Three Days Of Sin

1731 Words

Three days had passed. Ivanka was set and ready to be discharged. That morning, Baxter was with her, but her bandage needed to be changed one more time. So, they waited in the room for the nurse that would come in and get it done. But to Baxter's surprise, when the door opened, it revealed Alaric, carrying the necessary things in a pan. His brows scrunched up in surprise as he looked at him. Alaric didn't even spare him a glance as he walked over to Ivanka's bed and set the pan down beside her. "How're you feeling today, Mrs. Stones?" He asked in a tone that sounded too official, Ivanka had to see him with the eyes of an employee. "I'm.... I'm doing well, sir. I feel a lot better." She tried not to stutter. She wouldn't deny being surprised that Alaric was trying to change her ba

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