The Alpha Twins

1318 Words
I didn't know where we were. All I knew was it was dark and smelled of mold and mildew. I lifted my head and saw the chains on... my paws. 'We hadn't shifted back, how?' I questioned myself and searched for Mari. She was still sleeping. If she was still sleeping, how were we still in wolf form? Usually, if the wolf is knocked out, they revert to their human forms. Then again, Mari said we were special. I heard a click and sat up fully immediately. The door slowly opened, and I was blinded by the light. I huffed and squinted. "The rogue is still in her wolf form, Sir." A familiar voice came. Jared, I think his name was. Suddenly, two males came into view along with the most mouth watering scents of strawberries and vanilla from one and strawberries and chocolate from the other. The combination of the two was amazing and Mari was up and alert, wagging her tail and going up to them as far as the chains would allow, to sniff them. Once she confirmed it was from them, she barked and said the one word I had been dreading hearing my entire life, 'MATES!' No... I thought, but Mari was wagging her tail and jumping up and down. She was like a pup again. "Unchain her." One said, and he looked amazing, I had to say. He had shoulder-length black hair like Onyx, his eyes were gray like storm clouds, and he was big. Muscles everywhere, and he was tall too. I imagined running my hands all over his... stop it! It's just the bond. I don't want a mate. I don't need a mate. "But, Sir..." Jared began again, but the other one, who hadn't taken his eyes off me, growled. He was just as big and handsome, but he had white-blonde hair and blue eyes. "Unchain. Our Mate. NOW!" He bellowed, and Jared and I had to cover our ears, but he got to work, unlocking every chain and scampering away down the hall. "Shift." Black Hair said, and it was Mari's turn to growl. We weren't shifting back naked in front of strangers. They may be our mates, but we didn't know them. "Shift, rogue." Black Hair said again, and Mari growled again softly, not showing any threat but showing that we refused to shift. 'You have to show him that we want clothes.' I said, and Mari thought for a minute, then went up to Blondy and nipped his shirt and softly tugged, whimpering. She let go and looked at Black Hair, then back at Blondy's shirt. Blondy looked at his brother, I would assume, and then back at me. I wasn't much smaller than them. I came up to chest height on both of them, and I could smell it off-setting them for their mate to be so big. "She wants clothes, Raven." Blondy said. 'Raven...' Mari purred, and I was astounded. We haven't even known them for 5 minutes, and she's already ready to mate and mark. Jesus. "Then we will get her clothes." Raven said coldly and proceeded to walk away in the other direction Jared went. Blondy smiled at me and petted me behind my ears. Mari tilted her head towards the pets and huffed. "Come, we'll get you some clothes and see what we can find you for food." Blondy said and started walking away. Our stomach growled at the thought of food and we eagerly followed them. As we exited the dungeons, it was nighttime, and thankfully, it wasn't busy. There was no one in sight as we walked to what I can assume, the packhouse. As we walked, I became more and more aware of my hurting and aching body and paws. I also realized we were walking slowly because of me. Raven was ahead, but Blondy was at my side, walking with me. As we got up to the packhouse, I admired the beauty of it. It was Gothic looking with stone pillars and arches and looked more like a castle than a house. "This way." Raven said, opening the door and turning left. I followed and inside was even more beautiful. Couches, flowers, art, the colors of blue and black and gold were everywhere. I followed Raven up the 4 flights of stairs, sneaking peeks at every floor that appeared to have lounge areas, kitchens, pool tables and fooseball. We got to the top of the stairs and I could tell it was the Alpha suite. Raven walked towards what I could only guess was the bedroom and I stayed rooted to where I was. The last time I was in a room alone with men, I found out about my gift or curse, and it didn't end well for them. "It's okay. We won't hurt you." Blondy said, and we looked at him. "Don't worry about Raven. He's always kind of... cold. Once he's comfortable, you'll see a different person. Promise." He said, and I looked back towards the door Raven went into. I slowly, tentatively, made steps towards the bedroom, stopping at the door. The room was amazing. Two huge beds, adorned with a bunch of pillows and a huge, comfy-looking blanket. A couple of dressers and four bookshelves, two on each side, with books on every shelf. I saw Raven in the bathroom, running a bath that smelled of lavender and rose. A pair of black leggings and a white t-shirt were on the counter. Various pairs and sizes of bras and underwear were also being put on the counter from Raven. I looked to see where he was grabbing them from and saw it was from a closet tucked into the wall. I could see a bunch of other clothes as well... all women's clothes. 'Mari...' I started and she whimpered audibly. 'I know...' She said and hung her head. 'We aren't the first.' She finished and sat down. Raven looked up when we whimpered and looked at us. He c****d his head to the side and looked at Blondy for a moment, then back at me. "For what it's worth, rogue." He started and Mari got up and growled at him. "Sorry... Uhm..." He put his hand on his chin. "Red. I'll call you Red." He said and Mari sat back down. "For what it's worth, Red, we're both virgins. We made a pact with one another that we would wait for our mates." He finished and I was relieved. "Little did we know, you would be for both of us." Blondy said and petted behind my ears again. "Now come, I'm sure you're a lot more red than that, Red. So, in the bath, and we'll wash your fur then we'll get out, you can shift back and wash up your human form and then get dressed." Blondy said and Raven nodded. "Yes. We can't have our Luna looking ragged and smelling." He said and softly touched me. It felt like small buzzes whenever they touched me. 'It was nice. Still be wary...' Mari said and I agreed. Just because we were mates doesn't mean they'll be nice. We went over to the bath and hopped in, the warm water feeling absolutely relieving on our aching paws and muscles. Raven and Blondy began washing me, and it felt nice, they were gentle, and the soft buzzes felt nice too. After I was all clean, they got up and dried off their hands. "We'll leave you to it, Red." Raven said as he drained the dirty tub of water. Yuck. I thought as I saw the brown water swirl down the drain. I looked up as the door clicked shut, and I got out of the tub. Once on the floor, I took over again, and we shifted within seconds. I caught sight of myself in the mirror and gasped. 'I was... radiant.'
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