35. Wes

1965 Words

Chapter 35 Wes I approach the floor-to-ceiling windows of my potential apartment’s living room, gazing at the panoramic view of Toronto’s waterfront. It’s definitely the best view of all the other apartments I’ve looked at today, but the calm water of Lake Ontario reminds me too much of Lake Placid. Of Jamie. But who am I kidding? Everything reminds me of Jamie. Last night I couldn’t even sit at the hotel bar without remembering the roadside place back at camp, where we shared our first kiss. This morning I walked past a candy shop and thought of the purple Skittles he’d bought me. At the last apartment I toured, I spent ten minutes staring at the futon bed on the floor remembering the two mattresses we slid together at the dorm. I can’t escape Jamie Canning, no matter how hard I try.

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