Chapter 4

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We did go to the principal’s office to report the incident caused by Rylan but he asked us not to talk. He was terrified when we said it was Rylan. It was as if he knew we were reporting Rylan even before coming in. I knew, even before coming in that it will only be a waste of time. Just like Erica said, Rylan’s father has a hold in this school. Regardless of what I should do as a victim, I decided to go and just try to forget what happened. Meddling with powerful people in this unfamiliar city is something I must not do for I know it might affect my family. They might get my father fired from his job. Do bad things to me and my mom and I fear that maybe, they could get my brother kicked out of his university. But as much as I tried to hide how terrified I was, mom knew something happened as soon as I step inside the house. I can’t hide something that serious. I was still trembling when I got home. It was as if I could still feel his hands pushing against me. She was furious when I told her what happened and who Rylan is. “This is not right! Honey, you have to do something!” My mom yelled on top of her lungs as we discussed what happened in the living room. Good thing it was just us three. I don’t know how my big brother would react to something like this. He had been overly protective of me ever since I could remember. “Calm down, Honey. I thought the rumors aren’t true. Well, I guess they are. His family is feared by most of all my comrades. Can’t we just try to forget what happened? In the end, nothing happens to Seira. Right baby?” I know for sure that Dad is trying to protect us. I slowly nodded to him. “See? She’s fine.” “How could you say that?” Just by looking at Mom. I know things will get worse if I won’t say something. “Mom, please. Dad has a point. I’m really fine. See?” I stood up and turned around to let her see that I’m physically okay. Mom sat down heavily. I could still feel her anger. “Mom, can I stay at home tomorrow? I don’t want to see him.” Although, I said I was okay. I could still see Rylan’s evil grin in my head. “Of course! You have to go there anymore. I will find another school for you.” I thought maybe transferring to another school would be the best move we could do or better yet, move to another city. She stretched out her hands in an attempt to hug me. I went in there for I know she will feel a little bit better if I did. “My baby.” She cried. “How could this happen to my baby?” “Mom, I’m fine.” It took another day before my brother learned about what happened. He threatened to sue the school but Dad was able to talk him out of it. I honestly believe Dad was right. We just arrived here and putting up a big scandal would not be the best idea. I am not hurt. I don’t even have a single scratch on me. To calm Lucian, I promised him I would stay out of Rylan’s sight. I know he wasn’t convinced. He stormed out when I tried to talk to him. Now, it has been three days since the incident. I don’t dare to go back to school just yet. I’m terrified. I fear for my life. He is as powerful as his father. I don’t know what else Rylan could do to get what he wanted from me. I was inside my bedroom when Mom called out from downstairs. “Erica is on the line!” “Okay, Mom!” I took the cordless telephone that was connected to the one downstairs to answer the call. “Hello, Erica.” “Seira, are you okay? It has been three days. I was worried,” she said in an unusually low tone. “I’m fine. Sorry to trouble you.” Technically, I was really fine. The dizziness didn’t come back after that incident. I was thinking that maybe this has something to do with those white fires I saw. Or maybe, I am wrong. Certainly! You’re wrong, Seira! My conscience shouted in my head. “You can come back to school, don’t be afraid of Rylan. We are here to protect you,” she said pronounced. “A-about Rylan.” I tried hard to say his name out loud. “D-did you know what happened to him?” My hand started shaking just by saying his name. I was half awake when he screamed for his life. I’m sure that has something to do with those white flames. “That moron! He comes to school every day as if nothing happened!” I tried so hard to listen to her but fear started to sink in again. How could he act as if nothing happened? Aside from the fear I feel, I wanted to make sure that he is definitely there. I wanted to make sure that those white flames are real. I know for sure he saw them. He was afraid when he saw them. He screamed before he vanished. “Are you sure? You saw him?” I asked her again to be sure. “Yeah. But don’t worry. All of us in the class will protect you.” I took the courage to ask Mom who was in the kitchen to let me go back to school tomorrow. I need to talk to Rylan. I want proof that what I saw isn’t just my imagination. “Are you sure about that, Seira?” “Yeah. I missed a lot of lessons already.” That was somewhat true but that wasn't my intention for coming back. Sorry, Mom. “If you don’t feel like it, you don’t have to come. It’s better if we see some doctors first to assess you from the trauma.” “I-I’m fine now, Mom. Plus, the girls from my class said they will keep me away from him.” Mom was hesitant at first but not until when my Dad, who was reading the newspaper from the living room joined the conversation. “Let her be. It’s better for her than staying at home. We must trust her,” he said as he flips one page from the newspaper to another. I looked at mom again. He let out a heavy sigh before she finally agreed. “Just promise me you will be safe this time. Another incident like that, I will pull you out from that school.” I hugged my mom and kissed her on the cheek to reassure her that her decision was right. I can’t blame mom for worrying. Getting almost r*ped by one of my schoolmates is not a small thing. But just like Dad said, moving on is better. “By the way, where is Lucian?” I said as I pulled away from mom. “That brat. I told him to go straight home after class yet he runs around as if he knows this place already. Don’t bother worrying about your brother. He is old so I assume he knows what he’s doing.” These past few days, I don’t see him much at home. Just like me, he is enrolled in a university in the city. He’s taking up business to get a job somewhat like what our dad has. But what he does after school is something that all of us don’t know.
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