The Gift

997 Words
I woke up to the feeling of being watched, and as I opened my eyes, I saw a pair of blue eyes and gray eyes. "Good morning, Avia." Raven said, and Markel smiled at me. "Breakfast?" Markel asked, and I nodded, pulling the covers off. "Oh no, no, no." Raven said, coming to me and putting the covers back on. I looked at him confused and Markel placed a tray on my lap, and it was filled with a plate of pancakes with berries, eggs, sausage, bacon and toast, and a glass of orange juice. "Wow..." was all I could muster and shakily grabbed the fork, intimidated by the large amount of food. 'You'll be surprised at what you can pack away now that we've shifted.' I heard Mari say it, and I just had to take her word for it. I stabbed a sausage link, and brought it to my nose, taking a deep whiff. I instantly started salivating, and I shoved the link into my mouth, moaning at the delicious maple flavor. "Good?" Markel asked, and I eagerly nodded as I shoveled food into my mouth, finishing it all in as little as 10 minutes. "Goodness, you'd think no one ever fed you." Markel joked. "They didn't." I said flatly and Markel's smile disappeared. "Avia, I'm so-" I cut him off by raising my hand and sighed, scratching my nose. "You didn't know. I don't even know how long ago I left my old pack." I said and wondered how long it had actually been. "What day is it?" I asked and they both looked at their watches. "March 30th." Raven said. 25 days. 25 days ago I left. I thought and internally scratched my head. They had to be looking for me, but I was all the way by the sea. I lived north, and the sea was to the south. It took me 25 days to reach this far and my mates were also this far. 'Coincidence, I think not.' Mari said, and I agreed. "25 days." I said and they both looked confused. "My birthday was 25 days ago and that's when I left. As soon as we shifted, we ran." I said, and they looked at each other, then back at me. "How did you survive?" Raven asked, and I shrugged. "Mari, my wolf, was in control most of the time. We stayed shifted until your men found me on the beach in the water. That was the only time I went into human form." I said and looked at them, seeing looks of wonder on their faces. "What?" I questioned. "Who knew..." Raven said. "That our mate would be so beautiful AND strong." Markel finished, and I blushed. "Now, how about we leave you to get dressed, and we'll wait downstairs for you to go shopping?" Markel asked, and I nodded. "Great! Clothes are in the closet over there." He said, pointing to a door in the center of the wall. I nodded, and they both left, closing the door gently with a soft click. I went to the door and opened it, revealing a huge walk-in closet of women's and men's clothes. The clothes were on separate sides, so it was easy to tell which was which. "Alright. Let's look good." I said and got to work. A half hour later, I was cleaned and dressed. I was admiring myself in the mirror and I have to say, I looked good. I wore black skinny jeans with a silver belt, a floral V-neck t-shirt, and a pair of black converse with red laces I borrowed from a pair of sneakers. I had no idea how to apply makeup, so I didn't bother with it. I grabbed my necklace from the counter and put it on, the gold chain and emerald sticking out against my clothes, but this was the only thing I had from my mother. I found it one day in the attic when I was sent to clear out her stuff. I ended up, by chance, knocking over a music box and underneath, a small latch opened with a smaller bag inside with my name on it. I opened it and found this necklace. I always kept it secured in the fabric of my bra and didn't tell a soul I had found it. Now, I can wear it freely. I walked to the door and put my hand on the doorknob, took a deep breath, and walked down the hallway. I remembered the stairs were to the left, so when I got lost, I was confused. 'Where are we?' Mari asked, and I shrugged. 'No idea.' I said, and kept walking. A low whistle caught my attention and I spun around. "My, my, my, aren't you a pretty thing?" A man said as he stepped out from behind a pillar. "And where did you come from? A present for me?" He said as he scanned my body, a vulgar look in his eye. Suddenly, I was being pushed down from behind and being groped. The adrenaline was instant, and I let out a low growl. The familiar red aura came from me and into every point on the men's bodies. I knew my eyes were red, and my body was glowing, but I didn't care. If they knew who my mates were, they wouldn't have dared to touch me. "Kill." I whispered in a far-away voice, and they all turned on each other. Blood soaked everything and everywhere as they killed each other, ripping and tearing into each other until nothing was left. Once it was over, I felt the air leave me, and I was on all fours on the floor, heaving but with nothing coming up. Just breathe. 'It's over quickly.' Mari coaxed, and sure enough, it was over. "Oh my god!" A shrill woman's voice sounded and as I looked up, I saw an elderly looking woman, holding her mouth. "ALPHAS!!!" She shrieked.
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