
Accidentally Rejected A Billionaire

second chance
arranged marriage
office/work place

Alaric was a famous and wealthy surgeon who was loved and respected by all. Due to his fame and good looks, women were never a problem for him.

But Alaric wanted more than just a woman. He wanted someone who would love him for who he was, not just for his money.

He was ready to get married and settle down. And in order not to make the wrong choice, he disguised himself as a poor man and traveled to a distant city in search of 'true love.'

He found her in no time - the one lady who loved him for who he was, despite the humiliations and oppositions she received from her family and friends. They became a part of each other. And finally, Alaric decided to propose to her, to reveal his identity to her.

Everything was all planned out on that night. He bought the most expensive ring for her and booked the most expensive garden. It was supposed to be the best night of his life. But something went wrong.

What could it be?

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The Woman Of His Choice
Alaric and Ivanka walked through the door with their fingers interlaced. They could clearly hear the sounds of cutleries and the faint melody of laughter that resonated from the dining. The duo paused at the door, exchanging hopeful stares at each other. They wouldn't deny being nervous - especially for Ivanka who was bringing her man to meet her family for the third time. The last two times had been utterly horrible as they rejected and sent him away, but she wasn't ready to give up. She wanted to give it another try. Bracing herself, she proceeded into the house with Alaric and kept walking until they got to the dining. There she found her entire family seated and having their moment as they ate. But the moment their presence was noticed, their laughters died down at once. Ivanka became more scared, seeing the deadly look that crept into her mother's face. "Good evening, ma'am. Good evening, sir," Alaric lowered his head in obeisance. He was still holding hands with Ivanka. "What the hell are you doing here?" Mrs. Cora rose to her feet, her eyes simmering with rage. "How dare you step foot in this house?" "Mum!" Ivanka called. "Can you stop this, please? I told you I was bringing him over for dinner." "And we made it clear we didn't want him," Mr. Ambrose added. The people left on the table were just Ivanka's siblings, and all they did was watch. "You pathetic child," Mrs. Cora snarled. "I do not understand why you've chosen to humiliate me this way. The daughters of my friends are getting married to influential people, yet you chose a nobody like him? I'll never let that happen!" Ivanka and Alaric were still holding hands. Their grip on each other had gotten stronger. "And you - what will it take to get you to leave my daughter, huh?" She shifted her gaze to Alaric. "Take a look at my family, do you really think you can fit in here?" "Name your price," Mr. Ambrose slouched back in his chair. "Just name your price, young man and I'll pay you off to leave my daughter." Ivanka's countenance was enveloped with shame, her eyes are unable to break free from the magnetic pull of the floor. Alaric's gaze swiftly swept over her before settling on her father. "I'm sorry, sir, but the love I have for your daughter cannot be bought. The truth is, I love her genuinely and only want one spend the rest of my life with her." "How dare you?!" Mrs. Cora yelled. "You scumbag! How dare you stand there and reject his offer? Do you want me to release my dogs on you?!" "Mum!" Immediately, Cora grasped a glass of red wine from the table and splashed it on him. "Get out! Get out of my house!" She yelled furiously. "Mum! What're you doing?!" Ivanka flinched, but the woman didn't spare her a glance. She turned pathetically at Alaric who had red wine dripping from his head to his shirt. No, this was too much. Without saying a word, he walked out of the house. "Alaric! Alaric!" Ivanka called after him, but he didn't stop. Then, she turned back to her parents. "How can you, mum? How can you be so cruel and heartless?" Mrs. Cora scoffed and pointed to herself. "Cruel? I'm cruel because I want the best for you?" "Oh! Please, your best is more like a curse for me! I've told you countless times, Alaric is the one I want, and there's nothing you or anyone can do to change that." "Shut it! You're wrong, Ivanka. Like I've told you before, we've already found a man for you to marry. So, you better get ready to dump that broke boyfriend of yours." Ivanka let out a menacing laughter. "You must be joking. I don't care to know who he is becuase I'm not even going to see him. Leave Alaric and I alone!" With that said, she ran out of the house. Thankfully, Alaric was still around the building, so she was able to catch up with him. "Alaric! Please, wait!" She stood in front of him and blocked his path. He was so angry, it was obvious. Slowly, Ivanka took his hands. "I am so sorry; so sorry for... everything." For a moment, thirty years old Alaric just stared at her, the lights from the streets casting a soft glow on her pretty face. Her beauty was enough to calm him down. He drew a light breath and pulled her into a hug. "I'm not mad at you, okay? Just angry at the fact that.... your parents hate me this much." He stroke her hair, his voice so soothing. Ivanka found comfort in the embrace. "I'm sorry too," she muffled against his chest. They remained that way for sometime, and when they finally pulled away, Ivanka took out a moment to admire him. This man was a work of act - he had the prettiest eyes she's ever seen and an athletic body. His face was a garden of perfection, she could stare at it all day. She couldn't believe her parents ignored how handsome he looked and were only looking out for his money. He might be poor, but she loved him still. They've been together for six months now and not once did he ever make her feel upset. Such a perfect man. "You should go back home," his eyes looked ahead of her. "It's late." "Alaric..." Ivanka moaned. "I'm so sorry about my parents, but I want you to know we're never giving up, alright? I believe someday, they'll come to accept you." Alaric smiled as he watched her speak. She was always very beautiful no matter the mood she was in - angry, sad, worried. His woman was too perfect. