Pearl Gates

1001 Words
As I am walking up to the house something doesn’t feel right. “We should not go inside yet. My instincts are telling me to hide and since you don’t have your cloaking power yet we have to remain hidden. Lets go peak through that window on the side.” Dahlia says and I start walking that way. I hide behind the bushes next to the window and see several huge men inside the room. They are all just lounging around sitting on the chairs and sofas and eating. They seem to be enjoying themselves. However, they do not look inviting. They also have weapons that I can see. “Dahlia I don’t think we should try and go inside this part of this house. Lets make our way to the kitchen corridor and get something to eat.” I say and she agrees. After ten minutes of ninja movements across the backyard, we find the kitchen. I take a peak through the small window and dot see anyone in sight. I open the door and walk in, trying to be quiet and careful. I locate the fridge and head over to it. We open the fridge and find some foods. “We should find a bag and put some bread and other items in there just in case we have to run again.” She says and I start looking around. I find a brown bag hanging on the side by the door and start filling it with items. I am so glued in that I do not recognize the figure in the corner of the room. I see it after grabbing an apple and drop it stepping back. I look up and lock eyes with a strikingly handsome guy around my age maybe a little older. He has black hair, bright maroon eyes, sun-kissed skin, and a smile to die for. He is smiling and just keeps watching me. I have no time to play so I keep packing the bag. “Packing for a long trip are we princess?” He says and gets up walking towards me. Picking up the apple and handing it to me. “I was just packing some items for a snack that is all.” I say nervously, grabbing the apple and putting it in my bag. "Don't call me princess." “That does not look like just a snack. It looks like you are planning to be a way a while, but that wont do for us princess. We have been waiting for you to return. I knew you would. That is why I told my Uncle we would wait here while he went to the center of the city. Now that we have you lets go.” He says and reaches for my arm. I just noticed how he has a hard accent I have never heard before. “I will not be going anywhere with you. I do not know you and do not wish to.” I jerk my arm away. I back away and bump into a hard chest. Turning around it is one of those men from the other room. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. “Put me down! How dare you lay a hand on me without my permission. This is absurd! What is going on here?” I yell as I am trying to get free but it is of no use. I kick and pound my arms on his back, with no luck of getting put down. "Save your energy Tova." Dahlia says to me, so I stop fighting and start paying attention. “All in due time princess, or should I call you Tova?” He says and winks. He gets into the drivers side and I am thrown in the back. We start driving off and heading down the back road. “Dahlia what can I do to get free? Do I have any powers now that I can use? Do you know these people or know anything about what is going on?” I ask her. “No, I do not know them. I have a hunch of what is happening but like I said its just a hunch. Lets just say you have powers but since you’re not trained you can not use them. The powers are hard to control without practice.” “What if we practiced on one right now and one that would help me get free.” I asked her. “Lets try and focus on stopping the vehicle. Focus on the engine and controlling the power. Focus on shutting it off and then fry it so they can not restart it.” I do as she instructs and start to focus on that, after a few moments I feel us slowing down and look up to see those beautiful eyes looking directly at me in the mirror. “AH! So you did get your dragon did you, trying to stop the vehicle are we? Well let me tell you a secret, I am a dragon too. I also have powers but I can control mine. Go ahead and stop the engine. I will just fly you to the center myself.” He says with the most irritating tone. His eyes are glowing now though, like a neon maroon. I decide not to and just look out the window. Whatever is happening I can not control the outcome at the moment. I will just watch and observe, that is my true talent. I start to watch these two men and look around this city. I see buildings so high they touch the clouds. I see shops and bakeries and a school. The one thing I do not see is people. Where are all the people? My questions are about to be answered as we come to a halt at a pair of pearl gates. They begin to open as we drive through. My heart began to pound in my chest.
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