Hope, Tunnels, and Caves

1266 Words
I look around to see if there’s anywhere that I can run. To my right, I see some tunnels and a light to my left. I see a small tunnel no light very dark. I decide to go towards the lighted tunnels and dart that way. His dragon puts out his front leg and blocks my path, so I turn around to go to the other other side. At this point, I am panicking. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never encountered another dragon let alone my self being a dragon. I still am getting used to all of this. as I make my way to smaller dark tunnel, a hand touches my shoulder. I really don’t want to turn around, but I did it anyway. “ What are you doing here and how did you get here?” Aesterios asks. “ I jumped off that tower and transformed as I was flying. I saw the lighted tunnels and thought maybe my family were here, so we flew this way. We didn’t think it would be smart to go straight in the front entrance, so we walked around to see where we could come in and here I am.” I said. “ if you don’t get back before morning, they’re going to know that you left and that’s if no one saw you. I thought I told you to keep your dragon secret. All you’ve done is put your family and friends at risk for death. Their lives in this kingdom depends on you right now.” He said with a stern tone. “ I don’t care about this kingdom. All I care about are my family, my friends and getting out of here. As far as I know, I’ve lost my mother, whom I have not had time to cope with or even think about. This whole experience has shaken my knowledge of my life itself. I don’t have the luxury to just stand here and keep talking. I don’t think you’re going to turn me in or you would have. So you can either help or you can let me go.” I say and start walking. “ I can’t help there are things and reasons why I can’t but I can give you information. This path is very dark tunnel will take you down to where everyone is being held. This is the only way out so you’ll have to come back the way you came. No one knows of these tunnels. If you go, the light of tunnels, there will be people waiting. And just so you know if you don’t get out or you do get caught this conversation never happened.” He said and goes over to the hay and sits. “My goodness he is handsome Tova. I can’t take my eyes off him.” Dahlia says “He is dreamy. We don’t know him yet though,” I say. I turn to walk down the tunnel. It all begins to brighten. Where is the light coming from? As I turn around I see a floating orb. It’s white and dull but bright. It’s floating over a hand. His hand. “I thought you couldn’t come with me?” I asked in annoyance. “I decided to screw it and come. Besides you don’t know these tunnels like I do. You’re a princess and I am your Prince Charming.” He walks past me and I follow. "Oh I can enjoy this view all day. No complaints here! The way his muscles glisten in that small orbs light and the shape of his behind can make my mouth drool." Dahlia states with a seductive tone. "Dahlia, stop it we need to focus on the task at hand." "Oh shush. You find him appealing as well Tova, don't act all prude now." She says and I don't deny it rolling my eyes. "What are you and your dragon discussing?" Aesterios asks breaking our silence. I panic a little and my heart rate goes up. "Nothing too important." I say. He comes to a stop. He smells the air and turns the orb out. "We are close, from here on out we will need to just follow close to one another. If you need to take my hand." He says holding out his hand and I take it. I feel warmth and comfort as our hands touch. There is a slight pulse but not a hearts pulse, this was like a spark or tingle. Butterflies started in my stomach and I got nervous. His maroon orbs started glowing bright. He turned and started walking. I am not sure what this tingling is maybe it’s a dragon thing. I I’ve never felt this when my family gives me hugs or anything of that nature. I’m wondering why now, why am I feeling this now? My thoughts are stopped abruptly as are my feet. Ahead is a small dimmed light hanging on the cave wall. In the walls, I see a white quartz looking rock. They almost look like crystals. And then I see these huge metal bars from the bottom of the cave to the top. These bars are so thick I honestly don’t know how they even got into this cave. “ over there, is where they’re keeping everyone. Now these are enchanted holdings. We call them Dorsers. They allow For thousands to be held in one alone. And most of these people have developed their own communities.” He says. “ How do we get in or how do we get them out?” I asked anxiously. “ The only way to get them out his magic and you have to know the certain spell. The spell is not done properly than everyone inside could die, and the person performing the spell. The only way for you to help these people is to go back to the tower. I brought you all this way to show you that there is no way to get these people out without playing into the politics up above. I have been playing at these politics for many years and it is the way that I have been able to survive.” Aesterios says sternly. “ so you brought me all the way down this tunnel just to tell me I have to go all the way back. You’ve given me no hope and you have taken away any hope that I had. I am not going back to that tower.” I say and sit down. There has to be another way there has to be a way to get my people out and for me and them to go safely. as I’m sitting there, pondering, I noticed that he is leaning against the wall. The dimmed lights from the cave walls are lighting up, vividly, sharp jawline and his glistening hair. he’s got his hands crossed across his chest. He seems as though he is studying me. I can’t help to fill a pull towards him. I shake those thoughts and get back to what I was thinking. I really believe there’s no way I don’t know much about what’s going on and I don’t know much about this world. “ all right I’ll do it your way or to your advice. I don’t know how cooperative I’m going to be, but I will do my best. I am going to learn what I can, study what I can, and what I can to get my people free.” Standing up, I started to head back to the way we came.
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