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The King Erin of Bridgetta was returning from the Witch Forest. He noticed that his five guards were missing. "Where are the rest?" He asked his nearest guard, also his best friend. "I don't know. Your Magesty." The guard replied. Erin nodded. They all went to the palace in peace. When they entered from the front door he whispered to his guard again, "Jaden, are you sure that they have all returned? Perhaps they could still be in the forest." "Your Majesty, you should not worry about them, I'll ask someone about it. If they have not returned yet, I'll ask someone to bring them home. Is that what pleases you, Your Majesty?" Jaden asked. "That'll surely do, Jaden. If you find them, bring them to me. I will be in the library for a few hours before I go to bed." Erin completed himself and left for the library and Jaden left to find the missing guards. Erin was in the library reading a book. He did not know how long he was in there when he heard a knock, "It's Jaden, Your Majesty." Jaden said. Erin smiled and said "Come on in." Jaden opened the door and entered and quietly shut it so as not to disturb Erin at all from the noise of it. "Jaden, I told you so many times that you do not have to knock." Erin greeted him. "Your Majesty, I don't want to startle you at all, so it's better to knock." Jaden apologized. Erin only likes to talk to Jaden. Nobody knows him more than Jaden. He always tells Jaden about all of his upcoming plans. "I believe that you found the new guards who abandoned me during my forest walk? I have to say, I was not expecting the guards you chose for me to be like that. I know you could do much better." Erin said while closing the book he was reading. "You are still searching for the Goddess? Found something?" Jaden spoke after having a look at the book which Erin was reading. Erin looked down at the book on his table. "Oh! Nothing yet, but hopefully soon. So, what about the guards?" Erin said. "They found a rouge in the forest, so they brought her here. Do you want me to bring her here or to the throne room? Or you can see her tomorrow morning if you are tired." Jaden said. "I would like to see her right now. Let's go." Erin said and rose from his chair and started walking towards the library door. Jaden started following him. In the basement, Erin saw the beautiful golden and white wolf. Her eyes were closed. "Luna?" Erin whispered. Jaden came close to Erin and said in a low voice. "You saying something, Your Majesty?" Erin broke his gaze from the girl on the floor and looked at his guard. "Just hope that I am right about this." Erin spoke and made his way towards her. "Open the cell!" Erin spoke out loud. The servent, who was behind them came running and quickly opened the cell for them to enter. Erin entered and went to touch the beautiful wolf's fur. She shivered in response and opened her eyes. When she saw Erin, she quickly slid herself away from him and started growling at him. "Calm down young lady! I am not gonna hurt you. But, sorry to say we have to change your cell into... something more like a room. Bethie, please prepare a room on my floor for her and be quick." Erin said in a polite manner. "Tell someone to take her to her room and I have some unfinished buisness in the library. And also put two guards at her door. I do not want her to escape." Erin said to Jaden and they both left the basement together Jaden ordered the near guards in action and went staright to the library following Erin. Erin quickly opened the book which he was reading and started shuffling the pages of the book like he was looking for a particular page. "Something bothering you, Your Majesty?" Jaden asked when he saw the tension in Erin's whole body. "I think that rouge is the lost Goddess Luna." Erin told Jaden what he really was thinking. Jaden lowered his brows and said. "You mean, that golden wolf is our Goddess Luna? No! You might be mistaken." Erin glared at him. "Jaden, I know what I am doing. Dad used to tell me about her, that she was nowhere to be found. Whenever someone summoned her, she would always appear, but for past 18 years nobody has seen her. She is not responding to our calls at all. Dad also tried to summon her but, she was not responding. When I was a kid, he used to tell me how she looks like. He said she looks like a white beautiful wolf but some of gold on her as well, like she is made out of gold but not fully." Erin said to his best friend, still shuffling the pages. "Then care to tell, what are you looking for in that book?" Jaden asked again. "I am looking for a page where the Goddess Luna's appearance is written. I have read it like three days ago. Get me the books on Luna's shelf. If it is not here then it has to be in the other books." Erin replied to Jaden. Jaden hurried to retrive the books on the Luna's shelf and put them on the table, near Erin. "Oh God! They are too many. Do you have any idea which books I read in three days?" Erin asked. "I have no idea, Your Majesty. You read so many books in a day. It's hard to keep a track of it." Jaden answered. "I guess I'll read them tomorrow. I am so tired tonight." Erin said while touching his neck. He does that whenever he is way too tired or stressed about something. "I told you, you look so tired, you should sleep. I'll take you to your room." Jaden suggested. Erin made a face like he was thinking something, then he smirked and said "I have other plans." "But we are going to your room, right?" Jaden asked with confused expression on his face. "NO! We are not. Where is the rouge sleeping?" Erin asked with a broad smile on his face. "She is in the last corridor from your room. What are you thinking?" Jaden asked, with still confusion on his face. "We are going in her room. I'll be sleeping there." Erin said still smiling. "But, is she gonna allow you to f**k her? No offence! but I know, raping is not your thing." Jaden said. "I am not gonna f**k her. I'll tell you later, but first, let's go." Erin said and stood up from his desk chair and started walking towards her room.
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