
2226 Words

"How can you say that about my wife?" I stood to my feet, aggravated. "I'm sorry Mary, but I think it's time for me to go pick the kids from school." It was not just a means to get rid of her. I actually did need to get the children from school. "Are you mad at me?" She stood up after me, pulling her reluctant gown by the hem as it stayed mid thigh. "I'm not." I lied. "I'm sorry okay? I didn't think you'd take it that way. You got me wrong. I was going to ask how you'd feel if you found out she'd been cheating." She explained herself further. It was a break for me and so I had enough time to get the children from school. "Will you still drop the children off with me, or have you changed your mind?" She decided to know. "I..I.." it was immature to make decisions based on my emotions.

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