
1009 Words
I wake up next to a stream of water and the smell of pine trees. I am covered in blood and dirt and my clothes are hanging on by a thread. What did this, what is going on, I am starting to panic. I look around and don’t see any clear path to home or any on for that matter. I start walking and see a high rock ledge. I decide that I will go to there and see what I can see. As I start to walk I notice I have no shoes either. This is no problem for me though, I love the feeling of the bare earth beneath my feet. I am so slow, slower than normal, and running seems to exhaust me even more. It takes me a long time maybe forty minutes to reach the ledge top. I sit down on the ledge and look out. I see forest tree tops for miles and in the very faint distance I see the city. I do not know how I got here or what happened. I make note of the city and decide to start walking in that direction. “We could fly you know.” A voice said. I jumped and screeched. Looking frantically around me left and right and turning all the way around, several times. “Who is that? Show yourself!” I yell. “Its me, Dahlia your dragon. I know you do not believe or know much but we need to get back to the city. We are not safe out here, seeing as you have no training. We can transform and fly back, it will be quicker.” She says. “What do you mean my dragon, show yourself now!” I yell even louder, or try to atleast. “I can not show myself as I am within you, we are one in the same being Tova. We can transform and you will see for yourself. We can go by the water up ahead and see the reflection if you would like. All you have to do is concentrate, think about transforming and it will be so.” She says. I swear maybe I do need to go into a institution. I am hallucinating and I ended up in the middle of nowhere covered in blood and dirt with ripped clothes. There is no way I am going to succumb to being crazy. I refuse! As soon as I get there I will do whatever I have to , to get better and sane. “You could try but you know deep down this is all real. Accept it and transform, I am tired and hungry. You will not last another day out here. We have been out here for a week now. You need to eat, sleep, clothes, and shelter.” “A week! What do you mean a week!” A week why has no one been looking or me. How come no one has found me yet. “Tova, please try and focus. You need to get back to safety. You need to fly back. You can do it. We have already done this once already. Now focus your mind. Think about transforming.” She says with a very stern tone in her voice. “Oh! What the hell why not embrace the crazy right?” I say and start to think about a dragon and my body some how magically evolving into one. I try and picture scales and shiny undertones. When I start to feel it, the transformation, or whatever you call it. I feel myself getting taller and the weight of my body is becoming dense and my mind is becoming more heavy. In the matter of a few moments, it stops. “Now run off the cliff and fly Tova!” Dahlia dramatically says. I decide not to argue and take a few steps back, I run as fast as I can and then jump off the ledge. I feel my heart in my chest and then feels like it is in my throat. I yell so loud my ears hurt. I feel wind beneath my, what are those, wait.. I look side to side and see wings! I have wings! “Lets go up ahead to that lake and look at ourselves.” Dahlia says. We fly towards the body of water and I look down. I see a huge red and green dragon with purple eyes. The dragon is shining in the sun like a diamond ball. I see talons and a tale and wings and its beautiful. I think to myself can I shoot fire ? “You can but you are not trained. You need to be trained to use that before you do or innocent animals and humans could be hurt.” She says. “Okay, I will wait for that then. Well Dahlia, lets get on our way then shall we?” I say and we soar through the sky. We do turns and we glide. I can see the whole kingdom and more! This is amazing! I see the city starting to come into sight. “When we land you will be without clothes as you have not learned to change by keeping them yet. So I would either find a tree or bush or prepare yourself for that exposure.” She says and we start to ascend on to a clear path. I see the Blue Spruce to the right a about a mile or two away. We land and I feel my body weight come back and my mind become weightless again. I look down and yup I am naked. I look around quickly for a bush or something and find a building close by. I run to it as fast as I can. Entering in I see it is a stable for horses and find a blanket. I wrap the blanket around myself and head off to the house. There will be answers now and I will not take vague ones.
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