The Room

1019 Words
“Dahlia, we have to try and get out of here. We need to find my family and friends.” Looking around the room I see a book shelf, a seating area, three doors. “Start checking out this room. See if there is anything we can use or a way out.” Dahlia says. I don’t know why these things keep happening to me. I have not had time to process anything that has been going on not even the death of my mother. I just need to know that my family is safe. Once I know they’re safe then I know I’ll be able to start to process what has been happening. The first door is a bathroom that looks more like a spa. There is an egg shaped tub surrounded by jars of herbs and salts. It overlooks the outdoors. Two glass doors open up to a balcony. I decide to try and see if there’s a way out that way so I go over to the doors and open lock out onto the small balcony. And look down and see that there is nothing in sight but clouds. It is quite beautiful the scenery the viewpoints however it feels like a prison. I go back into the main room and the second door I saw. The second door was a closet, a huge closet. It was full with clothes, shoes, jewelry anything you can name it’s in there. I decided to rummage through the clothes and see if anything fits. I look for some shoes and a bag. I find a small bag with straps that I could put on my back a pair of workout pants and a workout shirt that I put into the bag and a pair of running shoes. I see another pair of red running shoes that I decide to put on after putting on a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. I find a jacket that has purple stripes down the sides. I look around for anything else that I may want to put in the bag. in the jewelry section I found these rings that had little knives that popped out so I decided to put one of those on and one in my bag. Go back out into the main room. I try for the third door, hoping that it is the way out. Opening the door I see a huge bed. Draped over the bed are these white sheer curtains. The bed has purple, velvety, pillows, and blankets. There’s another small balcony, which I assume is just going to be clouds again no way out. There’s a chair and a little table by the window. I put the bag on the bed and lay back exhausted. There’s no way out this room. “ Dahlia, can we not just fly?” “ We could, but I thought we were trying to leave me hidden. If you want, we can try.” She says. “ it’s all we have. We have to at least try. We need to see where my family and friends are and if they’re OK.” “ Over to the ledge, and I want you to start thinking of transforming. Think of the scales, the wings how it felt when we flew. And when you think you’re ready, throw the backpack off the balcony and jump.” Dahlia says. Here goes nothing. I breathe in a deep breath and throw the backpack. I jump off the side rail. I feel myself falling fast. My heart feels like it’s in my throat. I feel the wind in my hair strong. Then there goes my brain to the back and forward comes Dahlia. She grabs the backpack that was falling with her claws. And we start to fly off. We come out of the clouds and we see a huge garden with a maze. Other little homes throughout in the distance. Then we locate a cave on another floating island across the way. There seems to be some fire around the entrance, which draws our attention. “ I think we should go investigate that my intuition is telling me that’s where we should go.” She says and starts flying that way. “ I’m going to go to the other side will transform you can change and then you will need to walk around so you can investigate. I don’t wanna draw any attention.” She says. “ OK we can do that. I’m ready when you are.” She starts to descend we glide over we go around the side of the mountain. She finds a small area and transform. I change into the clothes in the backpack and start to walk to the side of the mountain. I see a pathway and decide to use that. It starts to go down towards the entrance that we saw. Huge columns with fireballs at the top. The fire is a bright bright red. I see several guards lounging around and walking around. I don’t see way in this way. I decided to backtrack and walk on the other side takes me about 30 minutes to walk that way. I tried to make sure I don’t fall or drop any rocks anywhere. These rocks feel almost volcanic like they can slice your finger just by picking one up or dropping it or landing on them. The air up here smells like something is burning. I noticed a small opening and walked towards that way. I decide to go in. I look in I don’t see anything I don’t hear anything. I take a few steps and feel like I lost my footing and slid. I fall down onto hay. I try to get up as quickly as possible and look around. There’s no one in this room or what appears to be a room. It looks more like a cave. Before I can take another step, I hear something. I turn around and see huge talons., green scales, I follow my way up the neck and then I lock eyes with those maroon eyes. It’s Aesterios.
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