
745 Words

Indan I pulled in front of the building he asked me to come to. I took a deep breath in. I needed to know what I was doing. I wanted this to be over the soonest it could be. It was a small house. I'd known from the address that it wasn't an hotel but it was great enough to guess. "Here goes nothing." I took a deep breath in and wandered off to knock on the door. There was no doorbell so my plan to knock remained on the go. There was a response from inside the house and it was Samuel. "Indan?" He called, he must have been expecting no one else. "That's me." I called back. The door came open from inside and there he stood, all probably six feet, of him. He looked hotter in outfits that weren't so cooperative but I wasn't in the mood to appreciate anything he had to offer me. "Come on

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