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Alaric arrived Ivanka's house and knocked urgently on The door. Even on his way there, he kept trying her line, but it was still not connecting. He's never been so scared in a while. Cora opened the door, and the first thing he watched out for was the expression on her face. He had been scared of seeing a worried look on her - which might mean something had happened to Ivanka - but when she gave him her usual scrowl instead, he felt relieved. "Did you steal these clothes or what?" Cora sent a top-to-bottom look at him. That was the first time she was seeing him in a s**t - a suit that looked expensive. "Why are you even dressed this way? Are you going for an occasion? What occasion could you possibly have to attend?" She sighed and crossed her arms. She was still standing between the door. "Anyway, what're you doing here? What do you want?" In his city, no one would ever get to speak to him this way. So, each time he got insulted, he tried as much as possible not to retaliate. Afterall, it was about coming to an end. "I'm looking for Ivanka. I've been trying to reach her, but her lines are not connecting." He stated perfunctorily. He wanted nothing more than to get his Ivanka and take her away from that house. Cora threw a pathetic look his way before laughing. "You're so late, my dear. My Ivanka is on a date right now, with her soon to be husband." Alaric gave no reaction. His mind was blank and refused to process what the woman had just said. The woman had said worst to him before. He's not surprised. "I'm really worried about her. I just need to be sure sure she's fine and..." "Of course, she's fine! Hold on, you really thought my daughter would stick to you for that long? I'm telling you, she's on a date, and few weeks from now, they'll be getting married. Why do you think she declined your call earlier on? She even had to switch off her phone because of you." She crossed the threshold. "Listen to me, Alaric, you have a good heart, but it doesn't change the fact that you're a nobody. And it didn't take my daughter too long to realize that. So, I'd advise you to walk out of here and go look for someone your status." With another glare and a snigger, she walked into the house, slamming the door shut. For over a minute, Alaric was frozen and just stared at the blank door. His blood had ran cold. Why was Cora sounding and looking serious? Could there be any truth to what she was saying? His heart galloped with fervor, anxiety began to curl it's fingers around his throat. No, there was no way she was telling the truth. No way. Getting a grip of himself, he forced his legs to a seat which was just outside the house. There was no way he was leaving without seeing Ivanka. If she was in there, then he was going to wait until she eventually came out. And if she was out there - like her mother said - he was still going to wait for her return. He trusted her, she loved him and he knew it. There was no way she'd go on a date with someone all of a sudden, especially when she was aware they had plans already. Her mother was definitely lying. Definitely. He sat there for a long time, his eyes on the gate. He couldn't deny feeling every bit of fear while praying fervently that she doesn't come in with someone else. He wouldn't know how to face the pain, how to deal with it. His Ivanka was too decent to do that to him, she was too genuine. He embarked on a trip down memory lane, recalling how and when they had met. He had taken a local job as a bookstore keeper, and on one of those days, Ivanka had come in, looking for a medical book. He got to realize her passion in the medical field, and they flowed well. He helped her with the book and told her few other things, and his intelligence made her question if he was a medical student. But not wanting to reveal anything regarding his identity, he told her he wasn't. She visited the bookstore again and they became friends. It happened so smoothly - their connection. And that was how it began - she fell in love with him, not minding the fact that he was a 'nobody'. So, he was certain she was different. There was no way she'd betray him this way. ... Finally, the gates opened and a black car drove in. Alaric watched with bated breath as the car stopped halfway and Ivanka came out of the front seat. The muscles in his jaws clenched, and a sharp pain stung at his heart. The driver didn't leave the car. And remaining in his seat, he watched as the car turned around, while Ivanka started approaching the house. From where they had stopped and the position of the house, neither Ivanka nor the driver could see him. It was when Ivanka had gotten close enough that she noticed him, and that instant, shock crept into her eyes. She stopped walking, her eyes growing wide like they would pop out of her sockets. "R... Rick?" She called faintly. Alaric rose from his seat, trying so hard to pull himself together. He didn't want to break down or lose his mind in front of a woman. No, he didn't want that. But his crimsoned eyes reflected his pain. Slowly, Ivanka advanced towards him. "Oh, my God! You... You're here." She was muddled. Alaric gave a scrutinizing look at her. She was well-dressed and looked beautiful. Her mother was right. "Had a date?" He asked calmly , his hands slipping into his trouser pockets. "You should've called me at least." Heavy guilt washed over Ivanka, she didn't even know what to say. "It's... It's not what you think." She shook her head. Alaric scoffed. "I was waiting for you, you know? Had everything planned out. I tried calling but, your line wasn't connecting. So, I had to come over and your mother... told me you were out on date with your soon to be husband." He lowered his gaze and chuckled. "I doubted it. Didn't want to believe 'cause I thought... I thought you were different. I thought you'd never do such a thing. Turns out she was right and I was wrong." Ivanka inclined her head, a tear finally dropping to her cheek. Her heart hurt terribly, she couldn't breath. "I'm sorry, Ric" She whimpered. "I'm sorry for doing this to you, for hurting you this way. But I don't think I can do this any more." She sniffed and looked up at him. Another tear journeyed to her face. "My parents have found someone suitable for me to marry. He'll... he'll be of great help to my family, and to me as well. I didn't want things to go this way, but... I've thought about this and concluded it's the best thing for me. He...he seems like a good guy, afterall." "I'm truly sorry. We had such a wonderful time together, and I... I hope you find that perfect person for you. You don't deserve any of this." With more tears streaking her face, she walked pass him, heading for the door. Alaric stood motionlessly, her words like the sharp edge of a sword that wounded his heart. Did she just... break up with him? He turned around to see her stopping by the door. Right there, he was tempted to pull her back and let her know he wasn't as poor as she thought. But her words kept messing with his head. 'My parents have found someone suitable for em to marry.' 'He'll be of great help to my family, and to me as well.' 'He's a good guy afterall.' It was just one date, just one date with him and he's already a good guy for her? He's already suitable? It weakened him to the bones, he couldn't find his words. With teary eyes, Ivanka spared him one final glance. "I'm sorry ." She muttered before going into the house. ... It took Alaric a long time to find the strength to leave Ivanka's house. He boarded a cab and headed to the garden he had prepared for the both of them. The waiters and waitresses were already outside and smiled warmly as he approached them. But their smiles down died down upon seeing the gloom on his face. He walked pass them, into the garden. It was a magnificent sight - a beautiful proposal sight. He wanted this to be the best day of their lives. How could she do this to him? His heart finally failed him. He lost control of himself. With a hard grunt, he kicked the table, shattering everything on it to the floor. He yelled again as he hit the chairs, pushed the table to the ground and destroyed every decorations he had in place. He plonked himself when he had nothing else to destroy. Pain seeped into him. "No..." He whimpered softly. He had truly loved her, loved her so much he did not realize how painful it would be to lose her. Why didn't she wait a little longer? Why couldn't she prove him wrong? Hurtful tears burnt the corners of his eyes, and despite how hard he tried, they coursed down. She hurt him, hurt him so deeply. He took a deep breath, took out out his phone and called Vanessa. He snaked his fingers into his hair as he listened to the phone beep. Pain curled around his throat, making it almost impossible for him to breath. "Sir!" Vanessa's phone rang on the phone. "Wow. I didn't think you'd be done with the proposal so..." "Book me the nearest flight back home." He cut her off. His eyes were closed and his hand was in his hair. "If you can get one tonight, make it happen." Vanessa was stunned. She's never heard him speak that way before. "S...Sir, is something..." He cut the call on her, tossing the phone to the ground.
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