Chapter 1: death and new life- strange man

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To provide for myself and my studies I had this countless part-time jobs to keep me going. Club waitress, rental helper, shop attender, and so on.  After 4 years I managed and I am now in my 4th year in college. I have no connection or any news about my so-called family back in the town. They never look for me in this place or even found me, thank goodness. Mrs. Bonnec stands as my mother and now my only family; it was perfect actually since Mrs. Bonnec has no family of her own, her husband who is her only family died and left her this apartment building.    “What time is it?” I sigh as I look at the road.   I look at my cellphone to see the time. I gasp seeing that I am so late and I need to rush back home or Mrs. Bonnec will reprimand me none stop. I smile thinking about my stand-in mother who is kinder to me than any mother could have been.   “I’m late it’s already midnight Mrs. Bonnec will be worried since I always go home by 9. It’s been 4 years now; I wonder what has happened back in our town ever since I left. I hope my aunt Helena, uncle Rolly and my cousin Pamela are doing well. I wonder if father let Flore marry that man when I escaped.” I said as I walk a little faster while holding my books firmly in my chest.   I silently walk along the silent road towards our block when I see 3 men pinning a woman on the cold ground as they cover her mouth and rip her clothes off of her. They were in an alley in between walls. The light of the street light is slightly giving me a vision of how they enjoy their sickening acts. They are constantly laughing and playing with the woman. I can see how drunk and dangerous they are.   “Hey! Stop that or I’ll call the police and send them your picture.” I shout as I use my cellphone and take countless photos of them.   The light flashes from my phone camera made their faces visible. They suddenly stand and look at me as I step back; the way they look at me gives me this feeling of fear and deadly intent. I know that this is going to be my end once they decided to keep my mouth shut.   “Catch her!!!!” scream the other guy making me run dropping my books on that road.   I look back to see them running after me as the woman who is n***d eventually runs away from there while crying.    “Stop!!!” shouts the other man as I run as fast as I could.   I come to a stop seeing that I am at a dead end. The men behind me start to laugh as I nervously look at them and firmly clench my cellphone in my hand. And I take the time on scanning for the number of the police as I type a message attaching the pictures.   “Where do you think you’re going little nosy missy?” smirks the man who is wearing a red t-shirt and has this scar on his left cheek.   I froze and shiver to see the knife the other man is holding as they walk towards me as I hit the send button of my cellphone. They grab me by my arms as the other man tried to grab my cellphone but I smile seeing the sent message text on my cellphone screen. I fight back kicking the man in front of me on his crotch. This made him angrier as he grabs me by my hair.   “Let me go! Let go you, bastards.” I scream as I try kicking my way out.   I tried to fight back until he loosens his grip and I tried to run away from there but out of luck, I tripped on a stone. My head hit the concrete ground making me feel so tipsy. I gasp in shock when I feel a pain purge in my chest. When I open my eyes I see the man I kick on the crotch holding the knife in my chest on top of me as he again pulls it and stabs me once more. His companions are unable to react to what he suddenly did to me.   “What the hell broh! What the heck did you do!” yells the other man as they look at the man with the knife covered in blood.   “I- I got scared! She will go to the police and I got mad. It just happened.” the man stutters as he holds the knife with my blood dripping from it.   “Let- let’s get out of here!” screams the other one as they pull the man who stabs me who is still holding the b****y knife away from there.   I lay there flat on that cold concrete floor as I look up at the sky. I start to tear up as I look up at the night sky and see those lovely stars; the full moon is even prettier now. I smile realizing the irony of my life, I was nearly thrown by my father to marry off to someone, then I escaped away from my called home and then I travel places to places trying to look for the relevance of my life YET… here I am slowly losing my life breath by breath. I feel my eyes slowly weakening. Before my strength and eyes close, I see this man gaping at me with a smile on his angelic face. Is he the one sent to take my soul? The grim ripper? My, if this is how handsome grim rippers are like in the movies then I don’t mind dying at all. How funny.   “NOOOO!” I open my eyes gasping for air.   I am gasping when I look around I see that I am sleeping on a wide bed and everything around me is so unfamiliar. The room looks so luxurious with the bed looking like a princess bed, there is a coffee table on the side next to the window that is sealed tightly, there is a wide wardrobe made of wood that looks like antic right beside a door… probably a bathroom, there is this study table next to the window with a mirror on the side and a stool next to it and what is more intriguing in the room is that scent I don’t know of but is so intoxicating and that sound that is too loud that is making my ears in pain.   “Aw, my head and my throat hurt! Where am I and wait… my stomach!” suddenly my memory came flashing back.   