34. Jamie

1621 Words

Chapter 34 Jamie It’s Sunday dinner at my parents’ house in San Rafael, California. This time I’m not seeing it on Skype—I’m prepping the pasta course myself. I’ve minced a mountain of garlic, diced several onions and chopped a mountain of olives. We’ll be ten for dinner tonight—the eight of us plus Tammy’s husband and Jess’s new boyfriend. Mom has had me in the kitchen for an hour and a half, and we’re nowhere near ready. As it happens, cooking is very therapeutic. I’ve got something to do with my hands, and I don’t have to look anyone in the eye. I’ve been home for forty-eight hours, and Mom is circling like a shark. She knows something is seriously wrong with me. All I’ve told her is that I’m having a career crisis. She knows about the interview scheduled three days from now, which

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