The Scarred Man

1301 Words
Ivanka woke up the next morning with eyes red and swollen from crying. Her head ached terribly, and her entire body felt so weak. For a long time, she laid motionlessly on the bed, just gazing blankly at the ceiling. Until her quiet mood was interrupted by her mother's excited entrance. "My sweetheart!" She squealed. "You won't believe it! My friend just reached out to me and she said Baxter loved you so much. He fell in love with you at first sight and is ready to move on with the wedding." Her mother had never been so excited in a long time, and neither has Ivanka been so sad in a while. Not uttering a word, she stood up and went into the bathroom. By the time she was out, her mother was no longer in the room, and she was thankful for that. She found something to wear and in no time, she was climbing down the stairs. "Honey, are your going out?" Cora asked from the dining. Her father and siblings were there as well. "Yes." Her response was barely heard. She didn't even spare them a glance as she headed for the door. "Uh... why don't you have breakfast first? I uh..." Cora was cut short when Ivanka opened the door and walked out, completely ignoring her. Taking her car, she rode out of the house and went to a local shop where she got her phone fixed. Then, she called Alaric immediately. They might have had a sour evening, but she still cared about him and needed to be sure he was fine. However, when she dialed his line, it was switched off. Alaric's phone had never been switched off. She couldn't tell if it was normal or there was a need for her to be worried. Returning to her car, she headed for his apartment, deciding to check up on him. Perhaps, seeing him wouldn't be a bad idea. Last night was tensed, she didn't have enough time to explain things to him. If she gets to see him now, she'd explain better and make him understand why they needed to break up. Her family was never going to stop bothering them. Getting to his house, she noticed his door was locked. She knocked repeatedly until the old grumpy landlord came out from his room. "He doesn't live here anymore. He handed the keys to me last night and told me he was moving out. I was surprised because he left his cheap belongings behind." He reported. Ivanka's breath snagged in ber throat, conniption gripped her at once. Alaric moved out?? To where? How can he even move out so soon like he had somewhere else to go? Her heart raced in her chest as she returned to her car and decided to check his work place. She got to the bookstore, but just like she feared, the man she found at the counter told her he hadn't reported for work. She struggled to catch her breath as she returned to her car. Alaric was gone? So soon? But how? Where could he possibly go to under such short notice? For a long time, she placed her head on the steering and wept profusely, feeling her heart being torn apart. ****†****†****†****†****† FOUR WEEKS LATER ****†****†****†****†****† His fingers moved deftly across the keyboard, and he expressed displeasure when the sound of his phone ringing interrupted him. He glanced at the screen and discovered it was Vanessa. "Good morning, sir." She beamed over the phone. He could hear the gratefulness in her voice that he picked her call. "What is it, Vanessa?" He asked coldly, controlling his system's mouse with his free hand. "Um... nothing really, sir. I was just... checking on you. You haven't been taking my calls for some days now." He sighed and slouched in his chair. "I told you to call only when it's work - related. I don't need anyone checking up on me for now." His voice was chillingly low, it made Vanessa so sad. She missed the other side of him. "Yes, I'm sorry." She apologized quickly. "Um...I was wondering, sir. Your brother's getting married today. Mr. Stones actually reached out to me, complaining to me that you've refused to come for the wedding. Are you sure you wouldn't want to reconsider, sir?" A small sigh slipped Alaric's throat. "If Baxter's getting married, it's none of my business. I have no business with him or his wife - whoever she may be." Vanessa wanted to press on, but lately, he's become easily agitated and she didn't want to get on his bad side. "Okay, sir. I understand." The call ended. Tossing the phone to the table and taking up his glass of wine, Alaric stood up and strolled out of the room. He went out to the pool side, taking a sip as he stared down at the pool. How peaceful they looked. He slipped his left hand into his trouser pocket, while the other held his wine. Right there, he reflected on the mental torture he's passed through for the past one month. Coming to this resort was his only escape, and although, he's had to be alone the whole time, he didn't entirely regret it. He had enough time to moan and heal, enough time to fix the patches of his broken heart. But as you know, fixing a broken item can never make it new. His heart had only become rough and hard. That was the only way he could escape his inferno. ****†****†****†****† Three days later and Alaric decided to resume his work at the hospital. He's grieved and rested enough and needed to go back to the only thing he had left. Saving lives. His co - doctors were more than happy to have him back. There was none like him. So, his presence was greatly appreciated. Vanessa was the happiest. She was so excited for his return, although she didn't try to push herself on him just yet. ... He had just rounded up from a successful surgery and was exiting the operation room when Vanessa approached him. Apparently, she had been standing by the window the whole time and was watching him. She wore a lab coat and had a big book to her chest. "Congratulations, sir, on another successful surgery." She smiled at him. Alaric said nothing as he headed for the wash room where he took off his gloves and thoroughly washed his hands. "Um...sir, you missed about three calls from your father." Vanessa said, showing his phone to him. He dried his hands under the hand drier before taking the phone from her. "Keep tabs on the patient. He's a VIP and needs to be monitored closely." He instructed, his voice as cold as ice. "Of course, sir. I'll do just that." Vanessa dipped her head and let him leave. Watching him from behind as he walked away, she felt her heartbeat quicken. He was just like a demi-god - too handsome, too perfect. Alaric got to his office, took off his lab coat before settling in his seat. He decided to return his father's call. The old man answered on the fourth beep. "Finally. You called." His voice was a little croaky. "Good morning, father. I was operating on someone." He answered cursorily. "Yes, I know. Vanessa told me. How was it?" "Successful." "Good. Congratulations." There was a momentary pause. "We're having a family dinner, Ric." Mr. Stones began. "Your brother and his wife will be coming over to the house for it, and I want you, Alaric to be present by all means."
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