I immediately look at my chest but then confusion and questions keep rushing into my mind as I check myself for the evidence of what had happened that night. No wound, no blood, and where are my clothes? Instead, I am wearing this expensive-looking silk gown with an off-shouldered cleavage, a tiered type gown that is colored pinkish, a ribbon tied on my waist and it is making my body itchy because of that foreign fabric. I slowly slide down the bed that is like a princess bed that had this expensive bedding. My bare feet touches the carpeted floor and the dress I am confusingly wearing slide down to my feet as I slowly stand. I am wearing this pink gown with white designs and ribbons. It is a dress with an off-shoulder neckline that reveals my breast that somehow is covered in a black lacy b*a. Wait, how on earth did I get into such a dress? Who dared undress me without my consent?!   “Where- where on earth am I? What- what has happened to me? Why do I feel so thirsty?” I said as I touch my dry and painful throat.   I feel so weird with my body. Something is off but I can’t point which or what. I look around then walk towards the window lifting that wooden plank that is used to cover it and see that it is dark outside the window and only the light from the moon is illuminating the room.   “You shouldn’t be moving around yet. You need to rest for my blood to completely mix with yours.” Someone said making me spin around in surprise to see this dark shadow of a man sitting on the corner of the bedside holding a glass and slowly stirring it into his hand.   For an unknown reason, my heart is starting to beat really fast and I can smell that scent that is so tempting. The man’s voice is like slow music in my ears. BUT, I am surprised as to how he is there without me noticing, and as far as I can remember I am alone when I wake up and I know that since I look around to check where I am so I can clearly say that he is not supposed to be there. How on earth did he appear there without ME noticing it? Wait… this man is somewhat dangerous. His appearance is so overwhelming.    I am so alerted and start getting myself ready to escape; “Who- Who are you? Where- where am I?”   I immediately look around looking for an escape option if there is one. I heard him utters a ‘hmnn’ that sounds like a threatening warning as he laid his glass on the small table beside him and he slowly stands then step closer to me which made me even scared. I froze seeing his smirking face and those reddish cold eyes that are like piercing into my soul. One thing is for certain, this man is not normal. He looks like a monster that sends fear all over my body. I shake my head and step back as I observe this man properly. He has a very pale complexion, about 6’1 in height, has this jet black hair with a slightly longer but nicely fixed haircut and he has a body type like Brad Pitt’s. Who is this guy? A- A rich man who can afford high-class contact lenses? With contact lenses that are colored red, really? No that’s not it, the way he moves and that air that surrounds him. It sends out this sudden chill of danger.   “Who- who on earth are you? What- What did you do to me?” I ask as I hold my now aching throat, the pain is unbearable and oddly weird.   With the unbearable pain, I drop to the floor still holding onto my aching throat and stomach. The man casually walks towards me like a supermodel with a graceful movement and stops right beside me as I drop to my knees clutching my painful stomach that feels like being punched, I also feel like vomiting. He kneels and holds my chin up to look at my face. I am beyond annoyed but chills run down to my spine seeing his smile, a devious smile, then he licks his red lips making me swallow hard as the pain intensifies. I swear that I see that he have these sharp white fangs. My eyes widen when he bites his wrist and blood starts to gush out from it as I feel that excited itchy feeling on my throat upon seeing his dripping blood and smelling that sweet-smelling fragrance. His blood starts to drop to the carpeted floor next to me and the funny thing is that I can smell the sweet scent coming from his blood which is so weird and impossible.   “How does it smell? Good, looks like you already changed seeing that your body is reacting to the blood.” he said making me cover my nose as I glare at him.   Weird, this is so impossible for me. I feel as weird as to why I can smell the scent of his blood this clearly. My throat starts to tighten and my tongue feels strange. It is as if I want to lick the blood on the carpet. I heard him take a deep breath as I fight the urge to do what my body wants to do. I feel so much pain and what is weirder is that a sharp thing starts to grow on my upper gums making it feels like my tooth is becoming longer. This scares me for how could this happen? I must be dreaming and having a nightmare. I really want to wake up now and return to my boring schedule of going to school and going to my part-time jobs. BUT, why can’t I wake up or why is this man still in front of me?   “Drink my blood and stop fighting it. You need to drink or your body will die.” He said sounding so scary and looks like he is starting to get impatient.   “NO ARE YOU CRAZY? I don’t drink blood. Water- water, that is what I- I need.” I said still trying hard to endure the pain as I look at his face.   What IS wrong with me, what is this pain? This is a dream… a terrible dream. I need to wake up. If I will tell this dream to my friends they will surely think it is a crazy dream. This is all Miles’ fault… he always tells us stories about vampires, ghosts, and scary staff no wonder I am dreaming like this. But… if this is a dream why is the pain so unbearable?  
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