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her - briefly. "You're amazing, you know that?" He cooed. "For six months now, you've been beside me, fighting against your parents and friends and not minding whatever insults they hurl at you. To be honest, Ivanka, I had expected you to pull out a long time before now. But how the hell do you keep loving me when I have nothing?" Ivanka lowered his hands from her cheeks and held them instead. "Sometimes, I ask myself the same question, Ric. Why do I keep loving you when you have nothing to give? Then, I realize I actually don't need anything from you. I just need you to keep loving me, to be there for me. Growing up, I thought all I wanted was to get married to a rich man and have kids. I never thought I'd love a man this way. Oh! Ric, I have no idea what you've done to me, but I do not want you to stop. Your love and affection is enough for me." Alaric could swear his heart stopped beating. Hearing those words from her, watching as her cherry-riped lips move delicately gave him a different kind of feeling. Chills spiralled through him, and right there, he felt like making her his already. He reached for her lips and kissed her again, and this time, it was longer. She wrapped her head around his neck while he pulled her closer by the waist. For the first time in six months, he made up his mind. It was time to do it. They broke the kiss and Ivanka rested her face on his chest for a while. She desired to stay that way with him - forever, if possible. "Come on, I'll walk you home," Alaric got hold of her hand, but she acted a little hesitant about leaving. "Can we just spend the rest of the night together?" She puffed out her lips. "Why? Do you miss screaming my name in a different tone?" He gave her that wink that always melted her. "Hey!" She gasped and laughed. "Anyway, I think it's a bad idea. You just had a fight with your parents; it's not advisable to sleep out. You can come over tomorrow instead." That was enough to convince her. "Alright then! But I don't think I can walk all the way home," she crossed her hands. "Are you being serious? Your house is just by the corner. Moreover, you came all the way by yourself." "Yeah. That was because I was running after you. I was blinded." Alaric looked up and chuckled. "Alright, then. Get on." Crouching over, she hopped onto his back, giggling as she did. "Urgh! You're quite weighty at twenty-six," he teased, carrying her perfectly and began walking. "Well, you look fine. I'm sure you'll survive," she nibbled at his ear. In a short time, he got to her gate and dropped her off. "Goodnight, okay? I'll see you tomorrow," he spoke in hushed tones "Of course. Goodnight." They exchanged a parting kiss before going their separate ways. Far away from her house, Alaric pulled out his phone and dialed the line with so much excitement in his heart. Finally, he was ready for this. Few weeks ago, he kept questioning himself, but now he was certain. Ivanka was the one he needed for the the rest of his life. "Alaric? Good evening, sir," the female voice greeted him on the phone. "Vanessa. How're you doing?" A smile was plastered on his face. "Well, I feel better now you've called - same way it has been for the past six months. To be honest, I hope this adventure of yours comes to an end soon enough, because I'm always worried sick knowing you're in a strange place, living as a nobody." Alaric chuckled. That was the 'friend' part of her talking, not the 'staff' part. Vanessa has been his closest staff for over four years, and along the way, she transformed into a friend. Still, she was very respectful and knew when to implement each part. "But is everything alright, sir?" She added. "Yes. Actually, I have goodnews." "Goodnews!" she exclaimed. "You know I love news." Alaric stopped walking and just stood to stare into the quiet street. "I believe I've found my choice," he worded, inserting a hand in his trouser pocket. However, Vanessa took a little longer to react. "Oh! Is...Is it the same lady you've been telling me about?" her voice cracked slightly. Alaric decided to ignore that. "Yes. She's perfect, Vanessa, and I feel like I love her more than life itself. I waited patiently to confirm she truly loves me, and trust me when I say she does. It doesn't matter to her that I'm poor, she just loves me for who I am - the exact woman I came looking for." As he spoke, he kept reminiscing on all the times Ivanka had stood up for him. There was no way he was letting her go. Never. "Wow. I'm so happy to hear this, sir," Vanessa's voice sounded elated enough. "I'm glad you finally found that woman who truly loves you, and not just your wealth. Congratulations, sir." "Yeah." Alaric nodded. "So, I'll be proposing to her before the end of the week and bring her over for the wedding. In that case, I'll be needing you to fund my third account. Put enough money into it." "Definitely, sir. I'll do just that. Congratulations once more." Alaric smiled. "Uh... by the way, I heard Baxter is getting married," she chipped in. "It's not official yet, but there are rumours flying around that his mother has found a suitable bride for him." Alaric arched a brow. His stepbrother was getting married? "Good for him," he shrugged. "Don't really care. Just get my third account funded as soon as possible." "Yes, sir. Delightfully." "By the way, how are things at the hospital? How are my patients?" "They're doing great, sir. There's been no casualties for two weeks." Alaric nodded satisfactorily. His father owned the biggest hospital in Riverbrook, but Alaric was the best surgeon and he knew it wouldn't be easy going away for so long. But he was happy the other doctors had things under control. "Alright. Goodnight, Vanessa." He ended the call and continued walking, smiles not leaving his face. Alaric was a man who has been with so many ladies who only wanted him for his money. Of course, they all adored and worshipped him, but he felt they only did that 'cause of his wealth, especially after his last encounter... Hence, he decided to find a woman who would love him for who he was and not just for his money. That was the reason he traveled to the city of Belmore and pretended to be a nobody. He thought it'd be difficult finding a woman that'd take him seriously, but Ivanka came along, giving a whole new meaning to love. Now, he was certain she was the one for him. He was going to reveal his identity when he proposes to her. He'll let her know she's been with the heir to the famous Grand Stones Hospital, and not some 'nobody' like her family thinks. He was going to shower her with so much love and make her feel like the luckiest woman alive. Yes, she was rich at the moment, but he'll make her ten times richer. Her life will never remain the same.

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