi. What if I won’t drink from his blood, his so-called special blood, will I slowly suffer and then die?   “No, I can fight this. Tamara, YOU are NOT A MONSTER. I can do this; self-control is what I’m good at. I didn’t go against my family just to be beaten like this.” I said talking to my reflection giving myself encouragement for determination.   After a few hours inside the comfort room, I swear I heard footsteps coming from afar and the voices of people talking. When I clear my mind by shaking my head I realize that the voices I can hear are from my friends Rhea and Zeandra talking while they are coming to where I am. They are worriedly talking about me, asking each other countless questions about where I had gone to and why am I being so oddly weird. I rub my head and cover my buzzing ears, I feel so irritated by my suddenly heightened sense of hearing that is making me feel so confused and in pain. This change is becoming a problem and I know that it will one day destroy my life completely. I look at my wounded wrist to see my wounds slowly healing and until there is no more evidence of what I just did. I immediately cover my ears and feel my head as if I am inside a bell that is ringing making me feel so dizzy.   “The sounds are too loud!” I utter in frustration as I cover my ears then take countless deep breaths.   I turn when I suddenly heard a knock on the comfort room’s door. It’s amazing since I am covering my ears yet I still can hear those sounds which mean that my hearing is still heightened and still so loud.   “Tam- Tam, are you still there? Are you okay girl? Do you need anything, like do you need tampons or anything. Don’t tell us you are on your period now?” I hear Rhea’s teasing tone as I heard her giggle and I heard their silent laughing at Rhea’s joking words.   “Uhmnnn ya- yah I’m fine it just that I feel so tired lately, can- can you do me a favor and tell the manager that I’m not feeling well today. Tell her I’m sorry that I’ll be going home early. I can just do the overtime some other time.” I said as I look at my reflection making sure that my appearance is back to normal.   I am relieved that my hearing tuned down so that drumming painful sounds disappeared. I heard the worried whispering of my friends behind the door so I take a deep sigh.   “O- okay, so are you sure you are fine? Do you want us to accompany you home? We can ask the boss to excuse us too.” Zeandra said and I rub my wrist that I have bitten since it is suddenly beginning to throb painfully even if the wound is gone.   “No thanks I can manage, besides you two will be needed tonight since a party celebration will be held here. The manager will be upset when we all bail. I’ll be just fine all I need is a rest hopefully. I’m just down lately ever since things happened so fast.” I said as I look at the door.   “Okay then, we will go tell the manager that you are not feeling well and need to head home. Surely she will understand, you have been through a lot so you better rest. We will see you tomorrow at school if you are feeling better to attend our classes.” Rhea said making me sigh in relief as I look into my reflection on that wide mirror in the sink area.   “Thanks, guys, I owe you big this time. I’ll make sure I can make it up to you next time.” I said as I look at my reflection then look at my teeth, thankfully it is back to normal now.   After a few more minutes, I silently open the lock of the comfort room then peek making sure that no one will see me. I immediately head towards the changing room and change my uniform then take my bag. I am silently walking down the silent road. It is a bit little dark now but unbelievably I can see quite well unlike before that I need to open the light of my cellphone. I froze when I feel like I am not alone on that road. Then I can see a group of students happily chatting as they walk in my direction. I sigh in relief as I continue to walk home.   “Oh dear, you are home a little bit early. Your friends worriedly call me saying you are not feeling well and you ask for permission to come home early. Come on in and join me for dinner. I have prepared your favorite food. Hopefully, you will feel better tomorrow.” Mrs. Bonnec said as she opens the door for me.   Since Mrs. Bonnec literally adopted me since the kind woman is my signed mother in my College papers and documents, we both lived in the widest apartment room in Mrs. Bonnec’s building.   “Thank you mamo for everything you’ve done for me. I won’t be here alive and well if it’s not because of you. You have become not just my landlady but a loving mother, a love I had been logging for I grew up without a mother after my mother’s death when I was born. I love you and always remember that.” I said making Mrs. Bonnec confused but happy upon hearing that at the same time.   “And you have become more than a tenant to me. You’ve become my only family. Come on dear, don’t start with this self-pity drama or we might end up crying here. Now, let us eat and wake up tomorrow with a brand new day.” Mrs. Bonnec said as she rubs my cheek making me smile.   ‘I don’t know about that, I might not make it the next day.’ I mutter in my mind.   “I hope so to mamo, I hope so too. Now, hmnnnn that smells so nice.” I said as I smell the scent coming from the kitchen.   Mrs. Bonnec pulls me towards the kitchen as I laid my bag on the sofa on our way. I smile seeing that the table is set with many foods laid there that are still steaming.   “Seeing you look so pale, you need some soup, my dear.” Mrs. Bonnec said as I pull an empty chair as I sit and we both happily dine together like any normal day.   To be honest, I am trying so hard not to grab my kind landlady, my mamo, and bite her neck. I don’t want to do that; I’d rather die than harm them. I am seeing it again, the reddish lines on my mamo’s neck like what I saw on both my friends’ necks later that day. It is really getting harder and painful but I can’t hurt the people I love and who accepted me as who I am wholehearted. I just can’t bear doing something inhuman to them. I will surely hate myself if I will end up hurting them. Livi is right; somehow I wish Livi is here with me. I shake my head and take a deep sigh before smiling at my mamo.   “By the way Tamara, how are your school requirements going? I suppose you had submitted all those you failed to do when you were gone for almost 2 weeks or so. They called me and I just told them you were having a family emergency. I hope it won’t affect your graduation day.” my mamo said as I try so hard to control myself.   “I already talked to my professors and they give me a chance. I already passed all the requirements and all that is needed is we prepare for that graduation after a month of practice and waiting for the others to complete their requirements. Everything will be fine mamo.” I said as I look into the food and keep myself from looking at her or I might see that red lines again.   The scent of blood is already unbearable to me for I can smell it even if my mamo is not bleeding but then this sweet scent is making me want to grab her and bite her neck. I swallow as hard as I look into my plate. I sigh as I drink that glass of water on my side.   “Mamo, I think I don’t feel fine. I will head to my room and rest. I might be so tired after doing many requirements and then I got busy with my part-time jobs after coming back. I am so sorry.” I said as I act as if I am yawning and then slightly rub my shoulders.   Mrs. Bonnec looks at me then she sighs and nods. I smile and I drink the warm glass of milk before standing.   “Go on and rest and if you are hungry just come into the kitchen I will fix the foods so you can just reheat them.” she said at me and I smile and nod.   “Thank you mamo, I will head to my room then. I am really so sorry.” I said as I walk away at a fast pace for I can’t control myself any longer.   I open the door and close it behind me as I lean into it and then grab my suddenly aching head. I drop to the floor as an intense pain creeps into my whole body as I look at my bed and crawl towards it.   “The prince created me when I am dying he grants me immortality by biting me. He created you by giving you his blood. You are now his object of desire. You died and he brought you back to life. I am different than you for we are created differently. Those who are bitten will become a vampire but not immortal. They can die once their heads are cut or heart is taken out while like you who are made through the prince’s blood have half immortality. You only have days to live like a human, eat, sleep, breathe and even walk in the sun BUT… you CAN die once not take the prince’s blood. Before that, you will crave blood that you will bite all humans you see around you then you will turn into ashes. Without taking his blood you will die.”   Suddenly, what Charles said came into my mind making my eyes widen. It is starting just as Charles had said. What will I do now? What shall I do to stop harming everyone and to stop this pain? Shall I go back into the mansion? Really, after escaping and avoiding Livi so much? NO… my pride will not take it.            
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