Chapter 2: Stolen kiss and Stanhore Mansion

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  “Not anymore, you are no longer the weak human your ones were. I made you into my kind when I brought you back to life, Tamara.” He said as I look at him with shock and disbelief.   I am as surprised as to how did he know my name yet I don’t even know him at all. I feel so weak and I want to badly get away from him but with the pain and this weird sensation over my throat… escaping is next to impossible.   I am still fighting myself from taking his hand where his blood is dripping; “Who- Who are you? How- How did you know my- my name?”   Why is the temptation so hard to resist? Why is it that the scent of it is like smelling food after being starved for days? Can it be possible that this man is… and now I am also a…   “I am your maker; I’m Prince Livious Veldoshe of the kingdom of Astra or the kingdom of vampires. But call me your master, Tamara Lington. Now drink and stop wasting my blood.” He said placing his hand near my nose.   I slap his hand away with its closeness to my face I want so bad to grab it and suck it but I don’t want to become someone I am not. I gather my strength and slowly stand even if the pain is now creeping all over my whole body. He straightens looking at me with bemusement.   “I don’t care who you are. I’m not anything else but a mere college student. I need to go back. My kind landlady is waiting for me.” I said remembering Mrs. Bonnec as I slowly head towards the wide door still clenching my throbbing head.   It is hard enough because I feel like my body is so heavy and my vision is blurring. I heard him click his tongue but I just continue to leave. I nearly fall so I was waiting for my body to drop to the floor but then to my surprise he suddenly appears beside me holding me tight in my arms. With wide eyes, I look at him in pure disbelief.   I ask; “What- what in the name of God are you?”   I already have an idea what kind of being he is but it is way too impossible so I am doubting it, he looks at me then smiles cunningly.   “I told you, I am your savior. Without me...... you won’t survive out there. Without talking my blood… your body dies and so will you.” He said and I shake my head in pure disbelief as my eyes widen, I fight him by pushing him away.   I refuse to believe all of it. Is this some kind of a movie and am I somewhat dragged as an extra without my knowledge? But where are the cameras and the other people? No… this is not true.   ‘Wait.’ I froze.   If everything is true then what happened to me that night is also real. I DID die. But then aren’t I supposed to be dead right now? If- If I died then- then I am.... and he…… I clench my head when another pain creeps into my head. I still keep on shaking my head as I move back away from him.   “No, this is not true. This is all just a big lie… a big joke of a freaking nightmare.” I said still holding into my head as I grab into the study table to balance my body so I won’t fall as I feel so drowsy and in terrible pain.   “Stop fighting it. The more you fight it…… the more painful it will become. You need my blood, drink.” He said.   “NO, I AM NOT A MONSTER!” I scream as I step back.   I refuse to listen to him and to let him manipulate my mind by making me think something crazy. I am not going to become a monster, they don’t exist. I can feel that darkening and threatening aura coming from this guy, Livious as he introduced himself after I said those words. That must have made him angry, I know it is right for him to be angry after being called a monster but he just looks at me unbelieving as to how hard-headed I can be and how strong and determined I can be despite the pain I am feeling.   “This is crazy.” I utter still in pain.   If he is right that I died and he made me into like him then what will happen to me now? That is so insane. I refuse to accept that, I have plans on my own. I have to return to that town and make those who made me suffer regret what they had done to me. I won’t believe this. I see him suck his blood then he licks the wound and I gasp seeing how it slowly heals and disappears from his wrist. He suddenly grabs me by my arm taking me off guard then wraps his other arm on my waist, I am so taken by surprise and unable to resist. With his other hand, he lifts my chin and kisses me to my lips.   “Mmnn No- NO st-op.” I utter as I try pushing him away.   My eyes widen as I feel a liquid coming from his mouth into mine, my eyes widen even more and I froze. Since he is kissing me I have no other option but to swallow the liquid for me to breathe within that deep kiss. When he let go of me I look at up him with shock and confusion. He smiles at me then wipes the blood that flows from his lip using his thumb. I immediately wipe my lips and look at my hand to see a smudge of blood. I then feel strange since I didn’t vomit the blood but instead my strength is slowly returning and it is like I have just eaten my meal. Weird, I feel lighthearted and somewhat I feel stronger now. It is like I can do anything. I questioningly looked at him. He smiles then I see his crimson eyes turn bluish. His scary red eyes now appear to be calming in his bluish color. WHAT IS GOING ON?   “Now, that wasn’t so bad doesn’t it?” He said with a smirk before he left on the door as anger is starting to form on my face.   