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Erin was making his way towards the golden wolf's room. Jaden was trying to make Erin spill what he was planning to do to her, but Erin kept on smiling and did not said a word. Jaden then knew, that it was to no good for him to keep asking about his plans, so he gave up. He then became silent for the whole walk towards her bedroom. On the other hand, Erin was still smiling. When they reached her bedroom's door, they both stopped and looked at each other. Erin put a finger on his lips to stop Jaden from saying anything that might wake her up. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, Jaden." Erin whispered to Jaden and slowly opened the door to her room, making sure that he was extra quite. He did not want to scare her away. To be exact, he did not want her to wake up. He entered the room and closed the door behind himself and started searching for her. His eyes roaming in the room. He saw her, all curled up on the bed. His eyes softened. I was right! She is indeed cold. Is she the REAL Goddess Luna? She definately fits in all the discriptions of her appearance. He shoke his head to get out of his thoughts. He then searched the room for a blanket. The only blanket in the room was under her. He laughed at that, but quickly covered his mouth. He then turned to the door and quitely opened it. He turned to the right guard at the door and whispered to him "Grab me a blanket from my room. Make sure you don't make a noise. Don't knock either. I'll be standing here, so be quick." The guard nodded and headed to the opposite direction of the room he was in. As he is the Alpha, he is taller than everyone in his pack. Every human guard at the palace is also shorter than him. Most of the old guards and maids at the palace know about them all being a wolf. There are 10,000 wolfs in his pack. His pack is the only one with this much members in it. The guard returned after three minutes and handed Erin the blanket he asked for. "Thank you." Erin whispered and quickly returned to the room and shut the door behind him in all the quitest way possible. He then, without making any noise made his way towards the bed. He was about to drop the blanket on her, when he remembered that she has not yet changed into her human form. He thought that she will be soon and covered her in the blanket. She did not open her eyes at all. When she felt the warmness of the blanket, she relaxed under it. He could not stop himself from not smiling at this. If she is this beautiful in her wolf form, I wonder how beautiful she'd be in her human form. I've never seen someone as beautiful as she is. Her eyes were dark golden, when she looked at me in the cell. Goddess or not, I would do anything she'd ask me to do. I would do anything in my power to keep her close to myself. She shifted her wolf body and totally relaxed herself. Erin froze, but she did not open her eyes. She maybe is too tired. I should let her sleep and go back to my own room or stay here beside her or maybe sleep with her. Just sleep in her room, I would not touch her at all. Yes! Maybe I should sleep here. He then started to look at the room to find a place for him to sleep. His eyes landed on the sofa at the left corner of the room. He sighed, I guess I don't have the other blanket to sleep in. I think I should leave and sleep in my own room. What if one of the guards try to take advantage of her? This can easily happen to her, beacuse nobody has ever seen a wolf to be this golden and white. She is so rare. I should sleep here to protect her. He then nodded to himself and slid himself under the blanket beside her. He layed at the edge of the bed to provide room for her to sleep. He closed his eyes and drifted off. Erin was deep asleep when he felt two thin arms coming around his chest and something like an upper body of someone dropped on him. He quickly opened his eyes to see what was going on. When he looked down at himself, he saw a white faced girl, with light blond eyelashes and eyebrows, was on him. He completely froze. He did not move at all. Thinking if he did, he might wake her up. When he was sure that she was back asleep and would not wake up, he relaxed. He put his head down on the pillow and smiled She is indeed beautiful, just as I thought. He bit his lower lip in happiness. He then put his left arm around her waist and closed his eyes again. *** A loud knock woke Erin up. When he looked at the front door, he saw the door open and came in Jaden. Jaden foze when he saw Erin in his current state. Erin was looking at Jaden in confused look, when he realised that a girl was sleeping ON him. He slowly looked down at the girl. He immediately froze. She was awake and looking at him.
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