
1158 Words
No matter how many times I blinked, the woman in front of me wouldn't change. 'Yes, Avia, that's you.' Mira said tenderly with her tail wagging. My normally dull reddish-brown hair was more red with brown highlights. My eyes, usually dull and empty, sparkled and shone a deep blue in the light. My skin was practically glowing, and I looked... healthy. Not skinny and malnourished after months of abuse. "Whoa..." I said aloud and touched my arms, marveling at the soft, porcelain skin. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts and admiration. "Y-Yes?" I called and I heard a hiss. "Are you almost done?" I recognized Blondy's voice, but it sounded tight and forced rather than playful and soft from before. "Y-yes." I replied and quickly sorted through which clothes were my size and put them on, opening the door and I saw Blondy and Raven both straighten and take big inhales. "You smell of..." Raven began and sniffed again. "Honey and Coconut." Blondy finished with a tight smile. They both got closer, and I tensed, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline. They'd die... I thought, but they stopped and looked at me with concern and worry. "Are you alright?" Blondy asked and I relaxed. "N-no. I'm in a strange place. I don't know where I am, and all I know is you two are my mates." I said in a hurry and I noticed them squirm slightly. 'It's your voice. You do realize how soft of a voice you have, right?' Mari said and I realized what was going on. My voice was influencing their wolves, and it sounded like the most seductive thing ever to them. Damn mate bond. They wanted to mark me. 'No.' I said firmly in my head. 'They may be my mates, but I refuse to be marked right now.' 'Someday?' Mari asked and I sighed. 'I'll think about it. Okay?' I asked and she nodded. "We won't hurt you. We've been waiting 9 years for you. We thought we might never get a mate." Blondy said, and Raven just nodded, looking at everything but me. Somehow, I believed him and I relaxed slightly. "Can I come out of the bathroom now?" I asked, and they both moved quickly out of the way, and I walked into the massive sized room, marveling at the beauty of it. "Your packhouse is beautiful." I said, and Blondy chuckled. "Our packhouse, mate." He said, and I shifted a little bit, still not believing I was going to be a Luna of an entire pack. Pack... which pack was this? I thought and looked out the window and the rising sun, yawning. Questions for tomorrow, I suppose. "Where's the Omega dorms?" I asked as I turned away from the window and they both looked shocked. "Whatever for?" Raven asked, and I was confused. "So I can sleep?" I said slowly, and they looked like I just rejected them. "What?" I asked, and they looked at each other, back at me, and shook their heads. "You sleep here. You're our mate, we aren't letting you out of our sight ever. We have waited too long for you." Raven said firmly and definitively. "Also," Blondy interjected. "We kind of need to know your name." He chuckled. I felt my eyes widen and felt stupid. 'Smart one.' Mari laughed, and I made a mental note to talk to her about this sudden smartassery. "I'm Avia." I said, and I saw them both smile. "Beautiful." They said in unison and I felt heat creep up my next to my cheeks. I've never been called that. Not once. Even when my mother was alive, she wasn't... actively involved. Postpartum is a b***h. "You already know Raven's name. I'm Markel. Welcome to BlackFall Cave Pack, Avia." Markel said, and I smiled slightly at the welcome. "Where did you come from?" Raven asked, and I looked down. "RoseBlood Pack..." I said quietly. "I'm Alpha Wesley RoseBlood's daughter..." I finished and I heard a collective hiss. I prepared for the rejection because I knew of the pack rivalry. Solely due to Nyra and her inability to keep in check and whine and cry when she doesn't get her way. She almost started a war with 3 packs and the Kings Palace. At the same time, my father, being the diplomat he is, struck a deal. She stays in the pack and is only invited to her own pack events, but she isn't allowed to go to council meetings, pack meetings, Worldwide Pack events, etc. That seemed to calm them and everything settled down again. Shortly after that, my mother went missing. "You're not... Nyra's... blood daughter, are you?" Markel asked, and I shook my head. "Step-daughter, but it was never a loving relationship. She got rid of my mother and treated me like hell. I was ridiculed, hit, got things thrown at me, whipped, pushed around and more." I said and I didn't dare look up. "My father, who used to love me, followed her lead, and he began abusing me too." I said and I choked on a sob. "Avia..." I heard Markel say, and I heard the sadness in his voice. "I-I understand if you want to reject me... I know this pack and mine don't get along and my... pedigree isn't what you hoped for...I'm sorry..." I said and went to the door, opening it, not wanting to hear the words but knew they would come. "Where are you going?" Raven asked, and I hung my head. "Away from here...I don't belong here." I said and felt the tears flow down my face. I blinked my eyes and when I opened them, I saw 4 feet in front of me. "You belong here. With us." Raven said and lightly grabbed my chin between his fingers, lifting my head up to look at him. "Please, Avia." He said and sounded...vulnerable and afraid. Not the stoic, cold man who I was first introduced to. 'Oh, come on.' Mari pleaded. 'How can you say no to that face?' She asked, and I sighed, clearly not going to win. "Alright, I'll stay." I resigned and slumped my shoulders, but Raven and Markel both got big grins on their faces. "We'll take one bed, and you can take the other, until you're comfortable." Markel said, and I was grateful I wouldn't be forced to sleep next to them just yet. They both stripped to their boxers and went to one bed, and I went to the other, softly touching the comforter, feeling the softness of it. I crawled in and was immediately tired from how comfortable it was. "Goodnight, Avia. Tomorrow, we'll take you clothes shopping and all that jazz." I heard Raven say and all I could do was make a small grunt in response. Sleep took me into a comfortable place. "Goodnight, Avia." Markel said, and that was the last thing I heard.
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