Chapter 2

1148 Words
Everything went incredibly well in the morning. Most of our lesson was easy for me for I’ve learned them from my previous school. The teachers and my classmates were impressed that I got all answers right. I was really having a great time not until our lunch started. We were sitting inside the cafeteria filled with students hustling to get food. I was with Erica and some of our classmates when I started to feel dizzy again. They were asking me a bunch of questions about where we lived before and what my parents do for a living. “He’s a bank manager.” I tried to answer as briefly as possible. I feel like I will throw up if I answered more. “Does your mom have that curly hair too?” “You look like a doll.” “You do have a boyfriend, right? You’re too pretty to have none.” I couldn’t figure out who was talking. My vision became blurry as seconds go by. I shook my head making them let out heavy sighs. They couldn’t believe I don’t have a boyfriend. I couldn't even believe myself. “Maybe they’re blind. Every boy in our class looks at you. You’re too pretty not to get everybody’s attention.” I was getting lots of compliments but this damn giddiness is spoiling everything! I was about to excuse myself when someone grabs my left arm. “Hey, pretty.” His deep voice lingered through my ears from one to the other, making me shiver. His peers surrounded me and started touching my hair. I don’t know which one I should look at. “You’re really a cute one, aren’t you?” “Look, Boss. Her hair is really thin and shinny.” Erica and the others stood up and took me by my other arm but the other group won’t let me go. “You’re the new transfer everyone is talking about, huh? Wanna be my girlfriend? You won’t regret it.” My face averted from the others and went straight to his. I sat there frozen as I looked into his gray eyes. So gray, as if almost all the color has been sucked out of them. His face was strong and defined. He had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. I couldn’t even speak. I got lost just by looking at his face. Good thing the school bell rang. They lost focus and Erica took that as an opportunity to pull me away from them. “Who is that?” I asked looking back at his smirking face. “That’s Rylan. His father puts money in this institute so he does whatever he wants. You’d better stay away from him.” Erica warned me. But I care less about that now. All I wanted to know was why I feel sick. I told my mom what I was feeling as soon as I came home. She took my temperature and placed some medicine on the kitchen table. “You don’t have a fever. Maybe it was just because you were worried about your first day at the new school.” I thought maybe mom was right but my big brother believes otherwise. “Worried? Nah! It’s because she took my food and god punished her.” “Brother!” I frowned. “Don’t say such things to your sister, Lucian. Maybe she’s tired.” Mom looked at me. “Go to sleep after you take your medicine.” I nodded as I took that little white pill, my mind is already clamoring for the pain relief to come. But taking those medicine didn’t do much. The dizziness didn’t go away and it feels like it worsened. Everything just hurts. I toss around my bed, trying to find the right position to make this pain go away but there just isn’t! Every few minutes I would scream concealing my voice on my pillow. I feel nauseous. I’m thirsty but at the same time I don’t feel like drinking and my stomach seems hungry but I’m not. What is this? Why is this happening? The next morning, I woke up feeling the same. I couldn't even eat even mom prepared my favorite breakfast--ham and bacon. She told me to stay at home if I still feel unwell. But I don’t want to miss school just yet. I’m new and I need to get my head around the place and the people around me. But I feel like regretting my decision as soon as opened my locker. I feel like something inside my stomach was being pushed out from my system. I gulped covering my mouth with my hands. Then suddenly, my locker was pushed so hard the sound echoed inside the building. I looked at the big hands who were responsible for what just happened. “Rylan,” I mumbled. Erica’s warning echoed inside my head. “I’ve been waiting for you, Seira is it? Why don’t we skip school and go somewhere to have a little fun.” He grabbed my hands, forcing me to go with him. “Let go of me! It hurts!” I tried to take my hands back but he was too strong. He flipped me and hugged me from my back. “C’mon. Let's go away. I will give you a great time.” He was speaking so close, I could feel his warm breath lingering behind my ear. “Hey! What are you doing?” Few teachers call Rylan’s attention. I saw Erica was with them. I’m guessing she saw us and called out for help. “s**t!” Rylan let me go but came up to my ears for the last time. “We’re not done here. You’re mine.” Erica came rushing to pull me away from him. I could feel my heartbeat, every single pound in my chest. I stood there for what felt like an eternity but was only five minutes. “Seira, are you okay?” Erica asked. I couldn't even answer. She held me in an attempt to stop me from shaking. “You’re beautiful. That’s why he bothers you.” We looked at him get away from what he did. “Be careful when he is around. He was once arrested and accused of attempted r**e. But his father paid them off and everything was forgotten.”
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