
1334 Words
When Penelope looked around, she was in a cage. Oh god! save me. I made a big mistake in coming here. I wish I had never come here, Penelope thought. As she tried to scream for help, she noticed that instead of a scream she howled. She was sure then that the wolf who was running behind her had done something to her. She noticed herself, she was a white and golden colored wolf. This ugly black wolf must have done something to me. As her thoughts gave away, she noticed a few guys, almost her age, coming towards her. They were very perfectly built. She tried to threaten them by growling, but it all went in vain. She wished that she was able to protect herself with something, but as she was in a cage, she was helpless. There were five of them. Within seconds, they were standing in front of the cage. Penelope was helpless, so she thought that it would be great for her to sit as far from them as possible. The guys were not really visible. They looked like some black shadows. To be able to take her away from the forest, they slid a tray under her, making it easier for them to carry her without freeing her. When Penelope saw a tray sliding under her feet she quickly stepped on it to prevent herself from getting any injuries. She was not ready to face the injuries yet, she was so scared that she didn't want to add something else to worry about as well. When they saw that she was totally secure. They all began to carry her out of the forest, but what made her frightened even more was that they were taking her into the forest instead of out of it. There was nothing she could do now to help herself. She did not want to exhaust herself in the cage by howling for help. She wanted to preserve her energy to be able to defend herself whenever she was out of the cage. Now she was thinking of her parents. These guys are practically kidnapping me. Tomorrow morning my mom will find out that I am not in the house at all. No! I can not let this happen. I somehow have to sneak out of here, or maybe from wherever these guys are taking me. She then noticed that not even a single man spoke. She thought it was very strange, but then she thought that they did not want me to know where they were taking me. Further, she thought that she should keep track of where they were taking her so that she could make her way back home tonight. After what felt like hours, she saw something. It looked like a castle. At least it was as huge as a castle, or maybe it was a castle, but what possibly could bring her here? she thought. Then she remembered that she was being kidnapped, so it could only mean one thing, that they were going to sell her to the king. She HAS to find a way out of here. If she did not, then maybe she would be trapped forever and she would never be able to meet her parents, she thought again. She was as quiet as she could ever be, looking everywhere to find a way out and be able to track her way home. They approached the back door of the palace. There were two guards stationed at the front door. One of them spoke, "What are you bringing in?" it was a manly voice. "A rouge." one guy who was holding the cage spoke but i can not tell which one did. The guards, after hearing this, opened the door for them all to come in. Inside it was a large lobby, golden and white floored with crystal chandelier. It was a large lobby, with a giant white couch and two white chairs. In the center was a golden table. After looking at it she was sure that she was in the palace. One girl, wearing a long light brown gown came in. She asked them, "It's a really beautiful wolf. I've never seen one in my entire life. Where'd you guys find it?" The girl was talking so strangely, she made it seem like Penelope was not at all turned by these dark men. Now that there was light in the lobby, she was able to see everyone clearly. The men who captured Penelope were all black in color and were wearing a dark brown cloak. The girl who just came in was a white woman with dark brown hair. "She is a rouge." a man standing on my left spoke. A rouge? What does that even mean? They kept on calling me that. Penelope thought. The girl nodded. "What can I help you guys with?" the girl asked. She looked only five years older than me. "We want to talk to His Majesty about her." The same guy spoke. "He is not here yet, you know you guys should have come back with the pack? Why are you guys coming alone?" The girl questioned them. "It's none of your business, Jane." The man standing with the guy who spoke earlier, took it upon himself to speak. "We do not want to disturb His Majesty tonight, we will talk to him about her tomorrow." The guy who spoke at the beginning said. "Until then, what are you going to do to her?" Jane asked. "I think it would be better if we just put her in the cell downstairs." The same guy spoke. "Ok I guess, you guys can go downstairs." Jane completed herself and as she started to leave "Jane wait! We carried her all the way from the Witch Forest to here. We do not want to carry her downstairs either. Find someone else to do that." he said. "I'll be right back," Jane said and left. Everyone fell silent. It felt like two minutes before Jane came back with some other guys, they were three of them. All wearing brown trousers with white shirts. "Here, this is what I was telling you about," Jane said to them. "She is so beautiful, Jane." One guy said. Jane nodded and left. When Jane left, the guys who had just come in started walking towards Penelope. She tried to hide herself by going to the far end of the cage and curving herself into a ball. They carried her out to the door, where Jane had left. The guys who carried Penelope to the palace left from the other door to the right, which led to who knows where. When she entered the other room she noticed that everything in the palace was white, red and golden in color. In the other room she noticed that on the left side was a big window which was covered with red curtains. The floor was the same as in the lobby. They took two turns and then a staircase came into view. They all took the stairs and started making their way downstairs. Downstairs she noticed that everything was dark, there were only a few candles which were lighted in the hall all around. Everywhere were big cells, most of them were filled. They tossed her into a cell which was near the door and locked her in. She looked around, there was nothing at all to help her escape. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to escape. She was so tired, her eyes had started to close. She looked at herself, she was still a wolf. She thought about what they were saying about her being a rouge, she still was not able to tell what they meant. She then thought that it would be great for her to take a nap after knowing how tired she was. She closed her eyes and prayed to god to save her from whatever was to come tomorrow.
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