Chapter 5

1197 Words
Lucian got decent preaching from Mom as soon as he got home. But just like the usual, he would just smile and pat mom on the shoulder to stop her from getting angry. I don’t know how he does that. Maybe, I will ask him to teach me. Sooner or later, I will get those sermons too. After dinner, I decided to tell Lucian about me going back to school. I saw how mad he was when he learned about the incident and I feel like he deserves to know I’m going back. Surprisingly, the door of his room was slightly opened as if he knows I was coming. “Lucian, are you still awake?” I pushed the door softly before peeping in. He was sitting in his study, reading a book under the dim light. “No wonder you have to wear glasses, old man!” I entered his room and sat on his bed, putting a pillow on my lap. He slowly pushed down his eyeglasses on the bridge of his nose and sternly looked at me. With that look, I know he knows I have something to say. “What is it?” he asked raising his thick, bushy eyebrow. “N-nothing much.” I tried to laugh normally but my heart was pounding and it showed how nervous I was. He swings his swivel chair to face me and even pushed it a little. “Spit it out.” I know I have to say it as fast as I could and leave immediately. I can’t get cornered by him. “I’m going back to school tomorrow. Bye!” I stood fast to avoid his sermon but I wasn't fast enough to leave for he was able to grab my hand and pulled me back on the bed. I know just by looking that he was seriously upset with my decision. He muddled his wavy grayish hair before removing his glasses. “What the hell?” “I-I won’t change my mind. Besides, mom agreed already and so was dad.” He sat there just to look at me and not even moving an inch. “I-I just came here to let you know. Not to get your approval.” I took my hand back and walked as fast as I could out from there. I rushed back to my bedroom, slammed the door, and jumped onto my bed. “Moron,” I said under my breathe. He squeezed my hand too hard. I woke up early the next day to avoid Lucian. I told my mom I needed to see my teachers give them the excuse letters I asked my mom to do beforehand. It didn’t take long before I got to school. I didn’t tell Erica that I was coming for I wanted to surprise her. I saw her walking a few meters away from me. “Erica!” I shouted. She looked over her shoulders and smiled when she saw me. “Seira! I’m so happy to see you!” He ran towards me to greet and hug me tightly. I hugged her back but my eyes were somewhere else. “Looking for someone?” she said getting my attention back. “Sorry, Erica. I just… Did you happened to see him?” I can’t tell her my reason for wanting to see Rylan. I know it’s impossible for someone to just disappear into thin air. What am I even thinking? “Yeah. I think I saw him on the rooftop with his gang. Don’t worry, we won’t let him get near you.” She smiled sweetly. “I’m sorry!” I ran away from her. I know she will stop me if I told her I want to see Rylan. I know it's insane. I’m insane for wanting to see my offender. But I must see him. I need concrete proof that he didn’t disappear. I need to know if he saw those white flames. What I didn't realize was, I was blurting out his name like a lunatic. Some schoolmates heard me and pointed where Rylan’s whereabouts. As I ran my way to the rooftop, few students were hanging out in the staircase. I went out to the door and saw his peers but Rylan was nowhere to be found. I came back downstairs but before I could go further down, someone called me. “Hey! Aren’t you looking for Rylan?” I looked over my shoulders and nod at him. “He’s right there,” he said pointing out the door I just went through. “No, he isn’t. I checked.” He shook his head in dismay. “Come. I’ll show you.” Although I was sure Rylan was not there I followed him. He pointed to Rylan’s peers. “There is his!” I took a good look again and this time, I made sure I looked at them one by one. But still, Rylan was nowhere. “Can’t you see? He is right there. The one in the middle.” I froze right then and there. There is no way that is the 'Rylan' who attacked me. His face is softer to look at. He has completely different color hair. Far from the Rylan, I know. Who the heck is that guy? He was laughing with his peers but then his eyes turn to me making me shiver. They all seem comfortable around this new guy as if they had known him for that long. He took away the cigarette he was holding to talk to me. “Hey! Seira. You finally came back. Next time we’ll spend much longer time together.” Even his voice is different. What the hell? “Rylan! Stop messing with Seira! Leave her alone!” I didn’t know that Erica followed me. Rylan’s peers burst out laughing as if what they heard was a joke. “I mean it, Rylan! Don’t go near her ever again or else!” One of his friends jumped off the railing he was sitting on and walked towards us. “Or else?” Erica and I knew he was threatening us. “What are you gonna do about it, Missy?” That guy stopped when he heard this Rylan stood up. I couldn’t move my feet even if I wanted to go away from there. In a blink of an eye, he was in front of me. Pulling my chin near his grinning face. “So, you came to see me?” He smirked. “Then, why don’t we start from where we took off?” Erica pulled my arm to get us out of there. We ran downstairs in fear. I can’t get his face off of my head. He was a different person. Different! Yet he says he is Rylan?
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