Chapter 3

1120 Words
The teachers couldn’t do much and neither are we. We had to let him get away from what he did and move on to our classes. The sickness I felt became worst for what he did. I felt like throwing up when our first class started. Why didn’t I stay home? I regretted not listening to mom. Erica saw me. She instantly knew I was feeling sick. “You’re pale. Let’s go to the clinic.” I nodded. She asked the teacher to excuse us. Our teacher agreed when he saw me. I was pale and shaking. The feeling is worse than yesterday. What the hell is happening to me? Erica guided me as we ran to the clinic. I smelled cigarette smoke as we passed along an alley. Weird. Cigarette smoking is not allowed on school premises. But good thing I still have my senses. This pain felt like its owning me. The school nurse was alarmed when she saw me. She asked me to lay down on the clinic’s bed. I told her about what I felt and when it started. “Since yesterday?” she repeated what I just said. “Then, it's better for you to go to the hospital.” I never felt this shaky before. “Rest here while I make the recommendation letter.” Erica stood there with me but she needed to come back to class. I told her she can go. But as soon as she turned around the clinic’s door burst open and Rylan and his group came in rushing. The nurse was startled when she saw Rylan. She just knew he means bad news. “W-what are you doing here? W-what do you want?” She grabbed Erica. “If you don’t have business here, just go away.” I saw fear in her eyes as she looks at Rylan. Everyone in this school fears him. “That girl on the bed is my business. You, go away!” Without warning, Rylan came up to me and grabbed my shoulders. The nurse and Erica tried to fight him off but Rylan’s group stopped them and pulled them outside of the clinic. “Stop yelling! You know his father can fire you. So, stop meddling!” They closed the door as soon as they were out. Rylan was looking at me. His gray eyes meant he was about to do something he had been wanting with me. This is not good. My breathing turned from quiet and regular to a panting gasp. As soon as he started kissing me on my neck down south, the air like it had suddenly become thick and was now almost too difficult to draw in. I tried to scream but he pushed his hands on my mouth. “It’s useless. My father’s influence will always help me.” He pressed me down, even more, jumping on the bed on top of me. There was no way for me to escape. As he pinned me down with his rough kisses, he started unbuttoning his rumpled white polo. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. The pain has an unpleasant warmth to it, eating at my stomach. There's nausea too, just enough to make me hold onto the mattress for support and breath slow. Something in me battered, charging me to take my hands and feel his body. He was shocked when he felt my hands on his broad chest. There is this great pounding, this great pressure; every beat. I couldn't hear it, but I could feel it. It was coming from his and mine. He smiled and looked pleased. “That’s right. Touch me. I know you like it.” He was eager to be one with me more than ever. I lay flat on that bed as he caresses me. I didn’t want him. I don’t want him nor anyone to touch me. But this thing I feel inside me, the pain, is now as if being released by the warmth of his body. His heart was beating. His warm blood. His life. I pushed him hard as I can. He was about to attack me again but then these white shallow flames surrounded us. I don’t know what they are and where they came from. But I was not afraid of them. It felt like they were mine, a part of me or something. My eyes close as I hear him screamed. He was fearing those white flames. All I felt was like I was being lifted on the air, swaying me, making this uneasiness go away. I opened my eyes when I felt the soft bed on my back. I looked around and Rylan was nowhere to be found. I stood up feeling the lightness on my head. Shortly, I felt fine. It felt like the pain was somehow released. But what exactly happened? As I looked around, I saw Rylan’s uniform on the floor, all of it, even his shoes were there. But where is he? I saw the window was open, so I thought maybe he jumped out of it in fear. I heard screaming and negotiating behind the clinic’s door. It was Erica and the nurse. I fixed myself and went out. They were all surprised to see me. “He was that fast?” One from his group said. “Seira! Are you okay?” Erica came rushing. “Where’s that bastard?” I shook my head. “I don’t know. I think he went out the window.” His group came rushing in to go look for him. “Out of the window?” They wouldn’t believe me. One of them took Rylan’s uniform. “He went out naked? Cool!” “Shut up! Ask her again!” “I said, I don’t know! I fainted and when I woke up, he was gone.” Erica blocked them off my view. “Don’t answer them. Did he do something to you?” She was worried. We both knew Rylan’s cruel intentions. I shook my head. “Thank God! How are you feeling?” “A.. A lot better.” I feel so fine as if nothing happened. The nurse came to us and said that we must tell the principal about what happened and she will stand as a witness. I doubt they will do something about what Rylan did. But still, I must report what he did.
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