Moving Staircases

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“Dahlia, are you there?” I ask. “Yes, I am always here. I was listening and think that these may be the closest allies we have right now. You’re a trusting spirit, but please remain cautious. We do not know anything about anyone or this kingdom. We must tread lightly on anything told to us.” She speaks. “I was thinking the same thing. Do you think the Magic Room is going to be dangerous or just a tale?” “I don’t know anything; I can not tap into the power yet for some reason. I am hoping it is just a tale, but my intuition is saying otherwise. Be prepared for the worst, but I will always be there for you.” She speaks. "Its nice to have you with me Dahlia. I am missing my family quit a bit today. I hope everyone is doing well." I respond. “There all done. You are beautiful and will make such a beautiful Queen.” Marianne says. They all go out to the other room, and I take a look in the mirror. I do look very pretty. They have me in a sapphire blue dress with gold and purple sequins. The sleeves are long and flowing. My shoes are like slippers made of satin. My hair is put half up and half down into gorgeous braids and buns and curls. Never have I seen myself this extravagant. Its amazing what a little time and fancy threads will do to a person. It can change your whole appearance. "It's time to go, Tova. Remember we can not come with you, but we will be here when you get back." Ary says and they all face the doors. I walk towards the doors and they are opened. Peaking out both ways I see guards all along the grand hallway. Then one comes towards me. "This way miss. Please keep up we have quite a walk ahead of us." He said very sternly and started walking. He was not joking either, it was like he took off running and not walking down the hallway. We go back down the windy staircase. I sneak peaks out the little windows again. Still seeing the clouds but with some sunshine coming through them. I snapped back to reality and hurried as I became too many paces behind. Making it down to a leveled floor we take a right and continue downstairs. After what seems like ten minutes, we make it to yet another door way. It opens and the guard stands to the side. "This is as far as I go. Please enter through the doors miss." He said and turned his back from the door facing the wall. I nod and enter through the twelve foot tall stone archway and metal door. The metal door slams after I enter making my whole body shiver. It is very cold in this room. I say room but this place is as big as five homes! I glance around before I take a few steps forward I see a light and walk through another tall archway into the biggest library I have ever seen. The library goes at least six stories high! At the top, there seems to be a glass dome. The shelves are lined with gold and jewels. There is writing on each row, I can not read this writing though it seems of another language. There are books and isles of books everywhere. I am immediately filled with happiness. I run over to a bookshelf and look at the spines and read different titles about dragons, spells, faeries, and lands. I start to notice that the staircases are moving. Yes, they are moving from one isle to the next. If only I could see myself right now, my eyes would be bulging at the amount of joy. This is the most amazing library I have ever seen! I head over to another shelf and down an isle. I decide to go up one of the spiral stair cases and it starts to move. It takes me up to the top where that beautiful glass dome is. It stopped in front of a seating area of pillows and blankets. I walk around this tiny floor. There is only two shelves of books up here, and the shelves seem to be unused for a long time. They have collected dust. I try and reach out to touch one of the books but am met with a shock. I pull my hand back almost as quick as I reached it out, and see there is no marks on it. "Dahlia, what was that?" I asked still inspecting my hand. "I do not know, but even I felt it. Lets stay away until we know more." She said and I started back down the staircase as it started to move to the bottom. All my excitement comes to a halt when I see Soran standing in the corner of the room. “Glad you could make it. Shall we." He says motioning me towards the door behind him. "Well it is not as if I have choice is it?" I say and enter through the charcoal arches. "You do but cooperating is the better choice. You will not be able to converse with your dragon in here. It will be me and you alone." He states and I stop for a moment. I don't have a choice so I keep going. The door opens and shuts leaving tingles all over my body again.
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