Still overwhelmed and furious, I look around the room as I start moving around the room. I am left all alone after he left me. That jerk had the guts to do that to me. How dare him, how dare he ki- kiss me! What the heck did that guy do to me? I face the mirror and look at my reflection to see the greatest shock of my lifetime.   “W-What did he do to me? A-Am I……… a monster now?” I utter is surprise and frustration as I look at my own now foreign reflection.   The Tamara in the mirror has now a fair skin complexion making me look so pale. I can still feel warmth and life from my body so I confirm that I am not dead, maybe. But weirdly enough, my body figure suddenly changed. My breast suddenly became a little bit bigger and plump, my usual dried cracked lips are now reddish and full of life, my long curly hair with many split ends are now silky smooth and straight, and what is scarier is my eyes. My once brownish retinas are now b****y red, unlike that man’s lovely crimson eyes, mine is scary b****y red.   “I need to escape from here. I don’t know that man quite well, what danger he might be. He looks dangerous and scary. I need to escape as soon as possible.” I said as I look around the room.   I tried the windows but they are shut really tight. I sigh in frustration seeing that hanging padlock just outside the bar window seals. I walk towards the door and end up returning to the bed and sitting in frustration and anger. I am locked inside; I am completely a prisoner without any hope of escape. What is worst is that I am locked in this mansion with a cold, scary, and proud prince as what he calls himself.   “What am I supposed to do now?” I utter as I sit on the bed and hug my knees, I could start crying but I know it won't help so I just remain silent as I look into the sidewall.   I am suddenly alerted when the sound of a chain being rattled from behind the door resounded. I immediately stand and slide down the bed as I stand on the wall before I grab the bottle of wine that the cold man was drinking from a while ago. Firmly clenching it in my hands I wait for someone to enter the now opening door.   “Milady, your dinner has been served. His Highness is waiting for you in the dining room.” A man having shoulder-length hair that he tied in a ribbon on his back said as he bowed facing me after he stands just beside the now opened door.   ‘What is going on here? And who is this guy?’ I utter as I hold into the bottle for dear life as he stands there with his head bowed as any usual butlers do.   “Me? Wait- wait, who are you and where the heck am I?” I said still holding the bottle firmly in my hands.   The man remained to bow as he has his arm folded on his stomach and a white cloth hangs on his arm, both of his hands are cover in white gloves and he is wearing this odd butler uniform I usually see in movies. He looks young and the same age as that scary man but he has a gentle face, unlike that man.   “Yes milady. You are in the Stanhore Mansion. My name is Charles, Prince Livious’ servant or what humans call… butler. Please come with me, His Highness awaits you in the dining hall.” He said as I look at him still suspicious.   “Stanhore Mansion? Do you mean the old abandoned mansion on the edge of Tawner that haunted mansion that no one dares to enter? How- How on earth?” I said still in disbelief.   If what this man says is true, then I have less chance of escaping but easy once I get out of the mansion. I know every road from this area until my way back to my apartment. I only need to find the perfect chance to run.   “Please milady, follow me.” The man who introduced himself as Charles said and I reluctantly put back the bottle on the mini table beside the bed and sigh as I follow him out.   I silently look around the hallway memorizing the way. I got to say the whole inside of the mansion looks so grand while when you look at it from the outside it looks really scary and different. I know that because during our Creative Writing subject my group mates wanted to write a story about a ghost and they’ve chosen to use the Stanhore Mansion as our research material. Unfortunately, after seeing how creepy and dangerous the mansion looks from the outside we decided to change it into a market story. I just need to get out of here and I can find my way home. I only hope that the cold jerky man won’t follow after me.   “Milady, please enter. His Highness is waiting for you inside.” Charles said as he opens the door for me.   “What- What is going on? Why am I here in the first place? Is- is it true……… what he said… is it true that I died?” I ask for I can’t believe that as I face Charles who is just bowing his head.   That man Livious gives me this uncertain feeling that he is dangerous. The way he talks, move and look at me is so unusual to normal people. Just like this Charles guy who seems to not care about everything but to accomplish his task. They both give this cold and dark aura as if you are near someone who is not there literally.     “Forgive me milady but only the prince can answer your inquiries further. Please go in. It would be best for you not to keep the master waiting. His temper is highly short-lived.” Charles said making me sigh remembering what he did to me back in the room.   “I can see that.” I utter as I sigh and look into the door.   My face burns upon remembering how he had taken advantage of my weakness, he stole a kiss and he did it without any feelings at all. As creepy as it may seem, that guy is DANGER itself and as much as possible I want to stay away from him but… it can’t be possible with ME being a prisoner in here. 
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