33. Wes

1200 Words

Chapter 33 Wes Canning is acting weird. He barely said a word during dinner, and then he vetoed my suggestion about catching a movie in town, saying he just wanted to go back to the room. As we climb the dormitory steps in silence, I wish I knew what was going on in that sexy head of his. He doesn’t seem angry, or even upset. More like worried, which is so unlike Jamie it worries me. “So what did Pat want to talk to you about earlier?” I’m trying to make conversation, but my question has the opposite effect. “Just some coaching stuff,” he answers. And then he clams up again. I smother a sigh and follow him up to the second floor, admiring the way his faded jeans hug his ass. We’ve been in shorts and flip-flops all summer, but it’s surprisingly cool out tonight, so now I get to experi

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