Chapter 6

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Erica and I were panting as we stopped at a corner where she felt were safer. My head is spinning with what was happening! That guy is not Rylan. That’s impossible! “E-erica is that guy, a relative of Rylan?” I asked still puffing air in and out of my chest. “No. What are you talking about?” She was totally perplexed.“That was Rylan. You dummy.” I looked up to see the rooftop and saw him again, looking down on us. Erica saw that he was still watching us, so she grabbed my hand again. She led the long way until we reached our homeroom. I sat tired but my mind was still running in thinking about Rylan and that guy who acts in the place of the real Rylan. I asked Erica again and just like what she answered, she claimed that was the 'Rylan' who attacked me. “Rylan has always been Rylan, Seira.” I shook my head. “No, no. He is a different person.” “Do you think he looks different?” she asked leading her question in my ability to recognize my offender. “Do I what?” I can’t believe it! You’re wrong! I tried to calm myself by breathing deeply before talking again. “So, you’re saying that was the same guy who tried to r*pe me?” Erica nodded and so were the other girls from my class. “Yes. That was him.” Erica came in closer to me. “Are you okay?” she was worried. “Is there something wrong?” What the heck? There is nothing wrong with me! Everyone is wrong! I know to a certain that, that guy is different from the Rylan I met days ago. I tried to let that pass for I need to focus on my studies. My teacher gave me copies of some lessons I missed, and I must submit the test paper included at the end of the day. But damn! I can’t let this go off of my head! I sat at the most back of the room as the current classes go on. I was busy reading and answering the papers in front of me then suddenly I felt someone was watching me. Quickly, I looked behind me. No one was there except the wall dividing the rooms on that building. I shook my head. Maybe, I’m just imagining things again. To think of it, this room behind me is where Rylan’s class is. Aargh! This is making me crazy! I lay my head on my table to ease my mind but then there is this feeling again! I took another look behind me. It is beyond doubt that someone is watching me. Why do I feel like, that guy is watching me? It was lunchtime when Erica approached me. I know she is still worried about me. “You won’t eat lunch?” I haven’t finished my paper, but I know I must eat so I took my things and followed her out to the hallway. “Hey, Erica. I’m sorry to bring this up again but that guy in the next room. Is he really Rylan?” Although Erica has a sweet personality, I got her agitated to asking the same question. “As I’ve said, Rylan is Rylan. Nothing has changed. It’s you that is weird.” “I see… I’m sorry.” I decided not to ask more questions about that guy and Rylan. I don’t want Erica to get the impression that I’m weird for I am not. This thing, that is happening, is what’s weird! “Erica!” Erica stopped when she heard her name being called out from someone behind us. He was holding a camera. And If I remember it correctly, he was the one who took the photo of each class before this school year officially started. “Here’s what you asked.” He handed Erica a set of photos and started flipping them one by one. “Where was that?” she said. “Oh! Here it is!” She took one photo and flashed it in front of me. “Since you can’t get it out of your head. Here’s a proof.” She pointed out the face of that guy. “See? There is Rylan.” Impossible! I took the photo with my trembling hands. And scanned over the faces on the photo and none of them look like the Rylan whom I remembered. I just could not believe it. Tears fell down from my eyes as the photo falls to the ground. Who was that Rylan I met days ago? Why did he disappear? And who is this new guy saying he is Rylan? Erica tried to comfort me but I just can’t stop myself from crying. I can’t help it. I feel like I’m losing my mind. School ended just like that. I didn’t even finish my exams, and I had to pass what I had answered. I could not care less about those, but this thing that is going on is making me mad and miserable. “Seira, I can’t pretend I understand what’s going on but I know you can get through this. Why don’t you join our club? This can make you forget about Rylan.” I tried to smile but I can’t. “I’m sorry, Erica. I want to go home.” I would love to forget but that Rylan who disappeared, was he just an imagination? Hallucination? I don’t think so. Ever since we moved to this city, weird things kept on happening. This isn’t the first time we moved, but this has never happened before. Is this place different? I shook my head. No! Nothing has changed. We moved. I transferred to the school. Just like what I did before. Am I really going crazy?
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