Chapter 7

1477 Words
I was halfway from school to the bus station when I realized I left the books in my locker. I needed those to review for the special exam from a different class. I ran back to school. Luckily, they haven’t closed the gate yet. I hurriedly went to my locker to grab the books. It was dark, but I was able to get the right books I need. I was supposed to leave before they close the gate or else I won’t be able to go home until the club member finishes their task and usually they end in about ten in the evening. As soon as I closed my locker, I heard this chilling unfamiliar voice. “Aren’t you afraid of being alone in a dark room?” I turned around, silently praying that it was not the fake Rylan. But it was too late for praying for it was the fake Rylan! He jumped from the top of the locker where he was hiding to shut the door close. I felt numb as soon as he turned around to face me. I took the courage to ask him myself. Only he could answer this craziness all around me. “You aren’t Rylan, are you?” He slowly took steps towards me while looking straight into my eyes. “Who are you? What the hell are you?” I screamed. I tried to step back to avoid him, but I’m out of luck. I felt the wall on my back and there is just no way I could get out from here. “That is exactly what I wanted to ask you,” he said grinning. I flinched when he punched the wall right next to my face. Cold sweat started to form on my forehead. Suddenly, the place got even hotter. He leaned towards my face. “What kind of demon are you?” I could feel his warm breath blowing on my face. “W-what demon?” I can’t even finish what I wanted to ask for he took my blouse and pulled it straight away revealing only my brassiere. “What are you doing? Stop it!” I tried to fight back, but his strong arms won’t even budge. He was not contented enough with what he was seeing. He pushed me down the floor and pinned me down with his knees. Is he trying to r**e me? Just like Rylan? I tried to scream, but he strangled me on the neck showing no guilt in was he was doing. All I could do was sob in fear as I try to catch my breath. Then I felt his warm hands sliding onto my bare skin. From my waist to my abdomen. My body knew I was in danger. I trembled with his every touch. His hands pave their way upwards, touching my… heart? Strikes of radiating pain made their way shattering my ribs which are protecting my heart. I lie so still, breathing shallow as my bones break like crackers. Distinct pain arose when his hands shove my heart squeezing it impossibly. I can’t breathe! My… heart. It hurts! I tried to push him with all my strength, but I am no match to his some kind of evil power. Feeling the pain, the suffering, my body tremble as I finally lost my breath. I felt my heart stopped for a second. But then I saw, even with my eyes closed, the white flames. They are here again. Slowly, his grip on my neck and neck became loose that allowed me to regain my breathing. Unlike before, when I first saw these white flames, I was nearly unconscious but not now. I am fully aware of everything. “They’re real.” He looked at me fiercely. “Don’t pretend you don’t know! You made these!” “I… I did?” I said, gasping. “Yeah!” He took my neck again and pulled me closer to him. “The only one who can make something like this is Norcana!” he snapped. The flames rise up releasing more fire. He freed me as soon as he noticed that the flames were coming near him. “Who are you talking about? N-norcana?” He pulled away from me, and I took that as an opportunity to fix my clothes and keep my distance from him. “Who are you, really? You’re not Rylan!” He hissed showings a little curl on one end of this lip. “You’re the one who made that guy disappear. You ate him.” My heart pounded as I heard him say that. I can’t do that. What reasons do I have to do that? I am not a monster. I am not like him! “I can’t let you eat more innocent humans. This will end now!” He reaches his hand again in an attempt to get a hold of me. “No!” I lifted my hand as I screamed then all of a sudden, one of the flames came rushing to stop Rylan’s hand, burning it. I ran out to the door to myself from him. It was dark outside already, and I can’t see clearly where I was going. I know the place, but I feel weak that my feet became wobbly. I tripped and as much as I tried to stand up, I just can’t. But even before I could call for help, I felt Rylan’s hand grabbed my foot and pulled me like I was some kind of a light object. He attacked my heart for he was determined to kill me then and there. This guy is really trying to kill me! No. He wants to kill me! I used all of my strength to scream for help. Luckily, the guard at the gate heard me. He flashed his light on us and in a flash, Rylan was gone. The guard ran towards me to help. I couldn't even voice out what happened. “Are you okay? What happened?” He looked around to check the surroundings but found no one. I turned my head behind me and there I saw Rylan again. “H-he.. want to kill me!” I cried, pulling his clothes to make him see where Rylan was standing. “Who? Where is he?” He flashed his lights again, directly on Rylan’s face but it seems like he can’t see him. Am I the only one who can see Rylan? Rylan walked towards us, grinning like the devil he is. I pushed my feet to slide my way away from him. “No! Please! Stay away from me!” “Who are you talking to, Miss? No one is here, except us.” Rylan stretches his hands again towards my heart. “No! Please, Sir. Get him!” I lost control over my body and fell to the ground. I wanted to stand and run, but my whole body is shaking in fear. I saw his finger entered my chest and the pain started to linger again. But in a blink of an eye, he disappeared. I tried to crawl away from there but I was too weak. The guard lifted me up, but my feet aren’t useful. I’ve lost all my strength. I can’t even stand. Did he do this to me? Is he the one I should be blamed for everything? “P-please, Sir save me.” As soon as I touched his nape, I felt his warmth. His blood rushing on his veins. I saw his heart beating, pumping blood. Making him alive. Something in me lighted up. The flames started to appear again, surrounding us in the middle of the dark. My hand slides down to his chest. I don’t know why, but I smiled. I closed my eyes as the light blinded me. And when it was gone, I peeked and saw no one. Instantly, I feel relieved. The weakness I felt minutes ago, felt like it never happened. I am renewed. As I stood up, dismayed by what I saw. The guard was gone, but his clothes are on the ground. It was just like when the day Rylan disappeared. I felt this excitement for another person’s life. Then the flames appeared and when they were gone, clothes are the only ones left from that person. “s**t! I’m too late!” I looked up and found Rylan looking down on the clothes.“ Looks like you consumed another person.”
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