Baths and Maids

1688 Words
Transforming back to Dahlia this time was not as hard as the others. I did not have to concentrate I just did it and we flew back to this room. No one had, that I could see came in the room while I was gone. That is a good thing. I guess I will explore these clothes and see what I can find for bed. Then maybe I will take a shower or bath. I have not had a bath in a while, that actually sounds very relaxing. I go into the closet and rumamge through drawers. I find some socks and undergarments and then find some satin night clothes. Going in to the bathroom I spot the tub and turn on the water. Feeling the warmt on my hand to test and make sure it isnt too hot, I look over and decide why not add some of these bath salts and perfumes. I sniffed three different salts one was green but smelled like lilac and honey, there was a blue one it smelled like strawberries and apples, the last is the one I chose it smelled like pine and cherries but was purple. I added about three scoops. I noticed a jar of pressed rose petals and added some of those as well. The aroma was starting to rise as the water filled the tub. I took of the clothes and got right in the tub. Soaking my hair and all. “This feels amazing! The smells are a unique combination. I am glad you chose the bath. This is what we needed after such a long week.” Dahlia said in a soothing voice. “Yes, this does feel amazing. We don’t know the outcome of what is going to happen now. I am going to need to study. Study the people and politics, the ways of being a dragon, and the history behind everything going on. I have a feeling there is more than what my mother could tell me.” I say and start to think about her. I remember the blood pouring down her chest and the life leaving her eyes. I remember the best pies she made and the warmest of hugs she gave. Tears start streaming down my face, uncontrollably. I cant stop these emotions nor should I. I need to process what has happened so I can heal. “I will give you some space for a while Tova. Cope, and let it all out. I will be back when you need me.” Dahlia said and she feels distant after that. I can not believe all that is happening. I have learned that I am a dragon. A dragon for crying out loud. Who would have though we could transform into dragons. I have been lied to my whole life or for the time that I do remember. Also, I need to figure out if there is a way to get my memories back. After a while, I notice the water is no longer holding warmth. Getting out and drying off then putting on my clothes. I side down at the vanity mirror and brush my hair. I notice my eyes are more purple now and they are glowing brighter than they have before. I notice my hair has more shimmer too. I locate some hair ties in a drawer and start braiding my hair. I do a few braids and they insert them all into a bonnet. Turning off the light after using the restroom I head to the other room. I inspect the book shelf, nothing too interesting in the spines. I decide to head ot bed. I get snuggled in and realize this is the most comforatble bed I have ever been in. The pillows are so soft but firm and the bed hugs my body. The sheets are soft and plush. I hope tomorrow is a good day. I say and sleep grabs me. Waking up to a knock on the bedroom door. I jump and go to asnwer it. I see five woman around my age and younger standing there with trays of food, teas, and clothes. I give them an odd look as I know I locked that door. “How did you all get in here and who are you?” I say in an affirmative tone. “We are your maidens and we have keys to all the rooms in the castle. We are here to get you ready for the day, your highness.” The blonde one says not making eye contact with me. “What are your names and please don’t call me that, my name is Tova. You are to call me Tova.” I replied. “If you insist, Tova. I am Arry, this is Tali, Jen, and Marianne. We are all your maids and will asisst you in any way you require. We work around the clock.” The blonde, Arry states. I look at the others, a brunette, Tali, the black haired, Jen and Marianne with a dirty blonde hair color. They are all very underkept. Looking as though they could eat a horse at any moment. “Why do you all look the way you do? Are you not being fed well or taken care of?” I asked. “No miss, we are very well taken care of, please do not say anthing of this nature to anyone else. We are very grateful for the life we have and opportunity to serve you.” Arry states. “Then why are you very malnourished and look as though you don’t get proper washing?” I state. “To be honest Tova, we don’t have the greatest accomidations. We are just to scared to say anything. We endure harsh punishments and a lack of care everyday, week, month, and year. We don’t want to be disrespectful but we are hoping your rule is a lot different than your grandfather and mothers.” The Tali steps forward and says. “Tali, hush speaking that way to a royal especially Tova. We could be banished or worst killed for this talk.” Arry says facing Tali. “No, no one will be hurt banished or anything for that matter. I asked the quesiton did I not? I wanted an honest answer and Tali provided that, thank you. Now, I have not been here and do not know anything about this city. I am looking for help, will you all help me?” I say and the yall start looking at one another. “We will help but just so you know we don’t have much pull anywhere and we have to be discreet when giving you any information. If we do find information and we give it to you, you must never say where it came from. We all are here to help our families and do not need them to have any repercussions because of us.” Arry states and they all shake their heads. “I promise to all of that, and will do my best to help you all as well.” I said and with that they all started preparing the room. Each had their own task they were doing. One laid the tray of food down at the table by the window and started setting up the table. The other went in to the bathroom and laid the clothes down. The last went to the cloest to grab shoes and jewelry. “What is on the agenda today?” I asked sitting down to eat. “Today you are supposed to meet with Soran in the Magic Room. This is down past the library behind the shelves. Only dragons and royals are allowed in there, so we can not walk or take you. We do not know what happens in that room.” Marianne says. “I am guessing nothing good with Soran. Please, do either you know anything further about Soran. I would like to be as prepared as I can with him.” I asked sipping the tea and grabbing a scone. Cinnamon, yum! “Soran is a horrible ruler. He and his family have a reputation for viscious killings and takeovers. They are greedy and believe themselves to be better and above all royals. Soran has been alive for centuries and has the knowledge and power to manoover his way to anything he wants.” Tali says . “He has destroyed homes already on the outskirsts of the kingdom making villagers have to flee to other kingdoms or to the city. We don’t know why he is starting all of this, but some say it is apart of his plan the whole time.” Arry says and sits on the couch. “I am guessing that my arrival has brought on a lot with in the kingdom as well?” I asked curiously. No one answers yet. After they all exchange looks Jen speaks. “No one knew that you existed until Soran announced it. From what we gather, you were kept on the Blue Spruce for a few years of your life and then you disappeared. Everything though you died, no one knew anything further. Your parents were very good about hiding all the information. Those closest to them kept that promise to them and some died because of it. No one knows why though” She said. “I imagine it has a great deal to do with what is happening now or my grandfather. I have heard he was not the most loving either.”” I say as I finished eating and head to the bathroom. They all follow and start preparing the clothes shoes and taking out my braids. “We don’t know much as we said only gossip. We will try and ask more or gossip more throughout the coming days for you. Now we need to start getting you dressed or we will be late and we can not afford that.” Arry says and they all start rushing around fixing hair, makeup, dressing and cleaning up as they go.
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